
I am the First

Would you trust a system that reincarnates a murderer in a new world? Well, Conor didn't care, he was the murderer. So what does that mean? if the system was willing to reincarnate Conor. How about the rest? The rapist, the drug dealer, the human trafficker, the pedophile, the priest, the worst of humankind. For what purpose? there has to be one. and even if there is a purpose would you care, given that you were forced a second chance of life?

TYR · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 5: Options

Today was not my day; everything that happened felt predetermined. First, the cave, then the black bear. My hand trembled in fear. I was scared. Was I going to die? Was I too weak? Was I cursed to suffer?

I am hurt, not physically but emotionally. 'I need some weed,' I muttered.

Mission established.

I didn't even look at my mission. I needed to assess my situation.

I lost three of my daggers and all my clothes, even the ones that were covering my body. I could feel my legs now; my vision wasn't blurry. And when I fell from the tree, I dropped my last dagger.

Good, I'm great.

I looked around and saw red eyes in the shadows of the tree. Two wolves were looking at me greedily.

I stood up against the tree with my back to it and beat my chest with my right hand.

"Come on, sons of bitches. Come get some," I shouted. I wasn't going to back down. It was either them or me.

And today wasn't my day.

The first wolf ran at me. I waited, I timed it perfectly. As it went for my head, I tilted my body to my left; the wolf's head passed my body, and my right hand came right up from beneath it and collided with its head.

Internal destruction.

"Come on, come on. Is that all you got? Don't be a coward. Death is not your enemy; it is me," I shouted ferociously, blood in my mouth.

In fear, the last wolf retreated. I used the oldest trick in human history: noise to scare off wolves. But it wasn't just that; it was how bloodied and evil he looked in the wolf's eyes. It was a monster.

Mission complete: You have faced death twice today, survived this trial half alive to prove that you are a true primordial. Reward: Full health, Bloodline.

Gain 1 level.

I didn't check my notification; I looked around for my dagger until I saw it sticking out from a branch. After grabbing it, I retrieved the wolf that I killed and started to drag it towards the river. I didn't go anywhere near the bear or the goblin village.

I placed the dead wolf on the riverbank where the stones are. I grabbed my dagger and ran it down its belly; its intestines fell out.

It stank. I scooped up some water with my hand and washed the blood and other organs away, over and over again.

Then, I placed my dagger on its neck and started to smash it with a rock. I was trying to separate its head from its body. After a few minutes, I succeeded. Then, I separated its outer skin from its muscles and bone. But then it clicked; I could have used essence.

It seems like I haven't gotten used to everything yet.

Mission complete: Prepare for winter. Reward: a winter camp that provides heat.

Then, something unexpected appeared.

You have been given a heating tent.

Choose what you want to appear in my tent. You can only choose one option:


Healing pool and energy bed

Furnace and blacksmith table

Sewing table and inventory chest

Map and radar

Invisible and protection barrier

The options for what I could have in my tent were mind-blowing, and it seems like based on the options, I'll be using my tent for a while.

So the question of the day is: what do I need right now? The healing pool and energy bed seem like the most obvious option. I've met death too many times in a day.

But even if I get a healing pool, will I be able to protect myself? No, the answer is obvious too, because they offer an invisible and protection barrier as an option.

But how strong is the barrier? I don't know, and it seems like the map and radar are important too. Having a map will solve one of my problems: location. How far am I from my enemies or where are they located?

But a table will get me a freaking underwear. I seriously need underwear. Not in my wildest days would I think underwear is so important.

I think I will needed blacksmith table and furnace in the future, but I will just have to pick up weapons as I go by.

So, I will eliminate the furnace and blacksmith table, and the sewing table and inventory chest. I want those two options, but I don't need them for survival.

As much as a map is important, the rest trump it. So I'm left with the healing pool and energy bed and the invisible and protection barrier.

Option chosen: healing and energy bed.

A red stone appeared in my hand; it felt soft but hard. I didn't know what to expect again. The system just creeps me out. It's like it knows where I am and appears in my hand. This system was powerful.

I then thought of the tent, and it appeared a few feet away from the riverbank. I grabbed my wolf skin and meat and entered it.

I immediately felt the warmth; the tent was bigger inside than outside, the size of a normal room. A bed was in the corner of my tent, and across from it was a bath.

I ran and dived onto my bed. I felt alive; I felt like I was back in civilization. As I lay on my bed, I checked my status and saw something new.

Bloodline: As a primal human, you are one of the few creatures that can create something unique to yourself and your descendants.

The bloodline of Primordial Williams: Fear not Death, for Death is not the end. Williams are a human race that does not fear death. Recklessness is in their blood. But fear not, Williams are survivors. +12 body attributes, +2 core, +4 mind, + Death mana, + life essence, + fire spiritual energy.

I looked at the information of my bloodline and smiled. It was something that belonged to me; nobody else had it. And it offered me attribute points and other things that I didn't understand, and I was becoming stronger every minute.

Status- Conor William

Level- 12

Race- Human

Status- Primordial Human,

Class- none

Health- 100/100


-Essence - 23:

---life essence-(0)

-Mana- 11:

---death mana (0)

-Spiritual energy- 13:

---fire spiritual energy(0)


-Body- 20+12

-Core- 15 + 2



-Internal destruction level 4

-Identify level 2

-Quick step

-Boxing skill

Passive skills


-Alert level 3

Bloodline: The bloodline of primordial Williams( Fear not, Death is not the end: 

Now, time to analyze the bear. Its level had to be around 50. I didn't get to check it, but based on how Alert operates, it was strong. And Alert didn't sound in his mind. It felt like Alert was overwhelmed.

"So Alert isn't as powerful as I thought. That means I can die without even knowing, meaning I need something better or an upgrade."

Taking a deep breath, I tried something I wanted to try. I had a feeling identity was a powerful skill, and I hadn't tried it yet.

Question of the day!

what would you choose?

Healing pool and energy bed

Furnace and blacksmith table

Sewing table and inventory chest

Map and radar

Invisible and protection barrier

TYRcreators' thoughts