
Chapter 14 Book of Secret

I heard the maids cooking downstairs and I've been feeling hungry. I haven't eaten since yesterday. I refused to go out in my room to see them or speak to them but I'm really hungry now. The snacks I bought yesterday are in Gin's car. I forgot to take them with me when I went out.

I can smell the garlic and onion in the stir-fried veggies. The scrambled egg and hotdog and even the warm rice. The hot choco with pandesal bread. Gosh! I'm so hungry!

I stood in front of my bedroom door. Debating whether I should choose my pride over my stomach. Then I heard a knock.

"Georg, it's me," Bettany said.

I tiptoed and run back to my bed.

"Come in," I answered in a calm voice.

She entered my room and sit on the couch.

"Aren't you hungry?" She asked.

I refused to look at her.

"Are you still mad because Mom slapped you or because we won't allow you to go to Gota?" She asked.

I didn't answer. I stared at the wall. I'm hurt that Mom slapped me and was mad for not letting me do what I want.

I heard her release an exhilarating breath.

"You know. We are just trying to protect you. Your case is still not solved and we're afraid that something bad might happen to you again. Me, mom, and dad are doing our best to protect you. And the police are doing their best to solve your case."

I look down. I hate to admit it but she has point. But I just want to remember. I know they want to protect me but I'm the only one who knows what happened to me. I just need to remember.

"And to make you feel better I'll share with you something I don't want to talk about."

I look at her. Curiosity caught me.

"I was slapped by Mom too. Of course, you don't remember but it's when we were young."

"Go on," I said when she paused.

"Well. You were 11 and I was 15. I convinced you to go to the beach with me even though you can't swim. You almost drown. We brought you to the hospital and Mom slapped me there in front of the doctors and nurses."

I'm shocked. I can see in her eyes that she's still hurt with that memory.

"I'm sorry," I uttered.

"You've been a spoiled brat to the family. You want things your way. You were difficult but never once did she slap you. Just yesterday when she thought she'll lose you again. You put your life in danger and that made her mad. I put your life in danger when we were young and that made her mad. When it's about your safety, our mother can't control her emotions."

I feel guilty and ashamed. I know it's my fault. I bit they scold Simon too because of me.

"You should eat now. She's worried."

I nodded.

I went downstairs and saw my mother still cooking. She loves to cook and she cooks great foods. She turn around and saw me. She's surprised.

"Georgina. Do you want to eat?" She asked immediately.


She hurriedly prepare a meal for me and put it on the table.

"Thank you," I said.

She smiled.

"And.. I'm sorry."

She froze. Her eyes begin to water. She turns to me and embraces me. I embrace her back. It's warm and comforting. I felt drops of tears on my shoulder and a whimper.

"But your slap hurt Mom. I thought I'd lose a teeth." I joked to lighten the mood.

She laughs. I wipe the tears on her cheeks.

I look up and saw Dad and Bettany watching us upstairs. They're smiling.

"Can we eat now? I'm really hungry." I asked.

They all laugh.

After breakfast, I went to the garden. I saw Simon and another man fixing the wall I crawled out yesterday.

How did they know it's there?

I look around and saw CCTV cameras. Perfect.

I spend the rest of the day reading Bettany's book. I sneak out into her room and take one.

I open another page and saw a picture stuck there. It's Bettany with a man. They look close. The man's arm is around on Bettany's shoulder. Bettany's head is resting on his shoulder.

She has a boyfriend.

I close the book when I heard a knock on my door. It's Bettany. Did she find out I took her book? I plan to sneak into her room to return it once I'm finished. I immediately put it under my pillow.

"Come in," I said.

She entered my room looking excited.

"I have good news!" She exclaimed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Gin agreed to the engagement! You're getting engaged!" She said enthusiastically.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

Engagement? Why? What's happening? Gin could never do this. He dreads the idea of us being together. His parents must have forced him to agree.

"Did his parents force him to do this?" I asked.

"No Georg. He talked to his parents and told them he want the engagement with you."

"That's impossible," I said.

Gin Louxem? He hates me. I mean he hates the idea of us together. How can he change his mind easily? Something is going on here.

"Georg? Aren't you happy? This is what you wanted." Bett asked when she notice my lack of enthusiasm.

I look at her. "That's what I wanted when I still have my memory. This is me now Bett. I don't want the engagement. He doesn't like me."

The thought of having Gin as my fiancee gives butterflies in my stomach but I know the truth. Gin doesn't want me thus I tried to ignore this feeling. I don't want to force him into a situation that would hurt him.

"What if he likes you now?" Bett asked.

"No way," I answered in confidence.

A memory of our conversation in the parking lot flashed before my eyes. He's disgusted by me.

"But Georg, this is your chance to be with him. You've wanted this for years. You did things to get closer to him. Now, it's him, taking steps towards you. You should grab this. Once your memory gets back, you'll be thankful this happened."

"I need to talk to Gin," I said.

"He's in the mall I guess. But Georg, think about it. You need this engagement more than Gin. It will save your reputation and our family's reputation. And our parents love Gin. This is what they wanted for you."

I can't say anything. This is all incredibly unexpected. I don't even know if this is what Gin really wanted or why he suddenly change his mind. I need to know first before I decide.