
I Found a Portal in my Toilet Bowl

I am Tsuchiya Ryleigh, a senior highschool student that ran away from home. Through some strange turn of events, I discovered a portal in my toilet bowl. Being an amateur scientist and mathematician myself, I tried to understand the inner workings of this unknown object. Unfortunately, my plans was interrupted when a giant T-Rex showed up in the toilet bowl. Using some boxes of gunpowders and a drone, I succeeded in killing the monstrous creature. However, I am now faced with the hard dilemma of destroying this toilet bowl to save my life. For now, I am thinking of accepting reality and exploiting this bowl to the max! For review swap, please put the title of your book below the comments otherwise it will be difficult to know.

Chaos_Butterfly · Fantasie
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7 Chs

One Giant Leap

Beyond this white room, two people are talking about a boy.

"Ma'am, he's sick. Even if his intellectual capabilities are something unprecedented, he is mentally unstable.

"To explain simply, after the accident, he began creating multiple personalities in his mind. Some of these personalities can make him cruel, apathetic, or cheerful. We can't keep track of how many there are because some of his personalities have the tendency to lie, but what we are sure of is that it is at least two.

"This should not happen in theory, so we investigated the cause. Using hypnosis therapy, we found out that it might not just be the accident, but it might also concern the issues within the family. At least that's what our tests suggests. We need to observe further, so I advice that you keep him inside the facility for his sake."

That bald doctor says so with a grim voice. Of course, the mother of the boy will not let it be.

"No! You need to take him out right now! It does not matter even if he is sick! Father just died and I need him to make the claim. We can't let our family fall apart just because of his incompetence! Tsk, so unlucky! I shall leave. I will make an appointment later after you finalized the documents."

The woman left and slammed the door.

"Sigh, I really hate it when cases like these are left for me. He is a genius, that's for certain. One that can only be seen once in a century. That's why, it's a real shame. Even a superior seed like him, will die in a poisonous soil."

The doctor might be exaggerating, but he is not entirely wrong.


What will I do now? I have already killed the T-Rex. Will I continue exploring or shall I destroy this toilet bowl?

He looked at the toilet bowl with mixed feelings. He knew how dangerous it was. If it was discovered, not only him but everyone connected to him will die. And that's not an exaggeration. If the government or any group finds out about this, they will quickly realize its potential as a resource mine. Just the existence of this toilet bowl will trigger a new Gold Rush and he will just be considered civilian damage in the crossfire. To someone that is not connected and weak like me, strong groups with boundless resources can just take everything from me like taking a candy from a baby.

He knew that the safest thing to do is to destroy it, but it can't be helped. If a chance presented itself in front of you, will you destroy it? Even if this opportunity can kill you and those around you? The answer to this question might change depending on the personality and the principles of that person, but it was me that discovered this portal. It is my responsibility to answer this question.

There's something similar in philosophy. What is it again? Oh, the Trolley Problem!

I have two choices. Pull the lever and destroy the toilet bowl using the trolley or Let it be and I will have an unknown probability of dying and those around me.

But this unknown probability gets closer to 100% if I use the toilet bowl again and again. Gambler's Ruin tells that if you gamble again and again, no matter how favorable the odds as long as it is not 100%, it is certain that you will lose after enough tries.

Since it is certain that I will die if I do not destroy the toilet bowl, then the rational thing to do is to destroy it.

No! That's a logical fallacy. That's a slippery slope. It is not certain that I will die even if I use this toilet multiple times. If I use this toilet to strengthen myself to the point that not even the CIA can steal the toilet bowl from me, then there is some chance of surviving and gaining enormous rewards.

Do I take the risk?

He smiles as he already know the answer to this question.

Of course I am! Being a coward does not fit me at all! Even if it is hypocritical of me to say such things considering I ran away from my family, this fire of curiosity within me is still alive. I don't need courage. I only know that taking the risky option will be so hella interesting!

But if I resolved myself that I will take this path, I will need to create contingencies and multiple layered plans just in case something happens.

I closed my eyes and let all the branching possibilities unfold before me like a never-ending fractal. I do not need to search everything. I only need to know the general pattern and avoid the most dangerous pitfalls.

First off, I need to buy this house from the landlord and the whole area around it. Buying the whole city will be impossible, since this is New York. It will only work if I am the richest man on Earth.

There's another option, but it depends on the toilet bowl. Can I uproot the toilet bowl and carry it with me? It's a risk. I still don't know how the science of this portal works. If I rashly tinker with it, then I risk losing it altogether. It's like killing my golden-egg laying goose just to get short-term gains.

But I still need to take the risk, do I? If the toilet bowl can't be moved, then this is as good as waiting for the government to take it away from me. If I will certainly die because of it, then I should rather give up on those hypothetical rewards and destroy it right now.

Let's assume the toilet can be moved and I moved it into a convenient place. But what such place will be the best?

Inside a private nuclear bunker will be the best place to hide the toilet bowl here on Earth. But I don't have connections with the military, do I need to make a bunker myself? Covering it up to the engineers and architects that it is for the client's doomsday paranoia will be optimal.

With sharp eyes, his pale hands suddenly became a blur as he grab a map from the wall. America, New York, hmmm. Amazon? Africa? Ireland? Australia?

He muttered many places as his eyes flashes while skimming the map.

"It's here. If this is not possible, then the second and third choice right here and also here will be the best."

I will need funds in constructing the basement bunker and also for the future. Taking over the other world would not be cheap. If only I can build a Company and pitch the business idea to investors myself, but that would require them knowing about the toilet bowl.

My greatest weapon in all future negotiations will be information assymetry. I need to make sure that only I know of the what, where, and how of the toilet bowl.

Building a company will come later, but it will be disguised as a company that acquires cheap and rare goods from unknown sources. This would still come under scrutiny. If being public is impossible, then the last choice will be the black market huh.

Private cryptocurrencies will be the optimum choice for the medium of exchange. Using cryptocurrency reduces the risk of knowing the identity of the sender and the receiver, but in return I will face liquidity problems if I need to take out my funds. Anti-money laundering and KYC from crypto exchanges will make it very hard if not impossible for me to take my money out.

If only I can build a crypto exchange myself. Sigh, I don't need to worrry about this yet. This will be a scalability issue that I will face later not sooner. The most pressing issue is how to cover my tracks. Obfuscation and the 4 stages of money laundering will become helpful here.

My plan is almost complete. I just need to write some of the details and the contingencies. The contingency is simple. In the worst case scenario, I will explode the toilet bowl to bits. Another contingency is if I became trapped inside the toilet bowl. If I can't go back, then I will face the very hard choice of destroying the portal. Holding onto hope or ensuring your own safety. The best choice will depend on the circumstances.

I also need to create hard rules for myself.

Rule 1: Maintain Information Assymetry.

Yes, this is the only rule for now. Maintaining information assymetry does not just mean not leaking the information about the toilet bowl. It also includes not letting sentient beings from the other world to come to my world or the other way around. It will be best if I do not transport any goods from the other world back to Earth. Cutting off the risk altogether, or taking the risk for profit? These are hard questions. It will also depend on the type of good that I plan to import back to Earth.

Depending on the technological gap, importing and exporting might pose a different risk and reward matrix. If the other world is very advanced and might pose the danger of them being able to reverse engineer Earth's technology, then under no circumstance shall I leave a piece of technology behind. If otherwise it is not advanced, then I can take the risk of introducing low technology goods.

I can't finish this within a day. I shall take the night and my sleep, so I can write everything about my plan. The specific details can be created on the fly, but the general direction must be crystal clear. Having a general direction also gives an added benefit. If I frequently change the plan because of the circumstances, then it will be an accurate metric of how unpredictable this other world will be. At that point, I can reassess the risk and reconsider destroying it again.

His eyes looks lifeless, but the fire within can't be hidden. He longs for these kind of circumstances all his life. A chance to prove that he is not a failure. That he in his own way can change the world. That he does not need to rely on his family. He's just beginning to realize how his long cherished desire resurfaces again. His ideal. An ideal that his family detest. Will he succeed? Or will he fall from the skies with his wings made of wax? Only time will tell.