
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasie
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62 Chs


"I don't think I'll be comfortable sitting on your thigh" Selena spoke as she shot him a deadly gaze clearly showing her displeasure but Damien was adamant. 

William didn't say a word and just watched, he had to bite his lips several times to remind himself that this was reality. Damien's actions were shocking and he never thought he would ever see this side of him. Was it jealousy? William asked himself in his thoughts. Whatever it was, it was something different. 

"Sit" Damien ordered, he sounded serious and one could tell he wasn't joking. 

Selena sighed as she obeyed his order, she sat on his thigh with a displeased look on her face which she didn't hide. 

"Carry on'" Damien said to William and then he placed his hand securely around her waist. 

Selena swallowed the lump in her throat when she felt his closeness, if his plan was to make her uncomfortable then congratulations to him. Selena could feel goosebumps forming on her skin, but she still tried to remain sane, she took a deep breath as she turned to Damien and gave him a stern look. 

"Your hand please" William said as he urged her to stretch her hand out.

"Injection" Selena asked as she withdrew her hand from his grip. 

"No, it's emm...I just want to feel your pulse"William said with a small smile on his lips as he grasped her hand carefully. 

Selena could feel the cold emitting from the man behind her, she could tell he was angry, he had his gaze fixed on William and Abigail was sure that if eyes could kill then William would have been dead by now. 

"Your pulse seems fine" William said as he placed his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. "What happened?" William asked. 

Selena was about to speak but Damien didn't give her the opportunity so he quickly interrupted. 

"She fainted" Damien answered as he recalled what happened inside the elevator yesterday, one minute she was panicking then the next she was falling. 

"Was that the first time ?" William asked. 

The whole room was Silent and everyone had their gaze fixed on Selena, only she could answer that question. 

"No it's not the first time, it happens a lot" Selena said and beads of sweat formed on her face as she tried to look away, she could feel everyone's gaze on her and it made her uncomfortable. "I have claustrophobia" Selena blurted out seeing no reason to hide it anymore. 

"How long have you had it?" William asked with curiosity in his eyes as he looked at her. 

"It's been years, but I've been taking drugs to help" Selena said. She remembered the first time she was diagnosed with claustrophobia, it was two years ago, she had an assignment, Diana was her partner back then so they were together. They got trapped inside the elevator, at first Selena was okay with it, she was calm but then minutes passed, hours passed, they were stuck inside the elevator for two days. 

After that experience Selena was never comfortable in confide spaces, she would always panic and freak out at the thought of being trapped. 

"Do you have medications for it?" William asked. It's been long he came across a patient with Claustrophobia, well that was only true because the patient died. William glanced at Damien to see if he was affected by this, William knew for sure that this illness meant something to Damien. 

"I use to take medications but I ran out and I thought that I was fine, I thought I was already cured from it but...guess am not" Selena said. 

Selena noticed that Damien had turned quiet, he wasn't saying anything, she had to turn to look at him just to check if he was still the one holding her.

"Well the good thing is that it's nothing serious, we'll just get you the medications and make sure you take them regularly, you'll be fine" William said with a smile and then began packing his things so he could leave. 

"So when am I getting the medications?" Selena asked.

"Today, I could come by in the evening" William added. 

"Thank you" Selena said with a smile. Selena watched William walk out of the mansion and then she returned her gaze back to Dylan, he seem to be enjoying his breakfast heartily and had stopped paying attention to them.

Selena turned her face so she could take a good look at him, there was this new look in his eyes, something she didn't get to see very often. He had his eyes fixed on a large blanket on the wall, Selena followed his gaze and noticed that there was something underneath the blanket, perhaps a frame. 

"Why didn't you tell me that you were sick?" Damien asked as he placed his hand on her cheek and gently tucked some hair strands behind her ears. 

"I thought I wasn't anymore not until yesterday, and I did tell you that we would discuss it later, I told you there was no reason to call the doctor " Selena spoke.

"When did it start?" Damien asked. 

Selena sighed and then she explained everything to Damien, she was careful not to disclose anything concerning the purpose of the assignment. 

"Oh I wanted to ask, what happened to Diana?" Selena asked. The last time Damien took her there, they had Diana tied up and bleeding all over, Selena felt a little pity at first but after realizing that Diana had used her, she didn't feel any sense of pity for her. 

"It's best we don't discuss it" Damien said, quickly dismissing the topic, he noticed she was about to say something and so he quickly interrupted. "No more questions, Time to eat" Damien said as he freed her from his grip and let her go. 

Selena didn't know why but her skin was cold when Damien removed his hands, for the few minutes that he had his arms around her, Selena had already gotten used to it.

With a sigh Selena decided to keep Diana's topic for another day, she was famished and she really wanted to eat something. 

"I thought you guys wanted an invitation" Dylan said with sarcasm evident in his tone as he watched them take their seat.