
I Became A Member Of The Undead

When Kayden, a self-proclaimed workaholic, is suddenly isekai'd to another world, he's not quite sure what to make of it. But things get even weirder when he finds himself in the company of a... rock. Kayden and his new mineral friend set off on an adventure stumbling upon an eccentric cast of characters who will join his ragtag team.

BNL73 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Job at the Guild?

After sunrise, Kayden, Lyn and Gemini headed towards the guild hall to deliver the letter and also to sell the pelts from the lycotts and direwolf. They arrived at the guildhall, it was already bustling with people looking to purchase items and to trade goods.

They walked up to the counter, a young girl with blonde hair tied back stood behind it.

''Hello, welcome to the guild hall, how may I help you?'' she asked

''I have a letter of quest completion, also I have a few pelts for sale.'' Kayden spoke up

''Yes, of course, let me just check that all the paperwork is in order, please wait here''

She took the letter and placed it on the table and skimmed over it to confirm it was indeed completed.

''Yes everything is in order, we will add the points to your guild card'' She stamped the letter and filed it away

''How many pelts did you have to sell?''

''One Direwolves and 28 of the Lycotts.''

''That is a lot of pelts for a F rank to collect'' She said with some suprise before continuing ''Since there are quite a few furs its better if they are sorted in the back office, the vice guildmaster should be there at the moment''

The guild member knocked on the office door and let Kayden go in,

A man sat at the desk stationed in front of a window. He was middle aged and wore a brown robe that covered him up completely.

''Long time no see Hale, I have a few furs to sell.'' Kayden spoke up.

Hale looked up and smiled ''Oh! Well if it isnt the half-elf I set up a few days ago, how can I assist?'' he laughed

He stood up and came around the desk and made a hand gesture for Kayden to sit down.

Kayden was suprised Hale had remembered him since there must be a lot of people passing through each day, he must have a pretty good memory he thought.

''I have some pelts to sell, a direwolf and 28 of the Lycotts.''

''Thats quite a few for a beginner,.. did you have help?'' Hale raised an eyebrow and rubbed his chin.

Kayden shook his head ''No, I collected them myself. Just lucky I guess''

''Well, you have done well considering your rank.. its a shame there isnt many hunting tasks for F ranks, they are usually odd jobs'' Hale scratched his beard stubble and continued ''Lets have a look at their quality first''

Kayden opened the bag and pulled out a Lycott and Direwolf pelts. They are similar however Lycotts are mostly all one colour of grey while the Direwolf fur was a with a hint of darker grey streaks running through it, It had a white underside with a patch of dark fur on its chest and was larger than a Lycott.

''Well, I would say that both of those are of high quality, perhaps you could try your luck with the guild?'' Hale said.

''What do you mean?'

''You can take on this much however your rank is too low, if come work for the guild you can further your skills and we provide extra credit in the form of recommendation which can help with picking up higher quests, as long as we approve it you can take some higher quests even when your overall level is low.'' he paused before he continued ''Well, not like you would stay low level for long after taking higher quests since it would have more points attached than F rank quests''

''Hmm.. What job is it? I would really only be looking for something part time or flexible for a short while...'' Kayden asked curiously.

''Depends on what you can do, Typically, you can get 20 silvers a day for 6 hours of work. Part time is fine, a lot of people who work here are passing adventurers who are settled here for a few months before heading somewhere else.''

Kayden thought about it for a bit, he was an accountant in his last life he never really put his mind to anything other than numbers so he could work as a Book Keeper or something similar. Also, If he took this opportunity he would get some form of regular income for a bit and save up before travelling and stay at an Inn with money left over.

He nodded ''Alright,.. I worked as an accountant before. Managing finances is not a problem, other than that I can do other odd jobs.''

Hale smiled ''No no no that sounds good, I didnt expect you were educated, not many commoners get to be educated as they tend to start work early in life...Ah I assumed you were a commoner as you don't really come across as an noble..? It will be good having you here, ill send word to the Guild Master and you can start tomorrow morning'' He then paused before he trailed onto another topic

''That.. the creature on your shoulder, is it a familiar? I thought it was a scarf at first...''

Kayden glanced at Lyn who was curled up around his neck ''Yeah I made a contract with it yesterday''

''You will need to register it with the guild if its a familiar, In case it makes any trouble this is linked back to the contractor.'' Hale reminded

Another bonus release~

Its a shorter chapter.

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