
Chapter 13 The River

Gin direct me to his car. He insist that he'd come with. He's stubborn. Why would he want to come with me? What's wrong with him?

"Gin, please. I need to go. The bus will leave soon." I pleaded.

"I told you I'm coming. Besides, it's faster if we use my car. I'm bored anyway. I don't have anything to do today."

He opened his car door and signed me to go in. Then he settled in the driver's seat and started driving.

"What do you want to check?" He asked while driving. He glances at me.

"I don't know. That's why I'm going there. My parents won't tell me anything about the accident. I just need to check something." I explained.

I glance at him. He's focused on the road. It gave me time to study his side profile. His copper brown hair is unruly. There is a little mole under his eye and just below his lips. It's fascinating and attractive. And very attractive while driving. I don't like the direction of my thoughts again. I tried to dismiss it.

He look back at me and caught me staring at him.

"What?" he asked.

"I- I'm just wondering why you're doing this? You hate me." I asked.

His expression changed. It becomes softer.

"I was angry at the many things you did in the past but I don't hate you. And I think you change." He answered in a calm voice.

Mr. Enrique and Cherry are right, he's a saint. He forgives even if I don't deserve to be forgiven. I'm glad we're talking again. But what does he mean I change?

"Change what exactly?" I asked.

"You're mature and sensible now." He answered.

He drives fast. Going in his car is also good so that I can go back home before my family noticed I'm not in my room. I felt a sudden dejavu. Like this happened before or I was driving fast like this before.

"You okay?" Gin asked as he glance at me.

"Yeah," I answered.

We had talks along the way about the past and his ex-girlfriend, Mina. They broke up during college because I spread a rumor that Gin is cheating with me. A few years later after we graduated, they reconnected but I did something again that Gin refused to talk about. That is when he decided to fire me in Louxem valley and banned me there. He almost files a restraining order but my sister intervene. I'm curious about what I did. I assume it's really bad.

It was almost a two-hour ride when we reach Gota. It's a remote place with a few establishments and several residential areas. Mostly we passed by roads full of trees along the side of the highway or wide rice fields.

"Let's go to Tago River," I told Gin. He searches in the GPS. It's just a few meters away from the highway.

We made a turn on a road that is not cemented. Trees are everywhere and no houses nearby. I can see the river at the end of the way. I think it's 15 minutes walk from the highway.

We get out of the car and inspect the area. The place looks refreshing. The water is bright blue, the wind is cool and the trees and plants are green under the bright sun.

"What a nice place to almost die," I uttered.

I walked around and saw it. The place where I was found.

I took out the printed picture of me of the news article and compared it. This is exactly the place!

"What's that?" Gin asked looking at the printed paper in my hand.

I showed it to him.

"This is me when I was found here." He looks at the picture and the area I'm pointing to.

"I thought you had a car accident?" He asked confused.

I nodded. "Yes, my car was found in road 59 slammed into a tree. We pass by it earlier. From there, I walked or run around 20 to 30 minutes to get here." I explained.

He looked at me confused and concerned. I hesitated for a moment if I should tell him my theories. But I think he's trustworthy. He might help me.

"Gin, someone tried to kill me. The police said I was speeding but I slammed the tree because someone hit my car on the side. I think someone was chasing me that night. My parents are overprotective after I got out of the hospital. They hired someone to follow me around every time I go out. The police are still searching for the suspect. And I saw something at the back of my shoulder. It's like a bullet wound. I'm not sure but it looks like it."

Gin looked at me stunned. He's speechless for a moment trying to absorb all the information he just heard.

"What? Tried to kill you? Bullet wound?" He uttered in disbelief.

"Yes, and I need to know what happened to me. Who tried to kill me and why?"

His eyes narrowed and I can see the change of expression from shock to anger.

"Are you crazy?!" Gin snap. He sounds mad.


"You're almost killed and someone out there tried to kill you but you sneak out to come here? The scene of the crime? Are you playing police? Detective?" He said in a loud voice.

He's furious.


"Enough! Let's go home." He shouts at me.

He drags me into the car by my arm. I'm afraid to speak up. He looks so angry. He drove the car fast out of that place.

"What will you do if I haven't seen you in the convenience store huh? Go here alone? Walk around here? That's is so stupid Georgina!" He said like he's scolding me.

"I-I might remember something if I see that place in person."

He glared at me.

"Did you?" He asked still mad.

"No, because we left too soon. We should have looked more. I might remember if walk around there." I explained.

"Oh god, Georgina! What were you thinking?! If everything you said is true and someone tried to kill, it's not safe to go back here."

We stop talking on the way back. He is still mad at me.

Why is he so mad? So what if someone tried to kill me? As if he cares? I was there. I should have looked around. I might see something or remember something. I'm starting to feel frustrated. I want to go back there.

As soon as we arrived home I got out and slammed the door of the car. I didn't look back at him. I'm angry now. I sensed when he also got out of the car and followed me.

"Georgina!" He called me in a stern voice.

I ignore him. He followed me to the door of the house. My parents, Bettany and Simon are all there when I entered. They must have found out I'm not home. They all look serious and anxious.

"Where have you been?" Dad asked when he saw me. He's mad.


"Gin," Bettany said when she saw Gin in the door.

He formally greeted my parents.

"Georgina and I went to Gota." He said in a serious voice without looking at me.

I look at him in disbelief. Did he just tell my parents? He just throw me under the bus. Traitor!

"What!" My dad is angry.

"I saw her at the bus station and she told me she's going to Gota. So I offered to drive her there." Gin explained.

They all turn to me with angry eyes except Simon. He looks sorry for me.

"I just want to see-"

Mom slaps me. I look at her in disbelief. She looks shocked as well. I can see in her eyes that she regret what she just did but it's too late.

I run straight upstairs and lock my room. I heard them still talking downstairs but I don't care. After an hour I saw Gin from my window. He got into his car and drove away.

He talked to my parents. What were they talking about? Did he tell them everything?

I heard a knock on the door.

"Georg?" My mother called.

"I need to be alone please," I answered.

She didn't talk for a moment.

"Okay. If you need anything just call me." She said in a calm voice.

I lay on my bed. My mother, she's a sweet woman, and I have never seen her get mad at me since I woke up from the hospital. She's always kind and caring. I can't believe she slaps me. My cheek hurts.

I rub it with my hand.

And Gin? He made everything worse. How could he tell my parents about it when I told him not to. I'm so angry at him right now.

How can I sneak out again after this? They will get more strict with me.