
Mr Mxy

It was late at night, it was cold, very cold outside.

A young man sitting on a chair in his room in front of his computer looked through the closed window at the falling snow with half open eyes

"Another snowy day, fortunately for me, it is weekend, a cup of hot cocoa in hand and no work to do, which means I am free to do what I want, nothing beats these warm and relaxing moments"

The young man took a sip from the cup as he looked at the computer screen in front of him.

He was browsing some websites for reviews to decide which movie to watch, he got a few titles in mind but couldn't make a decision which to watch first, till his eyes landed on a certain comment

"Superman is the worst of the worst, a stupid jerk that thinks he is the best one out there, he is an idiot, an idiot I say, foolish, barbaric, brainless …"

The young man skipped the comment, he didn't feel like continuing to read that comment, thus skipped it to read another one

"Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! a stupid line fitting a stupid person, man of steel they call him, more like man of failure, an idiot by all means, a weak feeble little man that can't even get a date…"

The young man again skipped another comment as it seemed ridiculous to read it any further, thus skipped it to another

"A looser, he is nothing but a looser, all brawn and no brain, a stupid buffoon that is what superman is, a looser and nothing but a piece of garbage that shouldn't exist, a superfluous creature that…"

The young man was surprised reading the comments, the person who wrote them, seemed like they hated the superman character a lot, the comments sometimes ridiculous and sometimes childish but always offensive and they were getting worse and worse the more the young man read, and to make things more strange the person who wrote all those hate comments was one and probably the same person as they didn't stop there but wrote a lot more on other websites too, any website that allowed comments on DC movies, the same person would be there to write something, and every time they wrote a comment, it would be a hate comment, cursing and ridiculing the superman character, not the actor, neither the voice actor nor the movie but the character.

"What is wrong with this person? Why does he keep doing this? Why is no one saying anything to him?" the young man furrowed his brows as he read more than thirty hate comments and there were lots and lots more that he either skipped or didn't see them, all of them posted by the same person.

"Mr Mxy" the youth repeated the nickname of the person responsible of all the hate comments he read.

The young man wasn't a stranger to the Dc universe and lots of its characters, he was a fan to say the least.

"Choosing that for a nickname and writing things like that on all of those websites, is that guy alright in the head? I don't think he is just acting or joking, those comments are offensive no matter how I look at them"

The young man held his head as he pondered

"There are lots of people obsessed with comics and super hero movies, and when it came to DC, probably the most known characters are superman, batman, flash, wonder woman, cyborg and green lantern… fans would debate over them like, who is better than who? or what makes this super hero special than the others? And sometimes which actor portrayed the super hero's character better, etc…

Some like to dress up like their favorite characters in certain events like the anime conventions, some geeks however do take their 'enthusiasm' to the max and causing problems in lots of situations whether online or in real life, could this Mr Mxy be one of those geeks? if so why is he acting like superman killed his father or something, what is he going to such lengths to ruin a fictional character's image for? Perhaps, he is trying to make a point? But the comments are nothing but hatred with no apparent reason in them, is he sane?"

The young man was baffled by the comments of this Mr Mxy, he thought the guy might be joking or playing some sort of weird prank, after all, lots of people use the internet and some of those people are weirdos, but even so, shouldn't the moderators do something about those comments? And the stranger thing was, why no one said anything to this Mr Mxy? The young man was full of questions, in a sense, he was curious.

The young man cracked his knuckles, took another sip of his hot cocoa and started typing, he didn't like the fact that no one said anything to this Mr Mxy the most, he thought that he should tell him a piece of his mind otherwise he won't be able to choose any of the movies he wanted to see nor have a good night sleep later, because he would be thinking about why no one said anything to this Mr Mxy, the young man was somewhat a bit of a perfectionist or rather, psychologists might say that his personality is suffering a bit from an obsessive compulsive disorder.

"What is your problem with superman? ten websites! I browsed ten websites so far and in all of them you keep badmouthing superman, why are acting like an evil little imp? Is it because of that nickname? Well, guess what? You are a disgrace, you must be rejected by everyone because of that stupid mouth of yours, shame on you…"

Writing thoughts, the young man felt satisfied, now that he said what he had in mind, he can finally go back and decide what movie to watch.

[You like superman eh?]

"What?" the young man jumped from his seat at the sudden voice he heard

"Who is there?" the young man startled, he shouted as he looked around

"Where are you hiding? Show yourself!" the young man didn't seem afraid

[Bravo! Normally people would panic, but you want me to show myself? Haha, well alright then] the voice again said

Assuming what seemed like a defensive pose, the young man kept looking around, to tell the truth he was somehow thinking he might be delusional, after all he was tired a lot but wanted to take the chance to watch a movie or two since he might not find the chance some other day later, he thought that maybe he should be asleep right now or maybe he did fall asleep and he didn't realize it till now?

The young man was confused and lost in thought as he kept looking left and right in that closed room however his wait didn't last for long, in fact it was only a moment or few seconds as a figure suddenly started to take shape in front of him out of nowhere.

The young man opened his eyes wide as the figure quickly turned into a short man that was a little bit over one meter tall, one would mistake him for a child if it weren't for his face and attire, a purple suit and big shiny black shoes, a childish playful expression on his face as his big forehead was overshadowed by the a big purple top hat, that short man kept smiling as his big eyes were gazing at the young man.

"Greeting earthling of this dimension, you can call me Mister Mxyzptlk or Mr Mxy or any of the names you know me by as in those works of 'fiction' in this world, the ones you people call 'action comics', I am a fifth-dimension imp with powers beyond your wildest imaginations, but I assume no introductions are needed, right?" the short man said as he bowed like a gentleman.

The young man didn't respond as he was somewhat shocked by what he heard and seeing.

"So? You like superman eh? Let us play a game, shall we?" Mr Mxy said

"You dared to oppose me, a human with no powers like you dared to say that to me and for WHAT? FOR THAT PIECE OF TRASH CALLED SUPERMAN" Mr Mxy's tone suddenly turned serious, somewhat grim and scary as he slowly flew towards the young man that looked as if he was petrified

"Nevertheless, I like being fair, so I will give you chance to try and prove me wrong, not that I expect you to be able to do anything but… you like superman, right?" Mr Mxy made a scary expression at that moment as he pointed and with a light move, he hit the young man on his head, not giving him any chance to say a word nor wait for him to understand what just happened

"Remember, no coming back unless you prove me wrong, bye~" Mr Mxy said so while waving his small hand as he looked at the young man who fell down losing his consciousness from that hit that looked light and harmless.

The young man slowly closed his eyes as he fainted, it was till some time later that he woke up, his vision hazy at first but soon better and much clearer than ever, no it was too much better that he couldn't understand what he was seeing and perceiving…

In a room that was neatly decorated with furniture that he definitely didn't see nor buy before, the young man jumped from his somewhat larger than usual bed, looking around, his eyes fell on his reflection in a tall standing mirror… moments later a surprised shout was heard from that room


Mr Mxyzptlk or mr Mxy for short is one of the many Dc characters.

As mentioned in this chapter, mr Mxy is an imp with powers that can overwrite reality and dimension travel, and while he isn't exactly a villain but in comics mr Mxy always was portrayed as an evil or mischievous creature that liked to pick trouble with superman.

Anyway, the mr Mxy in here is based on the character that appeared in superman animated series cartoon albeit with some little changes of my own.

Kaltocreators' thoughts