
I am Son goku, suppressing the Dragon Ball world

[Novel translated by the translator] Lin Zheng traveled through time and became Son goku. He relied on foresight and hard training to defeat the invading enemies every time. King of Namek: "My combat power is only 100 million, and this Saiyan monkey is at least 500 million." During the period of artificial human beings, Cell: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. I am the ultimate artificial human. How could I not be able to take one of Son goku's moves?" Majin Buu: "What happened to your Super Four? Is it too late for me to surrender now?" In the battle between gods and gods, Son goku said to Beerus: "When I transform into Super Six, how should you respond?" Let's see how Son goku surpasses the gods and suppresses the Dragon Ball world as a mortal! ...

Copia_San · Anime und Comics
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321 Chs

Vegeta No. 1 kills the fifth universe angel Kukatel

The balance of battle between the people and the gods lasted for a quarter of an hour, and was finally broken by Vegeta No. 1.

 Although the angel of the fifth universe, Kukatel, was very energetic and devoted himself to the battle, the gap in strength could not be made up by concentrating on the battle.

 Vegeta No. 1 was seen dodging behind Kukatel at a super high speed.

 Kukatel reacted immediately, turned around and punched out, breaking the afterimage of Vegeta No. 1.

 Then he was hit hard by Vegeta No. 1 behind him, and he was hit in the back of the head by Vegeta No. 1 with his fists clasped together.

 The beating caused Kukatel to vomit blood, his eyes protruded, and he became confused.

 Vegeta No. 1 took advantage of his illness and came to Kukatel to kill him.

 After triggering his ultimate self-consciousness, Kukatel punched out, but Vegeta No. 1 easily dodged it.

 Then he raised his knee to his abdomen and hit him with a knee, causing Kukatel to vomit blood again.

 After that, Vegeta No. 1 started a one-sided beating.


 As Vegeta No. 1 beat him, Kukatel let out bursts of screams.

 Kukatel withstood the critical blow from Vegeta No. 1, grasped the staff, and activated time reversal.

 Vegeta No. 1, who was beating Kukatel, felt his body move backwards involuntarily, and at the same time, Kukatel's injuries were visibly recovering.

 The two returned to their previous actions: Vegeta No. 1 ducked behind Kukatel, put his hands together and hit Kukatel hard on the back of the head.

 Kukatel ducked and performed a backspin kick, kicking Vegeta No. 1 away.

 Then he immediately launched a fierce attack, rubbed energy bombs in his hands, and threw them at the confused Vegeta No. 1 for free.

 "Ah da da da da da", "Ah da da da da da".

 After continuing to attack for a minute, Kukatel gasped and laughed: "Hahaha, ant, are you good at fighting? Being able to fight is of no use. Fighting relies on wisdom, not acting like a reckless man. , Just make a random call, this angel's power of time is like a despicable reptile like you, a brainless ant will never understand."

 "Oh, really?" Vegeta No. 1's cold voice came from the smoke.

 The smoke cleared, and Vegeta No. 1 appeared in front of Kukatel intact.

 "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could you be intact after my violent attack?" Kukatel shouted.

 "That's because you are too weak. Although the bullshit power of time is exquisite, your attack power is not enough. What can you do to me?" Vegeta No. 1 said disdainfully.

 "Ant, no matter how weak this angel is, it is impossible for you to be able to take my attack intact," Kukatel said.

 "Hahaha, trash angel, you still don't understand the gap between you and me. My strength belongs to the top angel level. Your strength is among the angels. I think it is only the middle and lower level.

 So although our strength is at the angel level, the gap between angels is bigger than the gap between angels and dogs," Vegeta No. 1 mocked.

 "Ah, damn it, you damn ant, you actually compared this angel to a dog, this angel is fighting with you," Kukatel yelled.

 After that, he waved the staff and energy balls poured down on Vegeta No. 1.

 Then without looking at the result, he turned around and ran away. As he ran, he sent a message to the high priest: "Father, save me."

 The Great Priest, who was fighting fiercely with Super Saiyan 8 Broly No. 3, was distracted after hearing the transmission. He was punched away by Broly No. 3, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

 Broly No. 3 said: "How dare you get distracted while fighting me."

 The high priest secretly cursed a loser, and looked at Broly No. 3 again. He knew that Broly No. 3 would definitely not let him go to rescue the angel, so without saying a word, he fought Broly No. 3 again. Together.

 On Vegeta No. 1's side, Kukatel's energy bomb only bought him one breath of time to escape.

 In one breath (three seconds), Kukatel ran a distance of 1.8 billion light-years. When he turned around, he saw that Vegeta No. 1 was not chasing him, and he let out a sigh of relief.

 As soon as he turned his head, he was suddenly frightened out of his mind. He saw Vegeta No. 1 a hundred meters in front of Kukatel, breathing heavily, with the corners of his mouth raised, and smiled at Kukatel: "You are quite capable. Run, come, come, run and die, I will give you 100 million light years first."

 Without saying a word, Kukatel turned around and galloped away, traveling 130 billion light years in the blink of an eye (0.02 seconds).

 Then, Vegeta No. 1 moved instantly and stopped two hundred meters in front of Kukatel.

 Kukatel braked suddenly and stopped one hundred and fifty meters in front of Vegeta No. 1.

 He yelled at Vegeta No. 1: "Ant, how can you have such a fast speed?"

 Vegeta No. 1 smiled and said: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I can teleport, hahaha, how about it, are you surprised or surprised?"

 "Ahhh, damn it, you damn ant, you actually tricked me," Kukatel said helplessly and furiously.

 Vegeta No. 1 said: "After playing with you for so long, it's time to send you to hell."

 "Damn it, I'll fight you," Kukatel yelled.

 Then, like a trapped beast still fighting, he launched a fierce attack on Vegeta No. 1.

 He saw Kukatel yelling, and the divine ring behind his back came out of his body. The energy gathered, condensed blue and white lightning, and struck Vegeta No. 1 fast and hard.

 Vegeta No. 1 disappeared and rushed towards Kukatel.

 He dodged countless lightning attacks along the way and rushed to Kukatel. Without saying much, he punched Kukatel in the abdomen. Kukatel vomited blood and his eyes were distracted.

 Vegeta No. 1 spread his arms, fired his bow left and right, and slapped Kukatel hard on the face with his big mouth.

 After sixty blows, Kukatel's face swelled up visibly, and Kukatel was also beaten to the point of unconsciousness.

 Vegeta No. 1 pushed his knee into Kukatel's abdomen. Kukatel spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his body bent into a shrimp shape.

 Vegeta No. 1 clasped his hands together and hit Kukatel hard on the head.

 Kukatel was beaten until he could not take care of himself, his eyes were distracted, he was in a miserable state, and he had no power at all.

 Then Vegeta No. 1 raised his palm, black destructive energy emerged from his palm, and hit Kukatel with a swing of his hand.

 Kukatel was annihilated by the destructive energy without making any sound.

 "Hmph, angels are nothing more than that," Vegeta No. 1 said disdainfully.

 Then they explored other war groups.

 A moment later, Vegeta No. 1 flashed and appeared in front of Vegeta No. 2 and the Angel of the Fourth Universe, Konik, hundreds of millions of light years away.