
I dated my kidnapper

Amber is a new student in a new school and while there, she meets Zoe. Zoe who has been in the school since the beginning decisides to befriend Amber. Since Amber is new and vulnerable,she warns amber to stay away from Kelvin a boy in their class who's know for his dangerous and wicked schemes but amber pushes her boundaries and makes friends with Kelvin. what happens when Kelvin decides to take a special interest in her???

Albert_Omolu · Teen
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7 Chs

chapter 5

I gathered up my courage and i went down stairs, i didn't want to show my anger after all what if they're not with it.

(Cramps) ouch!!

~let me help you

Amber: zoe...

Haven't seen you since yesterdays incident

Zoe: what do you mean

Amber: no worries but I'm hoping we can talk, just the two of us..

Zoe: uhm yh..how bout tonight

Amber: yh

In the afternoon, i checked out jake's instagram.. maybe his boring life can keep going. When checked, he talked about how his girlfriend went missing and he feels very bad. This guy's using me for clout

With the sudden fame and attention, my name started trending on media houses and jake was being called to interviews, ugh what a snot, if only they knew what a demon he is....to get people talking i liked all his post and started commenting on them to scare him. As expected, he liked all except mine.

Evening soon approached and i couldn't find zoe, i just went to the only place i thought of ( the teras )

Zoe: So you found me

How did she know (i was behind her)

Amber: uhm yh, so about earlier, we were supposed to talk remember

Zoe: yh

Amber: so about you, you really need to do some explanation cuz how are you here, i taught you told me to stay away

Zoe: yh but..

Amber: and now your here

Zoe: yh but..

Amber: seems like you lied to me

Zoe: just shut up, we'll talk about that later, our main focus is to find our way out of here as soon as possible before!!

Amber: before what..

Zoe: the escape mayhem

Amber: what's that..

Zoe: ugh, you talk too much, just go back to your room, I'll text you the plan

Amber: and what will you be doing here alone

Zoe: uhh...texting you the plan

Amber: can't you just do that in your roo..

Hey what are you two doing out here so late, said a huge body guard

Both: just watching the sunset

~sure, now get in, the boss will be very angry

I left so as not to cause any trouble, while going i over heard...

~zoe, Mr Acosta will like to see you in his office.

Wait a minute , and i taught kelvin was the sandwich, what's really going on behind the scenes...

I'm beginning to get frightened...