
I am the First

Would you trust a system that reincarnates a murderer in a new world? Well, Conor didn't care, he was the murderer. So what does that mean? if the system was willing to reincarnate Conor. How about the rest? The rapist, the drug dealer, the human trafficker, the pedophile, the priest, the worst of humankind. For what purpose? there has to be one. and even if there is a purpose would you care, given that you were forced a second chance of life?

TYR · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 6: Levels

I Identify Essence

And the definition of essence pops up:

Essence: is the energy of the body. Every living creature has essence. Essence is malleable; its usage is limited only to its user.

Then I identify mana.

Mana: Mana is the energy of the plane. It's also the energy of creation. Mana is stubborn; it will only do what its purpose.

I couldn't stop there; I was learning something new. Essence and mana were two different types of energy, but still, they coexist in his body. That was crazy stupid to him.

Spiritual energy: Spiritual energy is of the mind. Only conscious beings possess such energy. Spiritual energy lies between stubborn and malleable. It can be used for hundreds of different things, but changing its ways is like changing your soul.

When I was about to identify my body, a pain like never before hit me. It was like someone hit him with a hammer. He felt dizzy, blood started to run down his nose.

Everything became a blur. I was knocked out cold; then the next thing I knew, it was the other day, which meant I had slept through the night.

I jumped out of my bed, grabbed my dagger, and ran out of my tent quickly, my heart racing as I looked around me. I could have died.

Gain 1 spiritual energy.

Days remaining 29.

I read the notification in fear; hundreds of things could have gone bad. But I was lucky.

Then out of nowhere, cold air blew at me, I was cold and naked.

I ran back inside and grabbed the wolf's skin, and covered my body. I wrapped its arm skin around my waist. My lower body was covered now.

I willed to close my tent and a red stone appeared in my hand; I pushed the stone in between my weight and wolf skin.

Then something clicked; I wasn't hungry. The energy bed is amazing; I didn't feel hungry from yesterday, meaning it fills me up.

I then started to walk down the river; I had a feeling that I will find ways to level up. I walked for a few minutes until I saw a herd of reindeer.

Brown, muscular beasts, with sharp antlers that glow white. They weren't as tall as the black bear, around 4 feet.

I used identify.

Reindeer level 15.

Reindeer level 9.

Reindeer level 7.

Reindeer level 10.

Reindeer level 21.

I identified 5 reindeer; they looked at me, and I looked back at them. The biggest reindeer's eyes glowed as it bent its head.

It turned to look at the smaller one; immediately I knew it was its child. The child seemed to understand its intentions and charged at me with its head down.

It seems like the father wants his kid to kill me to level up. It seems like even animals understand the need for levels.

And I agree with its decision, but even it didn't know that it was playing with death.

I waited for the reindeer to get close enough, like right in front of me; it was an inch away from piercing me. I then will my skill, quick step.

My body dashes out of the way in a split second. I felt dizzy. I turned around and looked at the young reindeer.

I laughed at it; it was frustrating. It charged at me again, but this time I was prepared. I willed quick step, where I dashed out of the way, and dashed right at its neck.

My dagger slit its throat; in response, its mother, the level 15 reindeer, dashed at me. I knew it was the mother because it was smaller compared to then level 21.

I locked eyes with it and willed my boxing skill. My hands glowed red. A red substance covered my hands; it moved in response to me moving my hand.

It didn't feel hot; it didn't smell. It was the essence. Something that is produced by the body.

The skill told me to put up my hands for guard, to lean in, and to keep my eyes on the target. The reindeer arrived right in front of me.


My fist collided with its antlers; the reindeer staggered backwards. The reindeer didn't stop there; it pointed its antlers at me again. This time I charged my fist.

I pushed essence outward from my body towards my arm and held it around my hand. I pushed essence in quick step; I didn't will it this time.

It caught her off guard; I made sure to hit her on the neck. My fist ripped into her flesh; I felt the recoil from my attack.

The reindeer went flying. "She's dead," I thought.


I immediately jumped in the air; I knew the father would attack, but I was still hit. I looked at him in surprise; around his legs glowed red.

Its antler punctured my left leg; I dropped and rolled a few meters. It got me good.


Then I watched him; he was right over there, and then he disappeared and appeared right in front of me. I couldn't move quick step, I had a feeling, so I used my Boxing skill.

My guard was up, covered in essence; its antlers collided with my hands. Its antler didn't puncture by arm. And he was shocked.

I was pushed backward but not by a lot, and then I hit it with internal destruction; its antlers crumbled in front of my eyes, and its eyes rolled back in its head.

I looked at the other children; they trembled in fear. I stood right in front of them; I could see the pain of their loss in their eyes.

Then I felt something.

Empathy - Mommy, daddy, where are you?

I looked into its eye; I read its thoughts. "Go," I said, as they ran around, I hesitated to take their lives, I didn't know what to do, the system didn't give me a mission. But I need their levels.

I close my eyes, and let it go.

Gain 3 levels.


Four goblins were walking in the forest, they were scouting for the black animal. This animal wasn't furry like the king bear. It wasn't huge and didn't roar. 

Many in their village thought that it was a weak descendant, after all even they have weak goblins in their village. 

Gob, wasn't like those weak descendants, he is a mighty warrior, who will become a goblin king.

He is a goblin knight. Something that many of the other goblins weren't. As he followed the blood in the air, he saw many of his companions dead and naked.

They were all killed in unique ways, and Gob recognized that because the bear king, doesn't kill like that, shouldn't a descendant of the bear king kill like the bear king?

It was puzzling for Gob, he didn't understand the way the bodies were naked too. If it was the bear king, he would have just bite them in half but he there are with there bodies intact.

Gob looked at the other scout team and, said "Don't you find this weird"

The other goblin didn't answer for a second, they were looking at the Gob like he was the weird one.

" what do you mean Gob, isn't clear. The bear king descendant is disrespecting our people." Said, a goblin, who wasn't tall as Gob, and was wearing tater clothes like the rest.

"Never mind," Gob said. While exhaling. 

Gob didn't know how he was the same as these fools, how could they not see something was wrong here?

Gob was frustrated but didn't let that get to him. He continued to look for clues until he found unique footprints that led to the river, then he found animal intensive in the river. Further down he saw Conor, a hairless black bear.

Rage filled his eyes, he wanted to eat that animal alive, fuck what the king said, nothing could stop him, until he hear a roar in the distance man, Shiver ran down his spine. He didn't want to receive the wrath of that monster. 

Then he turned back and left. He completed his job, and now all he has to do is report back to the king. 


I saw a monster, a monster that defies common sense. It was powerful and intelligent. It wasn't like the other goblins.

It had an aura, it was noble, a goblin greater than the other goblin around it.

It had hatred in his eyes. And more importantly, he wore a full set of armor: a chain chest plate, iron legs, and a long sword on its back.

His movements were smooth and knight-like.

Goblin Level 35