
Instinct and Humanity

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

The sky finally turned dark.

Catherine lay in the bushes and waited for the stars and the moon. Finally, the sky turned dark.

She had fallen asleep accidentally last night and did not see his heroic figure when hunting.

Tonight, she would open her eyes wide and stare at him meticulously, never taking her gaze away from him!

The three female lions went out to hunt.

The pregnant Callie and Maya were sleeping.

Chu Xiaoye climbed onto another Baobab tree and used his sharp claws to dig for soft and humid wood slag on the thick branches.

He could clearly see the water inside.

With a gentle squeeze, clear water flowed out of the wooden slag that was dug out.

It seemed that there was no need to try again.

The two Baobab trees did store a lot of water, enough for the pride to survive the most difficult dry season.

He filled the hole with the wooden dregs he had dug out again to prevent the water from evaporating.