
I have a sacred tree in one piece

Klein realizes that now he is in the world of One Piece, dangerous futures will come into his life and he is just an extra in this world that already has main characters, the only thing he can trust is a small tree that simply feed it with simple fruits, or maybe they are not so simple....

pizzamozzarella · Bücher und Literatur
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13 Chs

New skill

Klein spent almost the entire afternoon consuming all kinds of medications and painkillers provided by the revolutionary army doctor. The doctor who examined him was surprised by how quickly Klein recovered.

"My whole body is filled with the smell of medicine, how annoying..."

Sighing, Klein looked out the window, the sounds of people outside still continuing.

According to what the doctor told him, the revolutionary army would only remain on this island for three days until they got all the supplies they needed and got enough rest.

Klein was now conflicted about what was going to happen.

He had the opportunity to join the revolutionary army. But he wanted to be a pirate, he already had many plans regarding the path he would follow, everything had been planned since he decided to become a pirate.

Not that being part of the revolutionary army is so bad, But What are the benefits of doing so?

They would probably train him and make him stronger, he would also have a backup behind him, but if Klein really wanted something like that, he might as well join the navy that can give the same but better.

Klein was no saint, although he believed the revolutionary army's cause was noble, he had his own desires.

He wants freedom, he wants to live the life of a pirate, since he saw One Piece he was fascinated with being a pirate, recruiting powerful nakama, exploring islands, getting treasures, being free and doing whatever you want, everything was very attractive for him.

Furthermore, Klein was just a disabled person now, they probably have no interest in someone like that.

If it were Minelly, probably yes, due to the strategic utility that her devil fruit brings.

They already know about Minelly's power, they will probably try to recruit her...

Klein put aside his thoughts about the revolutionary army, he now had a lot of things to think about.

Her body.

The state of the plants he saw that night.

He had lost one eye, but for some reason he wasn't that desperate, perhaps because he knew that as long as he obtained observation haki, it wouldn't matter much to walk with only one eye.

Klein was already assuming that he would obtain the haki, hell, if he is in the world of One Piece, he should obtain that amazing power called haki, right?

Turning his attention to the wooden bark covering his arm, Klein realized that it was probably the work of the sacred tree, he couldn't think of any other reason.

Same thing with the trees attacking all the bandits that night.

"The trees acted when they saw my life threatened, why did they act only now?"

Klein remembered that he was also on the verge of death that time against the wild boar, but the tree roots did not act.

"Against the boar I was resigning myself, with the only thought of escaping, but with the bandits it was different, I wanted to kill them, I wished for their death and I hated them deeply..."

Klein already had a theory about it and had to prove it.

Leaving with effort, Klein arrived outside, the others did not pay attention to him, nor did he see anyone he knew.

Arriving in front of a tree, Klein placed his hand on it.

"Can you hear me?" Klein spoke suddenly, if anyone saw him they would think he was a schizophrenic.


Klein still had not received any response from the tree in front of him....

Just as Klein's face was starting to turn red.


"Respected God, this humble tree listens to you." A voice suddenly sounded in Klein's head.

"This really worked, amazing" Klein suddenly confirmed his theory.

It seems that the reason why the trees acted against the bandits was because Klein wanted something clear, he wanted all those bandits to die and he expressed it by shouting it, consequently the trees heard the order and attacked.

With a smile, Klein spoke.

"Why are you listening to me? And why did you call me God just now?" Klein continued to touch the tree as he asked.

"I don't know why I can listen to you, for some reason I have the need to serve you, and I call you God because I feel a great divinity from you"

Listening to the tree speak, Klein understood everything.

"The reason why the trees act like this must be because of the sacred tree inside me, it seems that it is some kind of God to the plants."

After saying goodbye to the tree he spoke with, Klein returned to his room, he had to check the status of the sacred tree.


Closing his eyes, Klein attempted to communicate in his mind.

"Sacred tree, please let me come with you"

Opening his eyes again, Klein was now in the space next to the sacred tree, everything was still silent but Klein noticed certain changes.

The sacred tree now looked less miserable, a bit of shine had appeared, on top of that there was also a very small green fruit.

Klein's eyes flashed and he tried to grab it to eat it.

"Uhhhh this isn't moving, maybe it's not ripe yet..." Leaving the fruit alone, Klein touched the sacred tree, he wanted to try to communicate with it as well.

After trying several times, Klein gave up, there were no answers.

Suddenly there was a new fruit on the tree, it had not drained the ancient energy from any relics or jewels, so Klein did not understand the reason for this fruit to appear.

Since there was no point for now, Klein returned to the real world.

He had to decide what his next steps and direction would be.


While Klein was thinking about various things, somewhere else on the island, four people were talking.

One had a red tattoo on his face, another had a bible in his hand, one had a robe and the other had a hood covering him.

The one in the robe spoke with a curious tone.

"Dragon, that child is not normal, his body recovered too soon, not only did he not die from those terrible injuries, even the wooden bark on his arm is strange."

The doctor in charge of curing Klein was telling Dragon what he discovered about Klein.

Dragon listened carefully before nodding.

"Interesting, according to what the other girl said, he was the one who took care of all those bandits, in fact, it doesn't seem to be that simple" Dragon spoke with a smile.

Suddenly the other hooded figure also suddenly spoke, a strange voice coming out of him.

"Speaking of that girl, her power is quite special, the power of portal, we must recruit her"

Kuma listened to the conversation of the three in silence.

Dragon looked at Kuma and asked "What do you think Kuma?"

Kuma thought for a moment before saying.

"That boy gives me a strange feeling, I think we should try to recruit him too"

Hearing this, the hooded figure who had a strange voice frowned.

"That child has become disabled, I don't think he should come with us, we should leave him on a safe island, the revolutionary army is not a daycare or a place to play"

"Most likely that boy also ate a devil fruit, that would explain several things, tomorrow I will go meet him to verify it myself"

The others agreed with this and the discussion ended...


A day had passed since Klein became a little familiar with his new power, lately there was a rumor that Klein had gone crazy after the massacre in his village, and that since that day, he has been talking to himself sometimes. ..

Right at this moment Klein was talking again alone in a corner of the village, next to two old trees.

Sabo watched this scene with curiosity, Klein was really strange, Sabo approached Klein to see what exactly he was doing.

"Klein, talking to yourself again?"

Klein heard this, Sabo are not the only one who think he was talking to himself, even Minelly did too.

Klein did not take the rumors about him seriously, he had already told Minelly that he could talk to plants, but she was still somewhat skeptical.

"I'm not talking to myself, I'm talking to the trees"

Klein said with a serious face as Sabo's gaze turned strange.

His look said something like "poor guy, so young and already finished..."

Klein, without saying more, demonstrated something incredible in front of Sabo's eyes.

Pointing towards Sabo who was next to him, roots began to adhere to his body, Sabo was alerted by this and moved away quickly, dodging successfully.

"What the hell was that, did you see it Klein?" Sabo pointed the iron he had at the roots and stood guard.

"Don't worry, I just wanted to show you something, apart from being able to talk to plants, I can also control them, these roots appeared because of that."

After hearing this, Sabo calmed down.

"Is that the power of a devil fruit?" Sabo had already interacted with devil fruit users, so he already knew about the existence of devil fruits.

Klein hesitated for a moment before nodding, it is more convenient to say that it is the power of a devil fruit instead of saying that it is a sacred tree inside...

Sabo is a little interested in Klein's ability, but Klein didn't feel like showing much.

"Klein, you have a sword, right? If your body is already fine, why don't we have a duel? That's how men understand each other better!"

Klein was shocked, he literally still had bandages all over his body, but Sabo still believed his body was fine for a fight.

"Sabo… you should see better than me because you have two eyes unlike me, can't you see that I'm bandaged all over?"

"Haha, sorry, it's true, I just want to see how skilled you are."

Sabo didn't even hide how shameless he was.

Klein was speechless.

Just as Sabo and Klein were talking, they suddenly heard a sound.

"Sabo and... Klein, right?"

Klein looked at Dragon who took the initiative to talk to him, is this real?

As Dragon looked at both children with a smile, Klein suddenly felt uncomfortable seeing him smile.

That smile...it was really very fierce, surely in Dragon's head it is a kind smile but for others it is a threatening smile.

Hmm i think Klein could be a good friend of one of the guardians galaxy...

pizzamozzarellacreators' thoughts