
I Have A Mystical Clone Ability

Transmigrated to the similar planet with Earth but this world has 10 suns in the sky, and the world were ravaged by monsters. Everyone in this world has their own ability, to control the Lightning, Ultimate Speed, Teleportation, Telepathy, Prophecy. Ling Tian's ability is to breed a clone, as long as he is given any kind of Life Genetic Material, he can breed that Life! Three-Headed Golden Dragons, Golden Horned Beasts, Great Golden Apes...

Pyroscrappers · Urban
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63 Chs


"Brother, you are awesome!"

Wang Bao and Li Yue'er walked out of the grass and gave Ling Tian a thumbs up.

It is true that Ling Tian and One-Horned Snake were on par in terms of strength. 

But they were quite surprised by the strength Ling Tian showed by killing the One-Horned Snake neat and easily.

"Brother Ling Tian, the Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon just now is your slave beast?" Wang Bao said.

Li Yue'er also looked at Ling Tian.


Ling Tian did not deny it.

"Amazing, brother Ling Tian!"

Wang Bao and Li Yue'er looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Li Yue'er's guess was right, Ling Tian's ability was actually an Enslavement ability!

But the main point was his enslaved beast has the potential to grow into a Level 9 Demonic Beast!

The eyes of the two of them looking at Ling Tian changed: "Brother, you are awesome!"

"Let's keep going!"

The three moved on.

The streets were overgrown with weeds, and the hard tarred streets were propped up by plants, appearing to be potholed.

Countless vehicles, rubbish, and skeletons were parked on the streets, which brought great inconvenience to the journey.

The three of them looked at the six roads with their eyes and listened to all directions, and did not dare to relax a little.

Don't dare to relax!

They need to be vigilant against monsters, especially the poisonous snakes and ants with highly poisonous poison.

If you are carelessly bitten by them, it's going to cost your life!


Wang Bao suddenly stopped.

"Have you found a monster again?"

Li Yueer asked in a low voice.

"It's a leopard!"

Wang Bao pointed to the front.

Ling Tian and Li Yue'er looked over immediately, and in front of them they saw the corpse of a pig monster lying in the open space.

At this moment, a leopard-like monster with five tails was tearing and biting the corpse of a pig monster.

The mouth, nose and head of this leopard were covered with blood, and it looked extremely bloody.

"Level 2 monster - Leopard!"

Ling Tian whispered.

Predator Leopard also included in the legendary beasts category.

<Classic of Mountains and Seas> records that Predator Leopard appeared in a red colored body with five tails and a horn, its sound like striking a stone, therefore called Predator Leopard. (1)

No one knows if the Predator Leopard ever existed, but the Level 2 monster in front of them is indeed very similar to the Predator Leopard.

Shaped like a leopard, with five tails and horns on the forehead, it is simply a perfect replica of Predator Leopard!

"Who's coming?"

Wang Bao looked at Ling Tian and Li Yue'er.

"Let me do it!"

Li Yueer volunteered herself.


Wang Bao nodded.

Ling Tian has no opinion.

Li Yue'er twisted her neck and walked straight to the ferocious leopard.

Although the leopard is eating the corpse of the pig monster, its perception is very keen.

As soon as Li Yue'er approached, it immediately flinched its head.

A pair of dark eyes shot out a cold light, and there were bursts of low roars, and the voice was full of warnings.

However, Li Yue'er didn't take its warning seriously at all, holding the sword, bowing slightly, and making a pounce towards the Leopard.


The leopard was angry, and roared, the sound was like rolling muffled thunder, and the broken glass on the surrounding windows trembled slightly.

The next moment, the leopard stepped on the ground, jumped, turned into a black afterimage, and rushed towards Li Yueer like lightning.

It's bigger than a buffalo, but it's incredible to mention his fast speed.

However, Li Yue'er is faster than the leopard!

Just when the leopard rushed in front of Li Yue'er and its sharp claws were about to catch Li Yue'er, Li Yue'er disappeared.

The ferocious leopard grasped nothing, and its strong body fell straight to the ground under the effects of inertia.


Before the leopard landed, Li Yue'er suddenly appeared beside the leopard, and the sword in his hand lifted up and slid across the leopard's throat.


The ferocious leopard landed steadily on the ground, but the throat was full of blood.


The ferocious leopard fell to the ground, twitching a few times.

"Finally died!"

Li Yue'er carried the sword and wiped the blood on the leopard's body.

Ling Tian stared blankly at Li Yue'er and couldn't help swallowing: "Li Yue'er, her ability is..."


Wang Baodao: "She can move freely within 10 meters of her surroundings!"

"Of course, the higher her level, the greater the range of movement!"

"Generally, the attack range of the Level 1 ability user is three meters, the attack range of the Level 2 ability user is ten meters, and the attack range of the Level 3 ability user can reach 20 meters. The same is true for Li Yue'er!"

"No wonder!"

Ling Tian suddenly realized that he couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Amazing!"

Teleportation is a very powerful ability.

Just as there are no two identical eggs in this world, there are also no two identical abilities in this world.

The same goes for teleportation!

Some teleportation is long-distance teleportation, and some teleportation is short-distance teleportation.

Li Yue'er's teleportation, which can move freely within 10 meters of the surrounding area, obviously belongs to the latter.

This kind of teleportation is very terrifying. It comes without a shadow, goes without a trace, and it kills people without leaving any trace. It is the most difficult ability to deal with.

Ling Tian is envious of Li Yue'er, no wonder she can join Qianlong Ability Company, after all this ability is too eye-catching!

The third monster the three encountered was a Red-Eyed Pig.

This guy was hiding in an old convenience store and was sleeping soundly, surrounded by feces and stinks like hell.

The red-eyed pig is nearly 3 meters long, with a shoulder height of more than 1.5 meters. Its body is covered with black hairs like steel needles, and its back has porcupine-like thorns.

His eyes were blood red, and there were two ferocious fangs around his mouth.

No matter which world you are in, strong fertility is the only way for a species to reproduce.


Whether it was 100 years ago, or 100 years later, it was still hunted by humans or predators as food. 

However, pigs have not become extinct, and even survived tenaciously in the wilderness areas flooded with monsters because of their strong reproductive ability.

And it has successfully developed dozens of species, large and small, which are the highest in the wilderness area in both species and quantity.

The red-eyed pig is a type of pig monster. Their fertility rate is astonishing, and they can give birth to a dozen at once.

They are Level 2 monsters when they are adults, their strength is so-so, but the number is scary, and you can encounter them everywhere in the wilderness area.

Moreover, red-eyed pigs often work together in a group, with hundreds or even more members of red-eyed pigs.

If there happens to be a single red-eyed pig, it must be an adult male red-eyed pig, or an old red-eyed pig that has been expelled from its pack.

In front of him is a single adult male red-eyed pig, which is eating a carrion with relish.

"It's mine!"

Wang Bao snapped his fingers and walked towards the convenience store.

Ling Tian and Li Yue'er watched.

Ling Tian wanted to know what Wang Bao's ability was.

Qianlong Ability Company, as the top three ability company in the world, has high standards for recruiting new people.

With common or average ability, once cannot even join their company. If Wang Bao can enter Qianlong, his abilities are most definitely not ordinary.

This is indeed the case. Wang Bao walked slowly. While walking, his body changed quietly.

From the wheatish skin, replaced by a golden, and almost gold-like skin.

Looking at Wang Bao at this time, the whole body is golden and full of metal texture, like a robot made of gold, and it is similar to King Kong Indestructible Magic in <No. 1 in the World>.

"This is... a Metal Transformation ability?"

Ling Tian whispered.

(1) - Classic of Mountains and Seas, a record that contains a treasure trove of rare data and colorful fiction about the mythical figures, rituals, medicine, natural history, and ethnic peoples of the ancient world.

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