
I Have A Mystical Clone Ability

Transmigrated to the similar planet with Earth but this world has 10 suns in the sky, and the world were ravaged by monsters. Everyone in this world has their own ability, to control the Lightning, Ultimate Speed, Teleportation, Telepathy, Prophecy. Ling Tian's ability is to breed a clone, as long as he is given any kind of Life Genetic Material, he can breed that Life! Three-Headed Golden Dragons, Golden Horned Beasts, Great Golden Apes...

Pyroscrappers · Urban
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63 Chs

Human-faced Roe Deer

Ling Tian is not unfamiliar with the [Metal Transformation] ability, because his father Ling Xiao's ability is also included in the Metal Transformation ability category.

As I said before, there are no two identical eggs, nor two identical abilities.

Blue Star has a lot of Metal Transformation ability users, but their abilities ... are not exactly the same.

Someone specialized in mercury.

Someone might have a bronze ability.

Another one might be specialized in gold.

And his dad is specialized in Tungsten Steel.

Tungsten steel, commonly known as tungsten carbide, is the hardest steel in the world, with a density up to 14 cm³. It is widely used in turning tools, boring tools, drills and other cutting tools.

Once tungsten steel is made, all parts of the body will become tungsten steel.

After tempering the tungsten, it not only gains super defense, super endurance, super recovery, but also super strength.

A simple word to describe: the transformed dad is like a tungsten steel man made of pure tungsten steel.

Wang Bao's current change is obviously also a metal transformation. Ling Tian can't tell what kind of transformation it is.

"Fatty's ability is indeed a metallization ability!"

Li Yue'er replied, "But the alloy he transformed into is an unknown and unprecedented new alloy!"

"Unknown alloy?"

Ling Tian was taken aback.

"Yes, it's an unknown alloy!"

Li Yue'er nodded: "Mr. Zhang once said that the alloy after Fatty's transformation is a brand new alloy material!"

"Not only is it extremely hard, but it is also extremely tough. It is an excellent material for making weapons, so it has high research value!"

"The company extracted a little alloy from Fatty for research, and specially rewarded Fatty 3 million for this!"

"I see!"

Ling Tian was speechless.


Since 100 years ago, when human beings awakened their abilities, scientists have been working hard to study human abilities, trying to decipher the mysteries of abilities.

It is a pity that in the past 100 years, there has been very little progress. The abilities are too profound and are the deepest secrets of the human body.

Therefore, for so many years, humans have always had a vague understanding of abilities.

I only know that the abilities are extremely complicated and profound, and it is possible for any human being to awaken to any magical power.

This kind of Metal Transformation like Wang Bao's is an alloy substance that Blue Star has never had before, and it is not incomprehensible!

In another view.

The battle between Wang Bao and Red-Eyed Pig has started.

Seeing Wang Bao walking towards him, the red-eyed pig let out a low roar and rushed over with four hooves.


The red-eyed hog who is bigger than a rhino, but runs faster than a cheetah.

Four hooves stepped on the ground, and the ground shook at a high frequency, like dozens of horses rushing by, the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Facing the aggressive red-eyed pig, the corners of Wang Bao's mouth, which was full of golden light, lifted up, revealing a sinister smile.

"Good come!"

Wang Bao bowed slightly at his waist, his right leg retreated, and his right fist shot out fiercely like a fireball.

"Is he going to head on with the monster?"

Ling Tian widened his eyes.

"Fatty's fighting style is violent one!" Li Yue'er laughed.


The red-eyed pig's head collided heavily with Wang Bao's fist.

As if two high-speed vans collided, there was a loud bang, and the red-eyed pig and Wang Bao retreated at the same time.


Wang Bao stomped on the ground, each foot stomping a big hole in the hard ground. He stepped back a dozen steps, leaving more than a dozen deep footprints on the ground.

If it was any other Level 2 ability users, it would not be easy to suffer such an impact, but to Wang Bao it seemed to be nothing.

He twisted his neck, let out a strange scream, and threw himself towards the monster again.

The red-eyed pig was so dizzy that it couldn't stand still.


The red-eyed pig was thrown backwards by a punch, and fell to the ground.

Wang Bao's fists fell like rain, and frantically attacked the red-eyed pig's head, and the red-eyed pig immediately let out a heart-piercing scream.

"Too brutal!"

Ling Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Yue'er was accustomed to it: "Fatty's battle style is like this, don't look at his usual smile that looks like a Buddha, but once he fights it's more fierce than anyone else!"

"This is also determined by his ability!"

Ling Tian sighed: "Whoever has such a brutal ability can't be that civilized!"

The metal transformation ability makes Wang Bao not afraid of collision and injury, as long as he is not too reckless, he will be fine.


Li Yue'er smiled and nodded. There are many factors that affect the way an ability user fights, and ability is the most important point.

Like her, with teleportation, she is destined to be better at being an assassin, inadvertently slitting the throat of the enemy.

Like Ling Tian, ​​he has three avatars of the Ice and Fire Flood Dragon, which can attack from a distance, and can fight at close range, both near and far.

The ability... directly determines the way the ability user fights!

"Bang bang bang-"

After punching dozens of punches in one breath, the screams of the red-eyed pig gradually weakened, and Wang Bao stopped attacking.

Looking at the red-eyed pig at this time, its head was about to be beaten into a paste, blood dripping, and it seemed that it would not survive.

"It's too tragic!"

Li Yueer tutted.

Wang Bao picked a handful of grass, wiped the blood on his hands, and walked over with a smile, his eyes narrowed into slits.

Seeing his harmless appearance, it was difficult to associate him with the violent fat man just now.

"Have fun?"

Li Yueer asked with a smile.

"Of course!"

Wang Bao smiled and said, "I've been in the practice room for a week, and I'm going to have a good time to vent it today. If I don't kill ten or eight monsters, I won't be able to enjoy it!"

"Are not you tired?"

Ling Tian asked with a smile.


Wang Bao smiled and said, "In my transformed state, I don't need to eat or rest. I will never be tired until the divine energy in my body is exhausted!"

"Such a perverted ability!"

Ling Tian praised, and suddenly envied Fatty's ability.

"Haha, thanks for the compliment!"

Several people were chatting and laughing when suddenly there was a rumbling sound not far away.

It seems like a tank is rolling over, and it is like a galloping horse, and the ground is shaking.

"What sound?"

Ling Tian and Wang Bao looked at each other, and Li Yue'er disappeared instantly.

She came to the top of a big tree and looked in the direction of the sound.


Li Yue'er returned to the place: "There is a beast swarm coming here!"

"Beast swarm!!"

Ling Tian and Wang Bao's expressions changed instantly. Even though they looked heroic and extraordinary when dealing with a single Level 2.

But once they encounter a beast swarm, they can only flee in a hurry.

For the time being, let's not say whether they can resist the repeated attacks of dozens or hundreds of monsters. Even if they do, they won't be able to last long.

After all, the divine energy in the Level 2 ability user is too little to support them for a long time.

Once the divine energy is exhausted, they will eventually die!

"Follow me!"

Li Yue'er let out a low voice, and immediately fled forward. Ling Tian and Wang Bao did not dare to neglect and quickly followed.


The three fled in front, and the beast swarm chased after them.

A beast roar came from behind, mixed with the sound of trees breaking and weeds breaking.

"Yue'er, what herd of beasts are chasing us?" Ling Tian asked.

"Human-faced Roe Deer swarm!"

Li Yue'er didn't look back.

"Human-faced Roe Deer!"

Ling Tian froze in his heart.

Roe Deer!

A legendary monster.

<Classic of Mountains and Seas> records: There are beasts on the extreme southern side of Shenzhou. They are like a goat with human faces, their eyes are under the armpits, with tiger teeth and human claws, and their sounds are like that of a baby. They are called Roe Deer and they are the disaster.

It is unknown whether there is a Roe Deer in reality, but in Blue Star it does exist a monster that resembles a Roe Owl:

Human-faced Roe Deer!

The Human-faced Roe Deer has the body of a goat, but with a human face, its eyes are under the armpit, tiger teeth, human palms, and its sound is similar to that of a baby. It is cruel and fed on humans.

Correcting some words, [Divine Energy of Sun] -> [Divine Energy].

[Demonic Beast] -> [Monster]

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