
I dated my kidnapper

Amber is a new student in a new school and while there, she meets Zoe. Zoe who has been in the school since the beginning decisides to befriend Amber. Since Amber is new and vulnerable,she warns amber to stay away from Kelvin a boy in their class who's know for his dangerous and wicked schemes but amber pushes her boundaries and makes friends with Kelvin. what happens when Kelvin decides to take a special interest in her???

Fantasy_dreamer_ · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
7 Chs

chapter 4

What the hell

I got in the shower(the casuals)

Still showering i thought of the girl from the other day in the white room

I came down for breakfast, the house was so cold, it felt like a freezer

As i took a seat everyone just ate in silence (boring) this was even worst than school.

~Please pass me the tray

Immediately i was given the tray by a girl

I couldn't really see her face cuz her hair was all on her face but i could tell she looked familiar.

Two days passed and there was no call from my parents, i started worrying, maybe they adopted another child to replace me...

That night i went to the teras to just feel the wind and free my thought, i felt very relaxed as i felt nature.

Soon i got sleepy and decided to leave, on my way to my room, i saw a body guard heading to the balcony ,i followed and hid behind a trash bin.

While there i couldn't really see what was going on cuz my sight started getting blurry but i saw a girl come up to him and she gave him some amount of money and also kelvin was there, as they paid him, i tried to make out who the girl was but i couldn't really see her

Wait i know that girl, isn't she zoe?

I brought out my phone and zoomed in on them, it was really her, i took pics of them, i can't believe she'll set me up like this, i quietly sneaked to my room.

While in, i took a glance at the pic and it was really her. suddenly i heard some russling from the corridor and i forced myself to sleep.

The next day when I woke up, i felt very tired and i remembered last night, i picked up my phone and looked in on my pictures.

The photo was no where to be found!!

the fun continues

Fantasy_dreamer_creators' thoughts