
I Became A Member Of The Undead

When Kayden, a self-proclaimed workaholic, is suddenly isekai'd to another world, he's not quite sure what to make of it. But things get even weirder when he finds himself in the company of a... rock. Kayden and his new mineral friend set off on an adventure stumbling upon an eccentric cast of characters who will join his ragtag team.

BNL73 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
17 Chs


After a few minutes of negotiating, they finally agreed upon a price.

".. you will feed me for free?'' the creature said

''Well... I may need your assitance in some things later on but yes. I will feed you." replied Kayden

Gemini had taught Kayden how to perform a contract, so he placed his hand over the creatures head and began to recite the words.

Kayden let go off the creature who immediately jumped onto his shoulders.

"What do I call you?" asked Kayden.

"I shall allow you to call me Lord Gregory Llewellyn the third''

"..I'll either call you Greggy or Lyn pick one.''

Gregory grumbled "Lyn..."

Gregory shook his head, annoyed.

"It's not fair! I've given you my name and you won't even use it!"

Kayden gave him a look. "Why don't we agree to disagree, and if you ever want me to refer to you by your real name, it will not be in this life."

Lord Gregory Llewellyn the third now known as Lyn grumbled and lay over Kaydens shoulder with no bones.

Kayden started walking back towards the farmstead where the old man lived to collect the reward. The sun was beginning to set behind the forest.

They arrived at the farmstead, and Kayden knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Kayden, the adventurer from the guild, I'm here to collect my reward.''

"Oh, I didn't expect to see you back here already. Come inside."

"Thanks," Kayden replied as he entered the house.

''What did you find?'' asked the old man.

"It turned out to be this thing. Dont worry its tamed." Holding Lyn by the scruff he held him out

The old man looked up at Lyn. "Tame? Really? I thought you'd killed it."

"Oh, I was going to. But then I made a contract with it''

"So, you're going to keep it?"

"I figured it would be better off with me, rather than running around stealing food."

The old man sighed. "If you say so, son. I'll go get your reward''

He left the room and returned with a large sack. He handed it to Kayden. "Here you are.''

Kayden wasnt sure what was in the bag but he was sure it wasnt anything of value since this was an F rank request.

"Thank you, sir.''

"You're welcome, son.''

Kayden thanked him again and walked out of the house heading back towards the lake.

It was night now, and they decided to set up camp around Ampis lake, He sat down on the shore and emptied the bag that contained the payment. He emptied the contents of the bag onto the ground.

There were some vegetables from the farmer's garden, a few pieces of fruit and a small pouch of silver coins. There was also a letter to deliver back to the guild for the completion of the quest.

''Here eat as much as you want, they have your tooth marks on them afterall.'' Kayden threw Lyn onto the pile of food on the ground.

Lyn's eyes lit up and devoured the food.

Kayden set up the tent for the night, while doing so he was thinking about what his next steps were. So far he has been floating and not really made any plans, there was also the issue of knowledge. He felt uneasy still about his origin, there was a foreboding feeling that he needed to get stronger but he wasnt sure if the grinding method was ideal.

''Gemini'' he said aloud

''What'' she replied

''There is something you haven't told me'' he replied


''Where you come from'' Kayden held Gemini up with some scrutiny

''When we first met you said I had summond you, then where did you come from? what are your origins and how did I summon you?''

''...'' Gemini thought about it but couldnt remember

''I dont know...'' Gemini pondered

"Then how come you have information on this world? have you never thought about it before that you existed before you were 'summoned'?''

''Thought... but I cant recall'' Gemini looked confused.

''I don't remember anything before I was summoned, I don't even understand why I am here, or how I got here. I just know I woke up like I did. The only thing I knew is that I had a link with you... um yes like a contract.. '' Gemini said with a puzzled look.

Kayden was unsure if there was a deeper mystery to this or if he was isekai'd and given Gemini as a gold-finger cheat...

Kayden hadnt mentioned his life before this to Gemini because he didn't know what to say, he also wanted to keep her in the dark until he was sure of himself.

He decided to stop dwelling too much on it and went to bed, he was tired from the day's events and slept well.

Bonus chapter release~

Here is some concept art I had done for Lyn, Gemini and Lycotts/Direwolf:


Probably.. will do concept art for some characters.. My aim is that im currently writing 10 chapters a week..I did 7 last week so I came short on my goal.. (this includes this novel and 2 others im writing.. I think i bit off more than I can handle at once) I was hoping to finish this one by July 2023 but we will see how it goes with releases inbetween my job and general life.

I had a bit of an existential crisis the other week when I realised im almost 27, I don't want to be an adult..just in this month alone ive had to send my car into repair because some idiot crashed into the back of it while i was parked up, I have just replaced my external front door to my house because the old one it had was leaking in heavy rain... and now had to get some plastering repairs done to my property recently because of some rendering has gotten damp outside.. D: I didnt sign up to be an adult.

BNL73creators' thoughts