
Golden Claw Rebirth (1)

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Something unexpected happened!

When Chu Xiaoye was biting the rabbit and preparing to find a place to eat, the miserable and terrified cries of the jackal couple suddenly came from the camp!

His heart jumped. He hurriedly abandoned the rabbit and rushed back.

An unfamiliar and dangerous aura followed the night wind and assaulted him.

The jackals' miserable cries stopped!


He suddenly roared angrily and ran back at his fastest speed.

In the camp, a group of female lions were surrounding the jackal couple and biting them.

The jackal couple, who had been crying out miserably just now, were already torn to pieces and died miserably!

Lions generally would not eat the corpses of jackals, but now, this group of female lions had cruelly torn them up and devoured them. Clearly, it was not for their appetite, but to take revenge and vent their anger!

The anger in Chu Xiaoye's chest jumped up with a bang!