

Lilly let Aurora do whatever she was doing and simply sat with a deep contemplative look on her face. Her emerald eyes turned even deeper as the memories of everything that had happened flashed through her mind.

"You did great, Lilly. You really exceed my expectations everytime."

Aurora spoke in her gentle voice as she used the towel to dry Lilly's hair. She could have done it easily with her power but she liked spoiling Lilly. She would do all the mundane stuff with Lilly to be close to her.

What she said was also true. Aurora had expected a lot of outcomes and she was anxious for everyone of them. She was ready to intervene at any moment but fortunately that moment didn't arrive. Lilly had surpassed her expectations once again.

"I was actually ready to intervene when I sensed your mind collapsing but you even recovered from that. I have to say my Lilly is the best in the world," Aurora smiled and patted Lilly's head.