
I Became The Main Villain In My Reincarnated World

Hando was an ordinary kid. He had both his parents and a comfortable living. He lived his life full of wealth and kindness. He always had manners for anyone and was taught to be thankful for everything he got. HE HATED IT! He hated being confined to standards from his parents and civilization itself, he wanted the freedom to do what he wanted, but in his world. He was ordinary, the only reason people would listen to him was due to his wealth. No one ordinary would be allowed to live freely without prosecutions. Luckily for him. He got his wish. When crossing the street to go to his ordinary job in the middle of New York City, he was hit and killed by a taxi driver not paying attention. He awoke in an unfamiliar place full of magic and unstoppable power, all guided by two kingdoms. Feeling this new power within him. He decided he would live freely and make the world he wanted.

BeLikeMunch · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 20-Suicide Mission

The pyramid had dispersed and left only the top generals in The Kingdom of Ace's army—the head of that being Commander Thasher who looked as displeased as ever to remain in the presence of Tsucko.

Tsucko sat on his throne that sat on a slight lift in the room allowing him to look down on all his new subordinates. Kalci stood to his right on the same lift looking down on them as well. A door directly to the right of the throne opened breaking the tense silence of the room as a servant dressed in an all-black suit came running out holding on to something.

The servant reached Tsucko as fast as he could and Tuscko seemed to express a command simply through his eyes as the servant took the object out of his right arm and began to unfold it.

A table was now placed in between Tsucko, Kalci, and the Generals. Tsucko rose to his feet accompanied by Kalci and walked to the table reaching into his white baggy coat and pulling out a pile of peppers and tossing them onto the table.

The generals all looked up confused as to what they were looking at...Outside of Thasher, he was the only one with knowledge of the spies across the border. He was the first to stand and look down at the bundle of papers.

As he read his eyes narrowed and his complexion became unsure. He matched Tsuckos sharp gaze with his own and parted his lips with no sign of fear or discomfort...Unlike the other generals in the room.

" You really going to invade the Emerald Kingdom?" His voice was stern and didn't waver. The other generals behind him, including General Valsu the leader of the true mages, were left surprised with his confidence.

" We're going too...I'm the king but you're the commander of your troops. I doubt they'd be happy to see their commander sitting back while they die." 

" I didn't say anything about me sitting back." His eyes narrowed slightly more as his tone grew deeper. " I am the commander and they trust me. . .Still, they won't follow me on a suicide mission." 

" Huh?...Thasher?" General Vulsu began to speak. " What do you mean suicide mission."

Thasher was taken aback by this comment, but he then understood why Vulsu had said this. The other generals didn't know how strong the Emerald Kingdom was, there wasn't a way to get news from across the border in this world, and the king...

" You see...I think your troops will follow you no matter what." Tsucko leaned in and spoke in an eerie soft but deep tone. " Your king was a fool...You are the only one that knows Thasher. The strength of the enemy. . . All of those under you think this kingdom is at the top."

Thasher was the only one who knew. The king hadn't spoken a word about the other side... For the exact opposite reason as to how Tsucko is about to use it. The soldiers of this kingdom think there is no one better, but they haven't gotten to test that theory.

" They'll be excited." Tsucko continued. " If you go up to them and say " Were going to war.". . .They won't think twice. They'll see it as an opportunity to show off their strength."

No one alive currently has seen a war. They don't know what one is. That applies to the Emerald Kingdom as well but with one big difference between the two... The Emerald Kingdom has trained its soldiers for war,

Thasher also hasn't seen war, but he understands what it brings. He also understands the power gap between the Kingdoms. His soldiers are going to be excited, same with the generals under him. They're going to go in expecting to showcase why they are the best...but-

" It's going to be a massacre." Those words caused Thashers heart to drop to his stomach. "Unless you take control...Push them to their limits, force them to grow." Those were the last words spoken into the ear of Thasher. Tsukco took a step back and looked at the generals standing behind him. [" I'm not going to throw away an army I worked hard to achieve."]

The general's eyes darted between Tsucko and Thasher who remained still like he had been told a horrible story. Tsucko's light blue eyes had turned darker like raging waves during a storm.

" Listen..." Tuskco's voice echoed across the entire room. " I already have a plan made...You all can look it over." He reached into his coat and grabbed out a massive map and spread it across the table knocking off the other notes. " Also, I'm lifting the bans on rituals in this Kingdom. Use them."

" Rituals..." One of the generals exclaimed with a surprised look. " do we have any spirit speakers in this kingdom anymore?"

" Not officially...I'm sure the underground has some for offer."

A slightly older general replied looking over the map...The underground. Tuskco had read about it in reports in the cathedral's library. A society of people who deal with illegal dealings and even more harmful things...Like bounties or soldiers for higher.

["They are like the black market from back home. Could be useful, but first."]

Tsuckos turned to his right where Kalci was standing and with his eyes motioned him to follow. They passed the generals who were already discussing battle plans and whose troops would do better. 

Thasher turned and saw them leaving ignoring the other generals trying to pry information from him. [ " Is he leaving us alone in his throne room..."]

" Thasher." Just then Tsucko called out just before shutting the door to exit the room. " If anyone tries anything. Kill them." Thashers' eyes widened as the door clicked shut.

" You're trusting the man who hates your guts. To guard your things?" Kalci spoke with a perplexed face.

" Think about it a little more Kalci...I know they won't try anything because they know what I can do. Leaving it in Thashers' care builds trust between us."

" So you are trying to befriend him."

" Not exactly, but If I get him to trust me. It will make things much easier and less complicated."

"...I see."

Kalci and Tsucko left the building and walked amongst the civilians who all moved out of his way. Some spoke of his as an improvement for the kingdom while some eyed him with fearful eyes. 

As they turned onto a more rundown part of the city Kalci finally understood where they were headed...The high-security prison contains the most dangerous criminals this kingdom has to offer, some rivaling the strength of Emerald Kingdom soldiers, even some commanders.

"What's your plan?" Kalci asked.

" What do you think...I sensed their mana when I first came here. They are exactly what we need."

" Tsucko...Using them isn't going to work...We can't control that many free-minded people. Especially since most of them are stronger than our generals.[ It would be like trying to command multiple of you,"]

" That's why we only take a few."

" Huh?"

Tsucko's feet suddenly stopped and Kalci followed. He hadn't noticed but they had already reached the entrance to the prison. A large man of the Calicorian race stood in front of a gate that led to massive descending stairs.

" Do you need inside...Sir." His words were clearly forced as he had no real respect for the new king...Especially after what happened to his brother at the front of the cathedral.

" No need....Unlock all the gates."

" What!?"

" And tell them...The king has ordered them to fight to the death...The last ones remaining will be freed and placed into the King's personal regiment."