
I Became BIG MOM!?

A scientist merged and became the young Charlotte Linlin, how will the pirate world change? No system, MC does not know about the pirate world at all initially. This story may have differences from the main line so if the information is not exactly the same, dont ask me to change it. It's part of the story. If you'd like please join me at https://discord.gg/ExVsGCqg9Z to talk about the book or fanfic discussions and make a friend (PS I'm the only one there currently, PSS It's the best way to 'ask' for more chapters or catch me being lazy.) Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work of fiction inspired by the One Piece universe created by Eiichiro Oda. The characters, settings, and events portrayed within these pages are products of the author's imagination and are not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks associated with One Piece. This work is created out of love and appreciation for the original series, and any deviations from the source material are meant for storytelling and artistic expression. The author acknowledges and respects Eiichiro Oda's incredible contribution to the world of One Piece, and this fanfiction is offered as a tribute to his work. Readers are encouraged to support the official release and enjoy the original content provided by the mangaka and associated publishers.

GoogaluSensei · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 24

Linlin made her way through the intense battlefield without anyone to stop her thanks to her cadres and children making way for her and she arrived at the palace where she suspected held many special treasures and to her amusement instead of hiding their various rare treasures in a hidden place or a strong looking safe, everything they had was on display just like a museum. 

Even the prizes for the hunting contest for the next twelve years were already placed and labelled much to her amusement, perhaps this was what people called overly rich but well it was cheaper for her. She started summoning her homies from the mirror and like a locust swarm, everything of value was swept into the mirror. As for the so-called deal with the Gorosei, they did not mention a word she couldn't rob them right? After all she had Totoland to run and expenditure was still very high. 

Famous swords, exquisite art, rare materials and even animals that were close to extinction were found which led Linlin to be as excited as a kid in the candy store. But as she was robbing the astronauts blind, the explosion sounds and ground constantly made noise and shook which showed how tough the fighting outside was. 

"Hmm? This stone is…." Linlin looked at the red stone in surprise. This was her first time seeing a poneglyph in person and it was even red in color. Unlike the scholars of Ohara who wanted to know what the words were so badly, she was more interested in the material that was supposedly indestructible. How was it made and what materials were used to make it in her opinion was way more important than the past that may or may not be true that was recorded down. 

Next she found something even she would never expect. 

Down the halls were frames of exquisite pictures and under their frames were the names and titles of the heads of the Tenryuubitto family. Honestly Linlin couldn't tell if this was even considered treasure or pure trash? But knowing about the Tenryuubitto without entering the world government was a gain. Especially since they kindly wrote out their 'achievements' it was better to know exactly what she was up against.

Saint Don Quixote Vernon… The founder of Rokushiki!??! Those trashbags actually invented the Marine six styles? Linlin always thought it was made by some marine before but it was actually a Tenryuubitto's achievement. 

Saint Draco Vernti…. The founder of the Tenryuubitto academy to train up Saints that would safeguard the world government for all eternity. This achievement Linlin did not know what to say about this. The whole world knew very well what kind of things Tenryuubitto were so good job Saint Draco Vernti. Linlin gave a thumbs up in her heart, whatever academy that can produce so many stupid people for the enemy is a good academy. All hail education! 

Saint Beri Wood…. 

Saint Aquilla Greatmood….

After seeing so many portraits, she finally saw the last few ones which represented the most important people. The twenty kings that founded the world government. 

Unlike their descendants, they were very good looking and each of them had a very confident temperament that belonged to the strong. Hmm!? Wait.

Linlin looked at the few posters that looked very familiar. Weren't they the current five stars? They were still alive till this day?

Her mind ran fast and it didn't take long before she left the hall of portraits. 

"Mama! There's a call for you!" 

"Hmm? That phone bug." Linlin's eyes narrowed. Those five old dementia patients were finally calling her. 

"Moshi moshi."

"Charlotte Linlin." An old and majestic voice came from the Den den mushi. It was quite easy to tell that the voice was not in a good mood. But it was no surprise because Rocks and his pirate group were on their important island. 

"It's time to implement the plan. From now onwards Rocks will be hunted and you will stay out of it as agreed." 

"..... Understood." 

'Gacha.' The phone bug was turned off and Linlin could only sigh. 

'Sorry Boss Rocks, your ambition may be ending today.' This thought was not only Linlin but the majority of the pirate cadres under Rocks. They were all people full of ambitions so naturally they wouldn't be happy to always be under someone. Since they were grown up, Rocks had no effect as an umbrella anymore. Naturally he had to go and the best people to make him disappear would be the world government. 


Explosions and smashing shook the entire island but it was getting smaller and smaller. The victor between the two admirals and Rocks is coming to an end! 

Both sides tactically stopped fighting as they looked towards the direction of the boss fight and they noticed someone was coming out. 

The victor of the fight which would determine everything.