
Chapter 33

[ Let me put this here before you guys end up ignoring it at the end of the chapter. So i would like to find a pair for Sakura (Just one). I was thinking Anko. But you can suggest someone else. Leave the name in the comments, and the most will be used. Thanks and enjoy]


I was looking out over the lake and the ripples caused by the waterfall. I could not help but smile. It had been three months since I began the second three-month-mission. The second three-month mission actually took a little over three months to complete. I even ended up doing my third mission inside the second mission.

So many things had happened during those past three months. I finally knew what it truly felt like to be hunted by Haruno Mebuki. 'Just because you are on a mission does not mean your training should end.' She said. And that is just what happened; fighting and running for my life during the mission.

"About a month or two till canon. I really am looking forward to it." Looking at the ripples across the lake I could not help but compare it to what I intended to do myself. The ripples I intended to cause. My smile morphed into a full grin just thinking about all of it.

"Ready?" A voice sounded from behind me. I nodded without looking back. We had spent slightly more than eleven months away from the village and I was already twelve years old. It was time to return.

"I have to admit, I am going to miss this place." I spoke out as I stretched before turning and began walking towards the exit.

"I know what you mean." She whispered to herself before following me out the exit.

We were moving at terrifying speeds. I know because I finally had the chance to properly gauge during my mission over the last three months. This time, we were moving side by side, for the first time. Occasionally she would look at me with a proud smile which was honestly creeping me out.

It was not like I had finally caught up to her, no. I knew she could move much faster and all honesty so could I, but I still doubted I could catch up to her full speed, but at this point there was really no need. It took us about five days before we got to the abode of Uzumaki Ken. We had come to collect Aoi and Kouki.

We made our way out of his death trap before appearing in front of the cabin once again.

"Mom! Sakura-san!" A happy voice welcomed us the moment we walked out. Aoi happily moved towards us, as Mebuki quickly smothered her with hugs. I think she had missed that. Regardless of how stern she was, she was still a caring mother and I for one had no interests in being hugged motherly by a woman who was the same age as me mentally…spiritually?

While moving with the siblings, Mebuki decided to adopt them and make them part of our family. During the time to Uzumaki Ken's place, she impressively managed to get them to call her 'mom'. Even Kouki, the silent one was no exception.

After finally managing to free herself before suffocating to death, she turned towards me with a smile. "Sakura-san, you look different. It suits you."

I had gotten slightly taller and my body was well toned with slender and packed muscles. Even I could not resist looking at my six packs unbelievingly from time to time. Oh, if the me from earth could see us now; Yes, we can.

I had cut my hair really short over the time and finally had a change of clothes. It was now mostly black sleeveless top with white trimmings and black knee length shorts with sandals. I already began rocking black fingerless gloves and truthfully, the pink hair complimented the black and I was digging my tom boyish look.

"I know right. I really like it too. What do you think, Kouki?" I said, spinning around for my brother and sister to have a good look at me. At some point, Kouki had already joined us an received his share of smothering as he stood there watching with a slight blush before nodding in response.

Aoi was already fourteen years old and she was beginning to blossom into a beautiful young woman. Kouki was now twelve just like me and he looked different from the last time we dropped them off. His hands were calloused and his body well-toned. Back then he was smallish, making him look much younger. Turned out we were actually the same age.

Seeing him like that, I put my hand around his neck and whispered in his ear, "You still have not said out loud, do I look nice?" His already blushed face immediately turned so red you would think blood would start dripping out.

"Can you stop messing with my student, Miss Haruno?" Looking up I saw the red-haired man walking out of his cabin. He was exactly as we left him almost a year ago. Shirtless, with a gourd in his hand.

"Old man Ken. How have you been?" He almost choked on his wine when he heard how I addressed him.

He shook his head and changed the subject, "That was some chaos you created back there. The other villages have been looking for you, you know. Trouble will come for you especially when they find out which village you come from." Ken spoke while waiting for my reaction.

The last mission was absolutely fun. Thinking about the almost endless number of strong people I got to fight and could get to fight in the future, I could not help but smile wide. I know when push finally came to shove, there was a chance the Third would push me out to take the heat, but still. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Honestly, just like her mother when she was young. Such brutes." He whispered as he took a gulp from his bottle.

"Sakura-san, we wish to have a spar with you." Kouki puffed out his chest and spoke up. Fire and determination burning in his eyes as battle intent rolled off him. Looking at his side, Aoi was silent yet the same battle intent radiated out from her. I smiled as I looked at both of them.

"That is not such a bad idea. A friendly spar should spice things up before we left." Mebuki spoke as she walked to the direction of the Uzumaki. I rolled my eyes when I heard her reply.

I looked at the Uzumaki who nodded in return. Looking back at the siblings, I guess I need to call them my siblings, they were ready as they stared at me, waiting for me to get ready.

"Alright, show me what you got."

As if a bell to begin the fight, Kouki quickly disappeared from his position and appeared on my right, swinging a katana towards my head. I stepped to the left and tilted my head slightly to the left, barely dodging the attack. Before realizing, there was a kunai inches away from my face. I lifted my hand intending to catch it before realizing I could no longer sense Aoi, the person responsible for the kunai, as she was no longer in her position.

I sensed danger behind me. No longer nonchalant about grabbing the kunai, I quickly grabbed the kunai that was aiming for my face and blocked the newly emerged katana that was aiming for my back. I dodged another slash from Kouki, before jumping forward and making some distance.

'Oh? How did she appear behind me without realizing? Teleportation?' Seeing Aoi standing with her brother made me wonder exactly how she got there that quick. Seeing as I had my Chakra Carpet out, I was surprised I lost her. 'This might actually be interesting.' I let out a smirk as I waited for their next move.


200 stones = 2 chapter

400 stones = 3 chapters

600 stones = 5 chapters.

Current reached = 489

Chapters owed = 3