
I Became The Strongest In The Multiverse

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." Oh, how the truth would beg to differ. Humanity was forced to acknowledge that they were the lowest among the countless civilizations existing in the universe. For years, they kept fighting an uphill battle against far more advanced intergalactic civilizations in virtually stimulated arenas... with real world consequences. And they kept fighting on, all while depending on the teenage pilots of the giant guardian mechs dubbed Regalia to win their war. Amidst all that, stood Arnold Tilgen, who had no interest in joining the war, let alone saving humanity. To him, both the enemies and the humans were worthless. Yet, the cycle of fate pulled him into the chaos, thrusting him into the madness of the virtual war. He was thrown into the fray with a powerful system that forced him to become involved despite his will. And thus, his quest began. To break away from his unforgiving destiny, to become the strongest in the multiverse. ... [Current Featured Character In Cover: Arnold Tilgen] [Around 70% of the lore is explained in between Chapter 90 to 99, with the actual system appearing in chapter 101. If anyone is confused or wants to be spoiled, you can read those first.] [Slow and confusing beginning, so please be patient.] Tags: #virtualreality #zombies #apocalypse #overpowered protagonist #romance #beautiful female lead #strategy #inventions #action #mystery #aliens #war #alternative universe #MC strong from the start #space #level-up #tragedy

TahsinHossain · sci-fi
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207 Chs

Arena Forty Eight: Oblivion XVI

"... Is that it? Are they dead?"

Parrot asked in a tired tone. I shrugged and stared at the other side of the river. Several more zombies had come to the bank, tried to get across the river... Only to drown and never rise again.

It was more of a case of their motor functions turning sluggish by the water than asphyxiation. These zombies didn't need to breathe anyway.

"Let's go before they somehow cross the river."

I said as I turned away and walked towards the forest.

"Where are we going, though?"

Silver asked me as she caught up to me with a light jog. We were walking at a much-relaxed pace now, making it easier for her to follow.

"Parrot, the map."

Instead of replying immediately, I turned to my other companion and asked for the map she had.

Thankfully, the bags we had with us were waterproof, so even though we had been dragging these bags with us everywhere, all the things inside were in perfect condition.