
Chapter 18 Our First Kiss

Gin's eyes darted on my lips. I can see his desires. He bit his lower lip while looking at my lips. His left-hand moves lower from my waist while the other hand supports my back. Our faces are inches away. My heart is pounding fast in every small movement he makes. Part of me anticipates his next move. I want him to kiss me. To close the distance between us. But also, part of me is scared. My angelic conscience whispered to me that this is wrong.

"Gin, I think we should sleep now," I said as I attempt to let go of his arms. But my movement made us even closer. He suddenly kisses me on my lips.

My body went numb. His lips felt soft on mine. I couldn't resist. My brain cells exploded with desire. His lips move softly, teasing me to kiss back. I can feel his passion, his thirst for my response. I kiss him back. He started to get rough, biting my lower lip and invading my mouth with his tongue. I feel like I'm being pulled towards him. His lips started to move from my lips to my neck. Living kisses and love marks. I can feel his hands reach my ass.

I feel like a bucket of cold water is poured into me. I pushed him on the chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused. Frustration is on his face.

"You touch my butt!" I responded in a panic.

He chuckled.

"What? Baby, we're making out." He said while laughing. The way he calls me baby gives me butterflies in my stomach. He sounds sweet. But I should not give in from his charm.

"No. We can't do that. We're not married yet."

"Are you serious?" He asked.


"No way you're going to wait until our wedding night. That's almost a year from now." He debated.

"Why not?"

He looks at me in disbelief.

"George, we're engaged. About to get married. I've seen you naked twice. You even asked me to sleep with you before." He argued.

My mouth hung open in shock. Did I ask him to sleep with me? I was a hopeless crazy bitch!

"I did?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, that's the reason why I fired and banned you at Louxem." He answered.

"You've seen me naked? And slept with you?" I asked in disbelief.

"Nothing happened. I was drunk and unconscious then you offered to drive me home. You strip and tried to sleep with me."

"No way I'd do that!"

He laughs in amusement. "You did."

"Stop laughing!" I said.

He keeps teasing me about how I begged him to sleep with me. How I strip naked in front of him. Everything he said is embarrassing. I can't believe I did those things.

"You look really good in the shower." He mumbled in a flirty voice.

I remember the encounter earlier. I was completely naked. How much he'd seen?

"Stop it," I said.

We both lay down in bed, keeping distance between us.

"Gin?" I called in a whisper.


I look at him. His eyes are closed. I can see the little moles on his face. His slow breathing. I'm about to get married to this man. We are sleeping together like a real couple yet I know what is real. I know what he feels.

"Are you sure you want to marry me?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered in a lazy voice. He sounds sleepy.

I stared at him until I also dozed off.

I woke up feeling tired and heavy. I opened my eyes but all I see is darkness. I suddenly feel fear. That's something is wrong and something bad is going to happen. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. I'm in an empty room. No chairs or tables. I'm sitting on the floor with my hands tied. Then I heard footsteps coming from above. I heard whispering. The footsteps are getting closer, coming down to me. They stopped in front of the wooden door of the room. My heart is pounding in fear. The door slowly creaks open.

"No!" I screamed.

"Georgina, what's wrong?" Gin asked with concern. He's holding my arms.

My body is still shaking in fear. I can't say a word. It was just a bad dream. Again.

"It's okay. I'm here." He said in a reassuring voice. He pulls me into his arms. My head is on his shoulder and his arms cover me in a protective embrace.

"Is it a bad dream?" He asked after a moment.

I nodded.

I always had these scary dreams since I woke up from my coma. Sometimes it all feels real.

Gin's embrace is very comforting. I feel safe in his arms. I drifted back to sleep but this time it was good.

The next morning, Gin and I eat breakfast together with his parents and aunt.

"So.. How was last night?" Elaine whispered.

I blushed.

"What?" I asked.

"You know. Baby-making."

"What?! No. We didn't do that!" I responded in embarrassment.

She laughed.

"I'm just kidding. But we're excited for a baby." She whispered again in a teasing tone.

Is this the reason why Mrs? Camela asked me earlier to always visit or sleep here like it's my home? Do they want a grandchild?

After breakfast, I bid goodbye to them. Gin will send me home before going to work.

"What's your dream last night?" He asked while driving. "You look really scared.

"I always have this dream of being trapped or hunted down. It felt so real." I answered.

"Always? You keep having this dream?" He asked again concerned.

"Since I woke up from a coma. Thank you, Gin for calming me down. I was able to sleep back again last night."

"You're welcome."

"Anyway, I don't have your number," I said.

"I'll call when I reach work. Save it." He said.

"You have my number?" I asked.

"Yes. Cherry save it on my phone when she asked your new number in the mall."

"Yes, I remember."

"Call me if Mom invites you again so that I can get home early or pick you up."

My heart flutters.

I nodded and smiled at him. I feel like we're a real couple. Gin is a sweetheart. A gentleman. I know he doesn't have feelings for me but he cares for me. Maybe someday, he can finally move on from Mina. I wish.

The next few days are a rush. Bett and Cherry are pretty excited and busy with my engagement. After a long debate, the party will be big and extravagant and I'm getting stressed over all the preparations.

Cherry and I went to the mall to look for shoes I'll wear at the party. I have shoes in my closet but she said we need a different color that matches or complements my gown.

"Let's go disturb your fiance," Cherry said and wink at me.

I smiled. "Okay," I answered.

She laughs.

We walk towards his office but we saw him in a store talking to a woman. A beautiful one. She is flirting with him. Her eyes looked at him with fascination. She smiles a lot and touches him in his arm.

"That's Janice. A store owner here. She likes Gin a lot. Why don't we interrupt them and announce your engagement to her?" Cherry suggested mischievously.

"I agree," I said and signed her to let's go.

We walk into the two.

"Gin," I called.

He turned to me.

"You're here?" He uttered then reach to me and kissed me on the cheek.

Janice's smile ceased. She frowned.

Gin introduced us to her.

"You should come to our engagement," I said.

Cherry smiled upon seeing Janice's reaction.

"Engagement?" She muttered in disbelief.

"Yes, we'll send our invitations next week," I answered.

I feel bad for enjoying her defeated face. She is definitely trying to seduce my fiance.

After our small talk with Janice, Gin, Cherry and I went for lunch. We are talking about the engagement when Cherry excused herself to go to the comfort room.

"Let's go to my office after here. Just us." Gin whispered.

I look at him with questioning eyes.

"Why?" I asked confused. Maybe he has something to say to me.

"I can't make out with you here." He said in a mischievous voice.

I feel a rush of blood going onto my cheeks. I blush.

"Okay," I answered shyly.

He chuckled and kiss me on my cheek.

"You smell so good." He whispered in a flirty voice.