
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 89: The Morning Reports

[Latveria, Doomstadt, Castle Doom]

[April 5th, 2010]

(Future Emperor of Earth Doom: POV)

My holographic screen active in front of me I sat in my personal office in Castle Doom.

Reviewing the morning reports that my people send to me.

Which I now do every other day, instead of every other week.

Because since events, and the own plans I have set in motion, have been rapidly developing I need to stay vigilant.

To make sure nothing goes to shit, which will turn trigger a giant clusterfuck.

Since, and I know I've said this many times before but I will continue to do so since it is the truth, this is a Marvel Universe.

Where generally anything that can go wrong will if you don't nip such shit in the bud quickly.

Hence my actions right now.

Though so far, from what I'm seeing in the reports, things seem to be going well at the moment.

First, Jessica has made contact with as many of the Defenders as she possibly could at the moment and has made the recruitment pitch.

Now it's just a wait and see game.

Though given all the information I have on all of the Defender candidates I feel it highly likely that both Luke, and the other Jessica, will accept the offers made to them.

Jessica Jones in particular.

Since my people saved her, by finally killing that cancerous walking mass disguised as a human known as the Purple Man.

Who thankfully was the version of himself from the comics, and looked nothing like David Tennant.

Since I didn't really want for him to end up executed.

But don't get me wrong, I would've made sure the Purple Man died whether he looked like Tennant or not. All I'm saying is I'm glad he didn't.

Moving on.

I'm 50/50 in regards to Murdock.

Though I am hoping he does join.

Bringing Elektra along with them.

Since those two are still together and going strong.

Which was certainly a surprise to me when I learned this. Since I can't understand why.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact Elektra mother is still alive in this universe?

I don't know.

But I am happy for them.

I also really hope they will join the Defenders.

Seeing if how they don't it will simply be Like and Jessica for a while.

Given that the other candidates I want for the Defenders, Danny Rand and Frank Castle, aren't actually viable candidates at the moment.

The former is still training in K'un-Lun.

While the latter is a mix of his MCU background and that one Punisher film where Thomas Jane was Frank Castle.

Put simply the Drank Castle in this universe has already retired from the military and is currently an FBI agent.

So until his family is threatened and attempted to be killed I won't even think about contacting him.

I also say attempt, because there is no way I'm letting Castle's family die.

Because a man like Frank shouldn't have to suffer through that. Plus as a family man myself now I understand Castle's character all the better now.

For if anyone took my family away from me...I promise you the world would burn until there was nothing left.

So yeah...

I just hope I can have the Defenders properly assemble.

Especially since if they do Jessica and Luke will likely get together.

Which if they do I would be so happy about.

Since they were one of my favorite couples in the comics.

So that's why I'm indirectly trying to set them up. Since having one without the other just feelings wrong to me.

That's why I'm hoping.

Second, Zod has finally managed to track down Gambit and bring him into the fold.


Now Mister Sinister has lost another card to play, and we get to see if the Gambit of this universe can become anything close to a hero like multiple other versions of him I know of.

Now of course I know there's a possibility of betrayal, but I'm willing to take that risk.

You might say I'm taking a Gambit on Gambit.


Yeah, but seriously. If I even suspect for one second that red-eyed is going to pull a Judas then I'll make sure to take that Bo staff he carries around and shove it so far up his ass it comes out his throat.

Then I'll heal him and do it several more times before deciding my next action.

For no one betrays Doom and gets away with it.

No one.

Third, Magneto efforts in freeing captured EVO's and dealing with hard groups across the world is progressing quite nicely.

Especially since Magneto is following my orders and not taking things too far.

At least with witnesseses who will talk around.

Namely many of the people he is rescuing form clutches of groups like the Friends of Humanity and the fucking Purifiers.

Who I was hoping wouldn't exist in this reality, but Marvel Murphy Law had to rain on my parade.

For it seems the Purifiers in this world we're formed the same way they were in the Fox television show, The Gifted.

Adding yet another bunch of hateful, spiteful, bullies to the ever growing EVO hate pool.

Oh and the fact the governments of the world aren't really doing anything about these kinds of groups only makes me angrier.

That's why I can't wait until Earth is one world under Doom.

Since when it is I'll go and have a friendly chat with groups like the Purifiers.

Where I will fucking purge them all during our talk.

That will definitely make them see things my way.

Oh and it looks like Magneto has encountered Iceman.


Now with him in the game I can start my plans for fixing the polar ice caps.

Which of course I could've done earlier but with Bobby things will be so much easier.

For it's as the saying goes: Work smarter not harder.

Fourth, Erik has successfully inserted himself into Wakanda and his origins have been exposed to the most influential people in the African Nation.


Now that means Erik can finally begin twisting Wakanda into what he envisions.

His vision being mine for the African Nation.

A place that will quietly exist in the Empire of Doom.

Which should be easy for Erik to do. Considering I'm supporting him.

Not to mention he has Zemo for backup on the ground.

He having been the one who wrote the report I currently reading.

Erik having secretly communicated with Zemo to relay information in regards to what is currently taking place within the borders of Wakanda.

Which looks to be on the verge of full blown civil war.

Not that that surprises me.

Given that's exactly what I planned to have happen when I sent Erik there in the first place.

For now that everyone knows the truth of T'Chaka past crimes against his own blood he won't be able to sit on his throne much longer.

Add to that the fact Erik brought in Klaue, a man T'Chaka had failed to do for decades, and it only strengthens his position in regards to his candidacy for the throne.

T'Challa is going to have his work cut out for him.

But even if he were to defeat Erik and become the next king I already have contingencies in place should that moment come to pass.

It won't, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be lazy and not prepare for the possibility.

Since this way I never lose.

Fifth, Peter Parker has finally gotten his spider powers.

Reading this report I couldn stop a smile from forming on my face.

For now the OG Spiderman is in play.

So with this information I can now begin showing him the way.

Because there is no way I'll allow the life of this Peter Parker to turn out like I have seen it so many times in the comics, movies, and television shows in my previous life.

Where although he was an awesome hero, the rest of Peter life basically sucked.

Always late, could hardly pay his rent, his relationships with women never worked out, and let's not talk about the fact most of the time Peter let his immense potential go to waste.

Which I am certain is all the result of the words Uncle Ben tells Peter right before he dies.

Really, I don't think the man had any idea how much he was shackling and cursing his nephew with those words.

For because of them Peter leaned more towards taking care of Spiderman than Peter Parker.

Rarely ever finding a good balance in both.

That's why when Doc Ock took over Peter's body in the comics and became the Superior Spiderman, one of my favorite Spiderman storylines by the way, I had to admit he got several things right.

He found the balance between civilian life and super heroics.

Which is what I'm going to make sure this Spiderman learns.

On another note I'm also curious to see who Peter might end up.

Since although there is no Michelle Jones, or Mary Jane Watson in this universe, I did some checking and found out there is a Felicia Hardy.

Also known Black Cat. One of the two sexist feline-themed characters in all of comics.

The other or course being Selina Kyle/Catwoman from DC comics.

So Gwen or Felicia, I wonder which one Peter will choose?

Then again maybe I could set him up with both.

Food for thought.

Movng on.

I reviewed more reports until I found one I couldn't help but put a blank expression on my face as soon as I got the gist of it.

For it detailed Bolivar Trask and Senator Robert Kelly having become closer in the past year, and working towards getting the Sentinel Program funded by the US government.


"I see." I mused. "Brainiac, time to execute the kill plans for Dr. Trask and Senator Kelly." I spoke.

Since not one fucking single Sentinel shall ever exist in this universe.

There will be no 'Days of Future Past' bullshit while I'm around. Nor will I allow the likes of Master Mold, Nimrod, or Bastion to even become a fucking thought in anyone's minds eye.

Screw that noise.

So it's time for Trask and the good senator to get a meeting with lady Death herself.

"Understood my emperor. Kelly and Dr. Trask are already dead." Brainiac replied. "I'm also setting things up so that we acquire Trask Industries after the good doctors demise. Since I'm sure that's what you've instructed me to do next."

"Ah, you know me so well." I replied.

I then went back to reviewing the reports until I finished them all off.

Once I did I got ready to head to breakfast with my family.

Where we would discuss our upcoming trip to Monaco.

Since despite all the changes I've made the events of Iron Man 2 are basically right on course.

So I'm not only going to Monaco to have a little chat with Tony about saving his life, but also to deal with Vanko and earn some more brownie points with the public.

Not to mention ever since Susan and I got married, and she became my only official wife to the people of the world for the moment, we haven't really had any time to enjoy ourselves.

So on this trip we definitely will.

Monaco here comes Mr. and Mrs. Doom.

I hope you're ready.