
I Am the Vengeful Spirit

In a bleak and desolate world, siblings Takeshi and Takako are imprisoned, their bond being their only solace. When malevolent forces sell Takako, Takeshi is left reeling, consumed by despair and vengeance. Alone in his captivity, he discovers a mysterious, glowing stone that grants him mysterious abilities. Determined to find his sister, Takeshi sets out on a perilous journey to reunite with his sister and confront the sinister forces that tore them apart. --------------------------- All Illustrations are AI Generated. Written for WPC SEP 2023 [Fantasy]

Antivoid · Fantasie
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9 Chs


Akane started dragging me somewhere, away from the town.

The darkness of the forest grew denser with every step, with the eerie silhouettes of trees framing our path.

The journey seemed endless. The path was winding, and each turn only led to more darkness.

The trees towered above, their branches weaving intricate patterns, forming a dense canopy that shielded the moon's light.

Every so often, the forest would come alive with the sounds of nighttime creatures. An owl hooted in the distance, and somewhere close, the rustling of leaves signified the movement of some unseen being.

It felt as if the very woods were observing us, and the tension in the air was tangible.

The ground beneath our feet changed as we ventured deeper, from hard-packed earth to soft mossy terrains.

The moonlight filtering through the trees cast long shadows, creating an illusion of moving figures, making me jump more than once.

Akane seemed undisturbed. She hummed an exotic tune, her voice harmonising with the sounds of the forest, creating a ghostly serenade.

Every so often, she would pause, her gaze skimming the trees, as if communicating with the forest.

"Are we lost?" I ventured to ask after what felt like hours.

Akane chuckled softly, "The forest has its own ways. We're exactly where we need to be."

As we walked, the forest began to change subtly. The trees looked older, their trunks gnarled and twisted.

The soft glow of magical enchantments in the distance faded, replaced by the soft luminescence of the moonlight piercing through the canopies.

Akane's pace was relentless, each stride determined. The rhythm of our footsteps was the only sound in the otherwise silent woods.

Soon we arrived at a small cabin. Its wooden structure was old and weathered, and the paint chipped away with time.

"Why're we here? Shouldn't we be looking for Takako?" I questioned, taking in the structure of the cabin.

Akane turned towards me, "This is where I live!" She exclaimed happily.

Akane giggled, "Don't judge a book by its cover, Takeshi. Or a cabin by its exterior, in this case. I've made a few... enhancements."

She twirled around, her arms spread out as she gestured at her home, a cheeky smile playing on her lips.

We settled into her living space, the room illuminated by the soft, flickering light of candles. At first glance, the space looked humble, but upon closer examination, the details revealed a peculiar blend of rustic charm and magical intricacies.

To the left of the entrance, a large hearth dominated one wall. While it appeared to be made of rough-hewn stone, the fire crackling within it gave off various coloured flames—each hue representing a different elemental enchantment.

Akane began brewing something on a rustic stove, the aroma immediately filling the room—a comforting mix of herbs and something sweet.

She handed me a steaming cup, the warmth seeping into my cold fingers.

"Drink up; it'll help calm your nerves," she suggested, her gaze fixed on mine. I hesitated for a split second but took a sip.

It tasted like a blend of chamomile and something I couldn't quite place—a flavour as enigmatic as Akane herself.

I sighed, "Okay, so we're here. Now what? We need to find my sister."

Akane leaned against the counter, her demeanour changing.

"Of course we will. But you need to know more about Karma and how it's used."

"Akane, every moment we waste here, Takako might be in danger," I protested, my voice strained with urgency.

She looked at me with a mixture of pity and exasperation. "Do you really think I'd have brought you here if it wasn't essential? You need to be prepared for what's coming. Knowing what Karma is or not isn't going to help."

"Then what is?!"

She took a deep breath, her fiery eyes locking onto mine, "Power."

Akane's words hung in the air, shrouding the cabin in an aura of mystery, "Power? What do you mean?" I asked, confusion evident in my voice.

"Your Karma, grants you the ability to use all Karma-Related abilities with ease."

My Karma granting me the ability to wield Karma-related abilities? It was a concept that I struggled to grasp fully.

The urgency of finding Takako, my sister, was undeniable, but Akane's insistence on understanding Karma was equally compelling.

Akane began, her voice soft but insistent. "Rarely does one encounter someone with such Karma... You are a mystery, Takeshi."

"But there's one thing that Karma is vulnerable to: Armak."

"Armak? What's that?" My voice trembled slightly, betraying my growing anxiety.

She closed her eyes for a moment, collecting her thoughts before speaking, "Armak is... the antithesis of Karma, originating from the anti-plane. While Armak can't absorb Karma, it can probably negate, diminish, distort, redirect, or momentarily disrupt its flow."

Akane's revelation made the air feel thick. My mind raced to grasp the new information she presented. If Karma was the force I relied on, Armak sounded like its kryptonite.

"So, what? It's an anti-Karma force?"

Akane sighed, pushing her fiery hair behind her ear.

"In simple terms, yes. Armak is a polarising force, but it's not as simple as it being just the 'opposite' of Karma. Think of it more as an equalising force. Where Karma seeks to balance things out in the universe, Armak challenges that balance. They're two sides of the same coin."

"Just like Karma, people can be born with Armak, but it's very rare." She continued.

"But why is Armak relevant to me? What does it have to do with finding Takako?" I demanded, impatience gnawing at me.

"You told me she was sold to another master... That master could possess Armak."

The weight of Akane's words made the atmosphere even heavier. If this new master had Armak, then the danger Takako could be in would grow exponentially.

"Learning all about Karma and Armak takes a minimum of four years," Akane answered, "Learning how to combat it takes a hundredth of that time."

I took a deep breath, absorbing Akane's revelations about Armak.

The weight of the situation was settling in, and the implications of what we faced were daunting.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier? If this master has Armak, he could be using it against Takako right now!" My voice held an edge, a mix of anxiety and frustration.

Akane's voice softened, "Takeshi, I didn't want to overwhelm you. Knowing about Armak without understanding your Karma could've been more detrimental."

"But it's my sister we're talking about. I need every bit of information to save her!" I snapped.

Akane nodded solemnly, her demeanour shifting from mischievous to serious.

"I understand, Takeshi. I truly do. And we will find Takako, but you must be prepared for the challenges ahead."

"So, how do we beat Armak?" I asked, my voice steadier this time.

"That's the complicated part," Akane began, "Armak, in essence, isn't something you can 'beat'. It's not a foe to be vanquished; it's a force to be understood and negotiated with."

Akane paced the room, her movements mirroring the turbulence in my mind.

"Alright, think of it this way," she began, pausing to collect her thoughts, "If Karma were a river, flowing seamlessly and powerfully, then Armak would be the boulders or blockages within that river, challenging its flow and redirecting its path."

I frowned, trying to piece it all together, "But if my Karma Level is boundless... or infinite, wouldn't it just overrun these so-called blockages?"

"That's the million-karma question." Akane said with a smirk, trying to lighten the atmosphere a bit.

"Think of it like a battery. Infinite capacity, but you can still only output so much at a time. That's your current state. Armak can potentially slow or distort that output."

The thick atmosphere in the cabin was broken by Akane's soft laughter, "Well, you're taking this better than I thought."

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

She shrugged, "I half expected you to freak out more."

I took a deep breath, "There's no point. We need to act, and I can't afford to waste time panicking."

"There's one more thing that you'll need to know." Akane spoke.

"And what's that?" I asked, eager to gather all the knowledge I could.

She leaned in, her eyes reflecting the candlelight, casting an eerie glow on her face, "You need to connect your soul to your Karma first."

The woods around us glistened as dawn slowly revealed itself. The first rays of sunlight pierced the dense canopy, casting fractured beams onto the forest floor. The remnants of night began to withdraw, replaced by a soft golden hue.

My impatience couldn't be contained any longer, "So, how exactly do I 'connect' my Karma?" I asked, breaking the serene silence of the morning.

Akane, who had been observing the sunrise with a contemplative look, turned to me. Her fiery hair seemed even more radiant, kissed by the morning sun. A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes.

"You'll find out soon!" Her voice held a hint of playfulness, and a cryptic smile danced upon her lips, "I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise..."

I couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and frustration. The sense of urgency regarding my sister's safety gnawed at me, and yet, here I was, on the cusp of unlocking my untapped potential, with no clear path forward.

"May I remind you that—"

"Jeez, I know!" Akane interrupted, her tone lightening as she waved off my concerns, "Don't worry, you'll save your sister."

I stared at Akane, her once cryptic smile now transformed into a faint, melancholic frown. It tugged at the corners of my mind, "We better..." I muttered.

"Where are we headed, anyway?" I questioned.

"We're off to a rather... extraordinary place!" Akane chirped, her earlier solemnity replaced by her usual cheerful demeanour.

"And could you enlighten me about this 'extraordinary' place?" I inquired.

Akane winked, mischief dancing in her fiery eyes, "It's a surprise, Takeshi! Just trust me, it's going to be an adventure like no other."

My scepticism lingered, but I had little choice other than to follow her lead, "You've already taken me to an entirely different plane of existence. What could possibly be more perplexing than that?"

Akane's laughter rang through the forest, a melodic sound that echoed with an air of mystery.

"You'll have to catch me to find out!"

Before I could even process what she'd said, Akane took off, dashing deeper into the woods. Akane took off, dashing deeper into the woods.

She moved with a grace that was mesmerising, almost like a phantom. Her fiery hair trailed behind her, leaving a blazing path for me to follow.

"For a mischievous spirit, she's incredibly fast!" I muttered under my breath, breaking into a run.

The sounds of my footsteps, along with my heavy breathing, echoed through the forest. Still, they were no match for Akane's laughter, which led the way, urging me forward.

Chasing Akane felt like trying to catch a mirage; the more I approached, the further she seemed. Yet her enigmatic laughter always felt near, teasingly so.

Every turn of the forest unveiled a scene more fantastical than the last. Glowing mushrooms, trees with leaves that shimmered, and water that sparkled as if the stars had descended upon it.

"How's the weather down there?" Akane's voice echoed from above, her playful tone cutting through the enchantment of our surroundings.

Lifting my gaze, I witnessed Akane walking on air. Her silhouette against the morning sun made her seem ethereal, a whimsical figure bathed in golden light.

"You're truly impossible, you know?" I called out, panting slightly from the chase.

A mischievous grin spread across her face. "Bet you'd love to do this, wouldn't you?"

"Isn't this just rubbing it in at this point?" I replied, feigning annoyance.

"Just a smidge." She stuck her tongue out playfully.

Suddenly, a dreadfully unexpected event occurred. I was knocked into the nearby trees by a gigantic, inverted wolf with dark wings and eyes that glowed like crimson embers.

The impact was intense, with leaves rustling and twigs snapping as I collided with the tree trunk.

The wolf's menacing presence bore down on me, its massive wings casting an ominous shadow.

Before I could react, it lunged, teeth bared, and clamped onto my arm with crushing force. Agonising pain shot through me as I grappled with the ferocious creature.

Akane's high and tinkling laughter sounded oddly out of place in the midst of the chaos. She floated above, watching the scene with amused eyes, her red hair dancing like flames.

"Oh, Takeshi! Making friends, are we?" She teased, a playful pout on her lips.

She landed gracefully between the wolf and me; her body language was relaxed, almost playful.

With a flick of her wrist, the wolf froze mid-snarl. Its body seemed caught in an invisible force, unable to move or break free. It soon collapsed.

Looking back at me, Akane smirked, "Someone's popular today. This big, bad wolfie seems to have taken a liking to you. Maybe it's a love bite?"

I found myself slumped against a tree, catching my breath and cradling my bitten arm. The pain was searing, and my head spun.

Akane landed gently beside me, her figure backlit by the dappled sunlight.

Her cheerful expression had momentarily shifted to one of mild concern, but it was soon replaced by her signature mischievous smirk.

"Wasn't that fun? I mean, besides the whole being-attacked-by-a-wolf thing." She chuckled, waving her hand over my injured arm. A soothing sensation washed over it, and the pain began to recede.

"Could've warned me," I grumbled, though I couldn't keep the relief out of my voice.

Akane, ever playful, leaned in closer, her face just inches from mine. She traced a finger over the fading bite mark. "Looks like Armak doesn't like you very much," she teased.

"Armak?" My voice betrayed a mixture of shock and curiosity.

The memory of our earlier conversation about Armak was still fresh, but witnessing its effects firsthand was an entirely different experience.

Rolling my eyes, I gently pushed her away. "Now's not the time for jokes."

She giggled, a light and musical sound that contrasted starkly with the gravity of our situation.

"Oh, come on, Takeshi! When is it ever the time for jokes with you?"

"After my sister is saved." I responded.

Akane turned away from me, sighing, Well, you're no fun... But it really was infused. That's why its entire body's colour was inverted."

"Trouble just seems to follow you, doesn't it?" She teased, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

"A little help would be appreciated!" I retorted, my voice strained from the pressure of the wolf's jaw locked onto my arm.

Akane tilted her head to the side, a playful pout forming on her lips.

"Aww, but it looks like you two were getting along so well!"

"It's not every day you see such an unusual specimen. Infused with Armak, you say?" She circled the now-restrained wolf, her eyes gleaming with mischief and a hint of curiosity.

My patience, worn thin by pain and urgency, finally snapped.

"Akane, we don't have time for this! We need to move. NOW."

She pouted dramatically, "Fine, fine. No need to be so grumpy. But just so you know, I was having fun."

Her words were playful, and I have to admit, I actually quite liked them, but the underlying seriousness wasn't lost on me.

"Will you ever give me answers to all this...?" I asked.

Akane turned to me, grinning mischievously as always, "Of course... I promise!"


With Akane, it was always a blend of mischief and hidden truths. She might act whimsically, but there was always a method to her madness.

After countless hours of walking, stumbling, getting attacked, and getting mentally tortured by Akane's jokes, We arrived at a gargantuan temple.

"Well, we're here," Akane spoke, "The Karmatic Sanctum..."