
I Became The Main Villain In My Reincarnated World

Hando was an ordinary kid. He had both his parents and a comfortable living. He lived his life full of wealth and kindness. He always had manners for anyone and was taught to be thankful for everything he got. HE HATED IT! He hated being confined to standards from his parents and civilization itself, he wanted the freedom to do what he wanted, but in his world. He was ordinary, the only reason people would listen to him was due to his wealth. No one ordinary would be allowed to live freely without prosecutions. Luckily for him. He got his wish. When crossing the street to go to his ordinary job in the middle of New York City, he was hit and killed by a taxi driver not paying attention. He awoke in an unfamiliar place full of magic and unstoppable power, all guided by two kingdoms. Feeling this new power within him. He decided he would live freely and make the world he wanted.

BeLikeMunch · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 19-Planning For War

" Huh? Squad lead?" 

The eyes of Brandon and Zack show their clear confusion. This was a surprise to everyone in the kingdom not just these two. Zack and Brandon were even more surprised though as they figured they were good enough not to need a squad lead.

" The King along with the top commanders have decided to assign the squads in case of war preemptively....What this means is if a war breaks out then I'm the one you report to."

" Uh...Ok.[ Is this guy really suited to be a squad leader...He seems so...Deafeted already."] His eyes had little color to them and little emotion was expressed across his face. Brandon and Zack were both questioning if they should report to him.

" So," Reha parted her lips with an anxious look in her eye. " This means war is inevitable right."

Caldo parted his lips to reply but hesitated...Looking to the leaf-covered ground for a moment he raised his head and parted his lips once more.

" Don't even deny it." Reha beat him to it. " You know it's inevitable. You just don't want to say it. So as not to scare us."

" Scare..." Zack suddenly jumped in. " Why would we be." Brandon shot a sharp glance at Zack but before he could speak Rehe with quivering lips spoke.

" Zack...You know what war is right...People die and lives are ruined."

"Yeah I know, but If you're strong like me and Brandon then you can prevent that."

" Za-" Brandon tried to jump in but was cut off.

" Besides....None of us know...Not even Caldo. There hasn't been a war between kingdoms for 50,000 years so don't act like you understand war better than any of us."

"Tch. You're speaking like a naive child! Being strong doesn't stop death from happening. No matter what you do people will die...Even the ones you try to protect."

Reha squeezed her hands into fists squeezing tightly. Zack was lost, he didn't understand what was making her act like this. None of them have suffered any loss yet in their lives...so how could she fear it so much?

Brandon shot a scolding look at Zack. Despite being twins Brandon often took the older brother role. Though he didn't exactly understand why Reha was upset either, but he understood that they were her feelings. She is afraid to lose something.

Zack and Brandon understood that death was something to be feared. Whether it be someone dear to you or your own life. For them though, their whole life they have been called prodigies, the reincarnation of the Takatori brothers...In training, outside of sparring with each other, neither of them have lost even once... If they were strong enough to win every battle they were in. Then they could never lose anything. That's how they both thought.

Caldo understood Reha's fear. He understands what she's feeling because he had dealt with the same feeling before in the Kingdom Of Aces. He remembered how he let go of that fear with acceptance. He placed a hand on Reha's shoulder getting her attention.

" Reha-"

" Tsk." she swiped his hand away. " Why are you our squad lead? I can see it in your eyes you've already lost." Brandon and Zacks's eyes widened as she just said what they had been thinking. " I've already measured your mana and it's nothing special...Both of them have over double yours."

" ...TSK!" Caldos eyes widened as something was dug up that angered him. something he has tried to push away but has failed multiple times. They all saw as his eyes lit up in a fiery rage for a moment before he turned around suppressing his emotions.

"There's more to this than strength in combat and mana." Caldo began to walk away back in the direction he came. Reha looked back to the ground feeling slightly bad as she realized what she had said, but a couple of feet away Caldo stopped. " Acceptance Reha." Those were the only words he said.

Reha after hearing these words suddenly marched off into the woods away from all of them. Brandon quickly stood up to pursue followed by Zack.

" No, you stay." Brandon shot another sharp glance at Zack

" Huh!? Why!?"

" If you're around I doubt she'll speak freely."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

In the Upstairs throne room, Tsucko sat with Kalci on his right side facing the various military commanders and True mage captains. They were sitting in a way that formed a pyramid with the commander of the military garrison at the top of the pyramid with about 20 others behind him.

Commander Thasher. The one Tsucko and Kalci met on the day of the king's death. He was still wearing the same knight armor and carried that same look of hatred when faced with Tsucko.

Tsucko sat with his right leg laid over his left resting his chin against the back of his right palm. Kalci could tell he was enjoying having these people kneel in front of him. Kalci also enjoyed it, while he did wish to achieve his goal of killing all magic users...That wouldn't be possible without Tsuckos help, and Tsucko needs an army.

[" Once we conquer this world...It will be my turn."]

" Now," Tsucko began to speak. " I know you all don't like me. You all probably wish I was dead, and you know what...Go ahead and try it, he won't stop ya." His eyes motioned to Kalci. " If you can good for you. Hell, all of you can try all together."

Mumbles and whispers began to fill the room toward the back. While the ones at the front remained quiet as they were the ones who had already seen Tsucko in action.

" Go on. Make a fool out of yourselves." He leaned forward in his chair a bit sending a killer gaze to the back of the pyramid. Silence then fell. Tsucko then leaned back satisfied with the sudden silence. " Hm...Then if you feel like you would lose. You have no real choice but to follow my command."

More silence, but Tsucko could see it on their faces. They were going to quit the military to escape that rule...They think Tsucko is more understanding than he really is.

" If you leave then I'll dispose of you myself. I'm sure none of you want to die for nothing."

All of the eyes in the room widened as they realized they only had two choices to get out of this. Either die fighting the king or die for attempting to leave...Or die on the battlefield. that is what most of them chose at that moment.

" Good."

Tsucko was relieved. He could finally begin the final stage...The final step to achieving his dream. Absolute freedom. Where all that dictates your life is what you solely are capable of. Not what people say is right and wrong. Not how people judge you. If you are capable you have every right to strive for it no matter what it is.

" We shall prepare for our imminent invasion of the Emerald Kingdom."

Shorter chapter today. Also I'm not sure if getting chapters out on the weekends is a possibility for me so sorry if you have been expecting them.

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