
I Can Extract Everything

[Alternative tittle: I Can Duplicate Everything] One day, a friend asked him, "Brother Qin, why aren't you cultivating?" Qin Yi smiled gently and said nothing. Cultivating? Why should I cultivate when I can extract Cultivation Points from you? With Cultivation Points, I can upgrade my cultivation base at any time. Not only Cultivating Points, but I can also extract your Spiritual Mind, Body Essence, Artifacts, Pills, Bloodline, Special Physique, and others. So, tell me, why should I cultivate?

Mysterious_Pen · Ost
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181 Chs

Pool Experiment

"It hit the center mark! What's up with this guy?"

Most of the archers had incredible faces on.

Any archer was a beginner from the start. However, it's their first time seeing someone with such skill and high accuracy.

"Kid! Take another shot!"

A few disciples said eagerly.

"Yes! Take another shot!"

Most of them had excited looks on and started shouting.

Qin Yi, who is picking up another random arrow on the ground, was startled by their screams.

Is he being watched?

How so?

There were even a few disciples in the Third Stage of Qi Condensation Realm and higher stage; most here were older than him.

Being the center of attention of these seniors made him a little strange and embarrassed. He wondered if they were bored or what?

Why don't you guys practice instead of making noise here?

Helpless, Qin Yi lifted the bow up again and slowly pulled the string.

"Looks at his stance. It is obvious that he is not a newbie at archery!"

"As expected, he is a professional archer. His stance is even equivalent to Big Brother Duan Zhong's. But who is he?"

The archers on the field had excited faces and wondered about this guy's identity.

The person among the onlookers who had the highest skill was Duan Zhong. He had a face full of astonishment, "Such a solid stance was not something a beginner could possess. He looks like he's been practicing archery for years."

His words made those archers around nod in agreement.

Lin Feng was standing beside him and was also watching this scene. His heart sank when Duan Zhong made such a comment.

However, his face remains indifferent as no one knows what he is thinking.

On Qin Yi's side, he took a deep breath and squinted his eyes.

Being watched by many people is uncomfortable. He's the type who doesn't really like being the center of attention.

While being the center of attention once or twice may feel good sometimes, now is not the time to indulge in it.

He is only a little First Stage Qi Condensation cultivator. After all, showing off skills in front of people who train and live longer than him is not always good.

Who knows what kind of trouble he's attracting right now?

Therefore, Qin Yi decided to go low-key.

He lowered his focus slightly; even his breathing started to change.

However, these changes were not watched closely by the people.

In the next second, he let go of the string.


The bow shot out an arrow that whipped through the air and landed on the target.

However, it missed the center!

"What a pity!"

Qin Yi's eyes lower slightly.

This time he purposely missed the red dot in the center of the ring. In order to disperse the onlooker's interest, he could only do this.

——And of course, pretend!


He shook his head and sighed.

His actions made the disciples' faces go disappointed.

"What a pity. Was it really luck?"

"He's got two dead centers before. How can someone be so lucky?"

Although most of them were disappointed, they couldn't deny that this person had hit the target thrice.

Even if they were just luck, so what? He got real skill here.

Qin Yi patted his clothes, put down his bow, and got ready to take a break.

Things got noisier; even if he wanted to continue his training, he would not be able to focus entirely.

Qin Yi took this opportunity to escape from the archery field.

He kept walking until he finally arrived at a small pond behind the martial arts ground.

This area in the pool is usually used as a resting place for tired students after the training. Therefore this pool is generally known as the Rejuvenation Pool.

The water in this pond flows directly from the spring water of the mountains surrounding the sect. Therefore, it is clear, healthy, and safe for consumption.

The disciples usually drank the water from here to restore their strength. However, it was forbidden to use it for bathing. After all, it would make this pond dirty.

Qin Yi sat cross-legged somewhere near the pond.

Although his primary purpose in coming to the martial arts ground was to practice martial arts, he remembered to extract anyone he passed.

Therefore, he actually won a lot from this place.

After that, he immediately opened the panel...


Name: Qin Yi

Martial Aptitude: Medium Grade

Cultivation Base: First Stage Qi Condensation (0/2000)

Spiritual Mind: 20

Cultivation Point: 10,750

Mastery Point: 0

Energy Box: Spiritual Energy (20,000), Impurity (32,000), Neutralizer (800), Light (450), Heat (200), Soothing (150),

Heal (900), Berserk (100), Pain (20), Fatigue (20), Breath (100), Vision (100), Confusion (50)

Artifact: Mystical Garden (Semi-Soul Artifact)


Look, his cultivation point increased a lot!

With that amount of Cultivation Points, Qin Yi could use it to increase his cultivation base to the Fourth Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm.

However, he did not intend to do that as he was not in a hurry to increase his cultivation base in the short term. As a matter of fact, he had already made plans regarding his cultivation long ago.

It's not really complicated; he just wanted to follow the regular advancement routine of medium-grade aptitude cultivators.

In other words, he would only advance to the Second Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm a month later by their standards.

It's slow, but it's safe.

Life in the outer sect was relatively safe, so Qin Yi did not have to worry about his slow advancement.

As long as he regularly paid protection fees to Yang Kai's henchmen, he guessed that nobody would have the audacity to harass him openly.

Although Yang Kai's way of earning resources was a little wicked and illegal, he was actually indirectly creating a safe environment for Qin Yi.

Therefore, he would not feel bad exchanging a few spirit stones for protection.

That's it.

While resting, Qin Yi entered his consciousness into the system storage to check what he got from the disciples in the martial arts ground.

It was similar to the content of the previous disciples.

However, some items exceeded his expectations, such as the Rank 2 Healing Pill, Rank 2 Detoxification Pill, Rank 2 Qi Replenishment Pill, and others.

He did not hesitate to extract the power from these new pills.

As a result, the power in the PowerBox increases in variety and number.


Energy Box: Spiritual Energy (46,500), Impurity (60,500), Neutralizer (15,000), Light (450), Heat (200), Soothing (150),

Heal (40,000), Berserk (100), Pain (20), Fatigue (20), Breath (100), Vision (100), Confusion (50), Stamina (20,000)


"Ugh, they increase a lot, but I don't know how to use them." Qin Yi revealed a depressed expression on his face.

Even though he extracted them just in case, he still did not know how much effect those powers could bring for him or others.

He was lost in thought as his eyes fell on the pool water. Suddenly, a shining light flashed across his eyes as an abrupt idea came to his mind.

Qin Yi approached the pool and put his right hand in it. Since the PowerBox's power required a medium to activate it, he would use this pool as an experiment.

He immediately did as he did last time. Infuse them with the generous amount of power that he chooses: 5,000 [Spiritual Energy], 5,000 [Neatralizer], 5,000 [Heal], and 5,000 [Stamina].

They were powers that exerted a positive effect, and no harm could be brought if he fused them into the water pool. Qin Yi did not hesitate to diffuse them into the water pool.

Even though it was a bit extravagant, he didn't mind it at all. After all, he could get them back with the same amount or more in the next few days.


Qin Yi didn't feel any difference between before and after this pool water was mixed with the Powerbox.

"Did it work?"

Qin Yi felt not so sure.

There was no one here but him since it was too early for the disciples to take a break at this hour. In contrast, he wanted to lessen the disciples' attention by taking a short break and returning to the archery field after things had calmed down.

Naturally, no one witnessed his secretive operation.