
I Am the Vengeful Spirit

In a bleak and desolate world, siblings Takeshi and Takako are imprisoned, their bond being their only solace. When malevolent forces sell Takako, Takeshi is left reeling, consumed by despair and vengeance. Alone in his captivity, he discovers a mysterious, glowing stone that grants him mysterious abilities. Determined to find his sister, Takeshi sets out on a perilous journey to reunite with his sister and confront the sinister forces that tore them apart. --------------------------- All Illustrations are AI Generated. Written for WPC SEP 2023 [Fantasy]

Antivoid · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Threads of Fate

As Naomi's home faded behind me, the bustling town came alive. The shops seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow, the goods on display hinting at the magic infused within them.

The town seemed alive, with every brick and stone humming with a magical energy I'd never sensed before.

The stalls, each uniquely enchanting, drew me closer.

A distinct stall, manned by an old woman, showcased glass vials filled with swirling, luminescent mists, each colour representing a different emotion.

The stall adjacent had stacks of shimmering fabrics that fluttered, seemingly alive, each hue and pattern magically adapting to the mood of the onlooker.

And a few steps away, a muscular blacksmith wielded tools under a magical flame, crafting weapons that pulsated with arcane energy.

While the town was stunning, my heart was heavy with worry for Takako. But a nagging sensation tugged at me, urging me to explore deeper.

The townsfolk were busy with their daily chores, the scent of fresh bread wafting through the air and mingling with the aroma of exotic spices.

"New in town?" A voice pulled me from my thoughts.

Turning, I saw a young girl with fiery red hair and a mischievous glint in her eyes sitting on a small brick wall, grinning.


"Names have power," she started, seemingly talking to herself, "and yours?" She asked with a playful smile.

Distracted by her presence, I hesitated but replied, "Takeshi... Miura."

"Looking for something?" She teased.

"Answers." I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

She leaned in, her lips brushing my ear. "Then you've come to the right place."

The girl introduced herself as Akane and claimed to be knowledgeable about this world and its secrets.

"Secrets?" I inquired.

She smirked, "Every world has them. Especially this one."

Akane led me to a secluded alleyway, where the shadows seemed to dance. I felt a chill run down my spine. This place seemed... different.

She turned to me, her expression solemn.

"Before we proceed, you need to know that delving into the world's secrets could be perilous."

Without hesitation, I nodded. My resolve to find Takako was unwavering.

Akane motioned for me to follow. We ventured deeper into the alley, the darkness enveloping us. My senses were heightened, each footstep echoing ominously.

We finally reached a large, ornate door. Intricate symbols and runes were engraved into its surface. Akane whispered a spell, and the door creaked open, revealing a vast underground chamber.

"The Chamber of Karma." She announced.

It was breathtaking. Red crystals lined the walls, their glow illuminating the room. In the centre stood a massive stone pedestal with a book on top.

Mira approached the pedestal, her fingers gently brushing the book's cover.

"The Book of Karma..." She whispered.

"Karma is the essence of a person, the power flowing through every vein of this world. This book has the power to grant Karma to those who lack it, to determine one's Karma level, and to perform various Karma-related actions."

"I want to see my Karma level." I quickly decided.

Akane nodded and chanted a spell, her fingers hovering over the ancient pages. The book responded, glowing brilliantly. Symbols floated, spiralling around me.

The chamber echoed with a deep and resonant voice: "Karma Level: Infinite".

The revelation stunned both of us.

"Woah..." Akane murmured.

"What does it mean?"

She hesitated, choosing her words, "It means your Karma, your essence... it's infinite..."

The room's atmosphere grew dense. My mind raced, attempting to grasp the magnitude of what I had just learned.

I don't recall having such Karma... Was it the stone...? But that's too convenient, right...?

Akane's gaze softened, "There's much you need to understand about Karma, and this place has the answers. But remember, knowledge is a double-edged sword."

I nodded, overwhelmed. My search for Takako had brought me to this revelation, but what did it all mean?

"Takako Miura," I uttered desperately, "do you know her?"

She pondered, her eyes distant. "The name doesn't ring any bells. Why?"

"She's my sister," I replied, the weight of her absence evident in my tone, "she was... sold to a new master, somewhere, and I swore to find her."

Akane stared at me with empathetic eyes before moving away from the pedestal and drawing a complex pattern on the floor.

The pattern lit up with an ethereal scarlet glow, the energy seemingly drawn from the surrounding red crystals.

What appeared was no ordinary portal. It was like looking into a liquid mirror with a shimmering crimson surface in which spirits swirled and danced.

Without hesitation, Akane pulled me towards it.

"We need a deeper dive." Was all she muttered.

As we plunged in, my senses scattered. A whirlwind of colours, sounds, and sensations engulfed me.

When the world finally settled, we stood in a vast expanse.

The expanse was unlike anything I'd ever seen. A vastness stretched in all directions. It was eerily ethereal, like a dreamscape.

Here, the sky shimmered with crimson, with faint stars twinkling even in what seemed like daylight.

"Where are we?" My voice echoed strangely.

"The plane in-between physicality and conceptuality," Akane responded, her voice seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once, "also known as the spiritual plane. A place where souls resonate and secrets hide.

The spiritual plane's atmosphere was almost surreal, a juxtaposition of stillness and ever-moving patterns. Ethereal structures floated, defying gravity, and every sound produced ripples in the fabric of this unique space.

Akane seemed more alert here.

"Stay close. The spiritual plane is not as forgiving as the physical plane."

I nodded, captivated by the shimmering landscape.

Suddenly, a sound, distant yet melodic, began to permeate the area. It was both haunting and beautiful, like the song of forgotten souls.

"What's that sound?" I whispered.

"Soul melodies," Akane explained. "They are echoes of tormented souls, memories, and regrets. Be careful not to be deceived by them; they can trap you here forever."

"Trapped?" I questioned, uneasy at the thought of being stuck in this surreal world.

Akane's reply was cryptic. "The melodies can ensnare the unwary, binding them to this plane for eternity via draining their Karma. But your Karma might protect you."

"Why're we even here?" I asked, failing to find the reason for being in such a dangerous place, "And why are you even showing me all this when... I just met you?"

She responded with a mischievous grin, teasing, "Maybe it's because you're so cute!" She winked at me, clearly not affected by this.

I'm not sure if she was trying to make me flustered, but it really wasn't working.

After countless minutes of walking in this non-linear plane, we came across a crimson, colossal tree.

"This is the root of all karma, The Tree of Fate."

The tree stood tall, its branches stretching out like intricate veins, pulsating with life and energy.

Each leaf seemed to be made of a crystalline substance, shimmering with every red hue imaginable.

The very core of the tree radiated a deep, crimson glow, beckoning souls to it.

"How do you know all this...?" I wondered aloud.

Akane leaned over and winked again, this time making a peace sign next to her head.

"It's a perk of being the descendant of a Supreme Primordial Goddess." She spoke casually.

My mind raced with questions, and the mysteries of this world continued to unfold before me.

"Your mind has probably transformed into a question with how many you have, but anyway," she started, "if you link your spirit to this tree, you can find the location of anybody; you can practically know everything about them too, which is a cool feature."

I was baffled, but she didn't stop there.

"Since I'm a wonderful descendant of a Primordial Goddess, I can use this tree to manipulate anyone's fate..." She revealed happily.

"Or I could just wipe them from existence." Her tone quickly turned to something even devils would fear.

"Are you implying," I swallowed hard, "you could just erase Takako, or me, or anyone, without a second thought?"

She chuckled lightly, twirling a lock of her fiery hair. "Oh, Takeshi, I could, but where's the fun in that?"

She paused, her eyes reflecting the crimson hue of the tree.

"However, that's not to say I never have. Power."

The sheer honesty in her voice was both enthralling and terrifying.

"You're not scared, are you?" She leaned in, her face inches from mine.

"A bit," I admitted, my voice quivering.

"Eehh, well, you don't have to be." She stated with the utmost confidence.

"Why is that?" I questioned.

"Your Karma Level is infinite, remember? I'm unable to erase you."

The silence between us stretched, the weight of Akane's words pressing down.

But in this vast expanse, everything felt distant, even the very air we breathed.

Akane broke the silence, her mischievous glint returning. "Besides, you're far too interesting for me to erase, even if I could."

"Thanks... I think," I muttered, still grappling with everything I'd learned. The weight of my boundless Karma, the abilities of this enigmatic woman beside me, the wonders and dangers of this realm—it was overwhelming.

Suddenly, she sprang up, excitement sparkling in her eyes.

"Let's try something fun!"

Before I could react, she had woven an intricate pattern in the air, channelling the rich energy from the Tree of Fate.

A swirling vortex materialised before us, shimmering in hues of deep reds and purples.

"A window into the threads of fate," Akane declared with a grand flourish.

"Threads of fate?"

Akane nodded, her playful demeanour momentarily replaced by earnestness.

"Everyone's life is connected by threads of fate. Some connections are strong; others are fleeting. Through this window, we can glimpse them."

Tentatively, I stepped forward, peering into the vortex. Images began to form, like memories playing out before me.

Images of... Takako...

My heart raced as I saw her nude... beaten... defiled...

I wanted to scream, to reach out to her, and to promise that I'd save her.

"Can't you change her fate?!" I asked violently.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have permission to change someone's fate for any reason."

"But can't you make an exception?!"

Akane looked down, "That quite literally isn't possible..." She whispered.

I could feel the weight of my despair pressing down, suffocating me.

The mere sight of Takako's suffering fuelled a rage I had never known.

My fists clenched so tight that the knuckles went white.

Suddenly, a chilling thought struck me: "Could I even trust Akane?"

Akane watched my conflicted expression, a mix of pain, doubt, and suspicion. She sighed, "You're wondering whether I'm friend or foe."

I looked at her squarely, "Given everything you've shown and told me, how could I not? My sister's life is at stake."

"Well, look through the vortex again; don't you recognise that place?" She interrogated.

"I... Don't think so...?" I replied, unsure of what she was referring to.

"I see..." Akane whispered before clicking her finger.

When she clicked her fingers, everything went black, and I woke up in the white-haired woman's room.

She introduced herself as Naomi Tominaga, cooked food for me as I showered—or learned how to—and gave me new clothes.

My head was a whirlwind. Was this déjà vu? Memory manipulation? Time travel? I remember this moment all too well.

Is Akane aware of this too...?

As I sat across from Naomi, the comfort of the food and new clothes did little to ease the dissonance in my mind.

Despite her care, I couldn't shake the sensation of having lived through this, like a song played on loop.

"Naomi... do you know someone named Akane?" My voice was hesitant, unsure of the reaction I'd receive.

She seemed confused," Why do you ask?"

Images flashed before me: a fiery-haired girl, the mesmerising spiritual realm, and the haunting images of Takako.

"I... I think I met her. In a dream, perhaps?"

With the abrupt end of our conversation, Naomi stepped away, leaving me to navigate the uncertainty in my mind.

Yet every time I closed my eyes, images of Akane and Takako swirled before me.

Especially Takako.

I decided to step out and explore, needing some air.

The night had blanketed the town, but the luminescence of various enchantments made it seem as if it were still day.

I wandered into the outskirts, entering the dense forest surrounding the village.

The tree canopies above shielded me from the shimmering moonlight.

These towering giants stood ancient and proud, their barks rough and dark, with silver streaks running like veins.

It wasn't long before a familiar voice broke my introspection: "Hey-o!"

Akane. There she was, leaning casually against one of the trees.

I approached her, my voice laced with suspicion, "Are you actually some sort of demon haunting my every move?"

"Gasp! How rude! You wound me! I'm a cute little descendant, remember?"

"Cute? Trust me, that's the last word I'd use for you," I countered, "Why are you even here?" I pressed again, my voice tinged with impatience.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay," she confessed, her fiery eyes holding a glint of sincerity, "you're going to look for Takako, your sister, right?"

"You could tell?"

Her chuckle was melodic, but beneath it lay an undeniable edge.

"Of course. I've been watching, remember?"

"Then help me. Help me find her." I was desperate. My voice broke with emotion, revealing the raw vulnerability within.

Akane leaned in, studying my face for a moment.

"Fine," she sighed, "but understand this: I help you, and you owe me."

"Anything. I'll do anything, I promise." The words tumbled out, and my determination was clear.

Akane's eyes narrowed as she assessed my sincerity, and a small smile curled her lips.

"I'll remember that promise."