
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Night Talk Customs

Zhang Min's eyes sparkled as she replied, "Going up to the beam is one of the five major rituals performed when constructing a new house. These five rituals are: first, the ceremony for the placement of the talisman at the construction site; second, the water release ceremony (burying the drainage system underground); third, the door installation ceremony; fourth, the going up to the beam ceremony; and fifth, the moving into the new house ceremony. To make the going up to the beam ceremony more grand and spectacular, wealthier families often combine it with the moving-in ceremony."

"Don't divert the topic. I asked about the customs of going up to the beam," Uncle Zhang interjected.

"Uncle, why are you in such a hurry?" Zhang Min glanced at Qin Yu, who was sitting nearby, and exchanged a knowing look before cheerfully saying to Uncle Zhang, "Let's have our family's talented young man answer this one!"

Zhang Min had some understanding of these rituals because her own family had gone through them when they built their new house. However, it was still challenging for her to articulate the reasons behind them.

"Well, let me try to explain. If I get anything wrong, Uncle, please don't mock me," Qin Yu interjected, prompted by his cousin's gaze.

"Go ahead, Xiaoyu. If there's anything missing, I'll fill in for you," Uncle Zhang encouraged.

"Actually, the custom of going up to the beam has existed since ancient times. There's a saying, 'With beams on the roof, the family thrives with grain; without beams on the roof, livestock won't prosper.' People believe that having proper, stable, and lively beams is essential for the prosperity of their family and household. In ancient times, there were also strict criteria for selecting the beams. They had to be round and straight, without any slant. Only such beams were considered suitable for going up to the beam..."

Qin Yu spoke confidently, as he had developed a keen interest in these folk customs during his university years and had conducted some research and investigation.

"Well said! You've got the symbolism of going up to the beam right. Now, do you know the specific procedures involved in the ceremony?" Uncle Zhang, being an educator, couldn't resist delving deeper, even though Qin Yu had answered his initial question.

"Hehe, Xiaoyu, I've actually studied this before. The customs of going up to the beam vary in different regions. In our area, for example, we must choose an auspicious day for the ceremony. On the previous evening, the carpenters and masons place the painted beams on the table in the newly constructed house. The head of the beam faces east (to the left) and the tail faces west (to the right). Then, the homeowner prepares melon seeds and fruits as offerings, accompanying the craftsmen in guarding the beams to prevent any impurity or negative energy from approaching the painted beams.

During the guard duty, the carpenter first performs a ritual to pay respects to the beams. He takes a handful of rice from a tea tray and scatters it in the four directions of the hall. After bowing to the beams, he says:

'This beam, this beam, it is extraordinary. It supports the roof, stable and secure. Under the shining red star, it radiates magnificence. May the family be blessed, with a flourishing household and longevity for the elders, surpassing the mountains in longevity. May the young ones be filled with joy, and may the fragrance of orchids and laurels permeate. May those pursuing careers rise to greater heights, like soaring phoenixes; and scholars achieve success, reaching the pinnacle. May all things go smoothly, bringing great fortune.'

After reciting the auspicious words, the carpenter must follow the rules and perform an exorcism. He asks the homeowner for a cup of clean water, drinks a sip, and sprays it onto the beams while saying:

'Behold, the heavens and the earth open, with the sun shining upon us. May the imperial descendants prosper. May this splendid hall be built, providing a comfortable dwelling. May evil spirits retreat, and malicious forces hide. With this accompanying beam, there shall always be good fortune. As the hammer strikes, it echoes through the heavens. Countless saints and sages accompany the mighty beam. The celestial ominous energy quickly returns to the clouds, and the terrestrial ominous energy flows smoothly away.'

Qin Yu's voice rose and fell, accompanied by the crackling sound of the charcoal fire, resonating in the ears of everyone present. The vivid scene of the carpenter reciting the verses came to life in their minds.

"Excellent! I didn't expect you, Xiaoyu, to have such a deep understanding of the customs of going up to the beam. Keep going and enlighten them. Nowadays, very few young people understand these old traditions," praised Uncle Zhang.

Zhang Yuanqiao was very satisfied with Qin Yu's performance. However, as he mentioned, young people nowadays have very limited knowledge of traditions. These things are likely to completely disappear in a few decades, after the older generation passes away.

"I used to think that the ceremony of raising the ridge beam was quite complicated, but I didn't expect there were so many details," Qin Yu's cousin exclaimed.

Qin Yu nodded, agreeing with what his uncle said. The goals pursued by today's youth are different, and the fast-paced lifestyle has left few people dedicated to understanding these ancient and intricate customs.

"After the removal of the evil spirits, the guests and the host sit together in the hall, accompanying the ridge beam. After midnight, they prepare food and drinks to entertain the guests who accompany the ridge beam for a late-night drink. The host treats the carpenters and masons with great hospitality, often stewing pork elbows to express gratitude for their hard work. The new homeowner must sit and drink slowly with the carpenters and masons. As the late-night meal ends, it's nearly dawn.

At this point, the carpenter places a red-painted axe, ink pot, and ruler on the table, diagonally leaning three feet forward from the left side of the table. The mason also places a tile-cutting knife and a hanging ruler on the right side of the table. After everything is ready, a large red rooster is placed on the ridge beam. Then, the carpenter holding the ink pot walks to the front of the table and says, 'Master Lu Ban has arrived early, it's time to raise the ridge beam.' The carpenter then places grains, writing brushes, paper, and other items in the center of the ridge beam. They tightly wrap the waist of the beam with red cloth and sew it with red thread. They chant the poem of securing the beam, as follows:"

Holding a piece of silk fabric, measuring one zhang and three chi with no remainder,

Tying it thrice on the left brings fortune and prosperity,

Tying it thrice on the right appoints one as a scholar.

The master's wealth and family thrive, abundance and prosperity fill the household.

Upon finishing the chant, the carpenters and masons each raise a cup to offer a toast. They raise it towards their heads, then sprinkle the wine three times onto the beam of the tree. In unison, they recite:

With this cup in hand, we toast the master's longevity,

With two cups in hand, generations will know prosperity and wealth,

With three cups in hand, descendants will be ennobled as lords.

After the carpenters and masons make their offering to the beam, the carpenter will then take a rooster and place it on the beam. Holding the rooster, he exclaims:

In hand, a rooster from the master's home, With a tall head and a low tail, Wearing a golden crown and colorful feathers, This rooster is no ordinary fowl, It is the rooster of the master's beam ceremony!

Having said that, he places the rooster on the beam, symbolizing the prosperous future of the family business. After the beam-raising ceremony, the auspicious day for placing the beam arrives. The carpenter and mason tie red paper-wrapped ropes on both ends of the tree and climb to the top of the main pillar, holding the ropes to maintain balance. Slowly, they lift the beam while reciting praises:

Today, the master's house welcomes the placement of the beam, Fortunate celestial alignments bestow joy, With auspicious stars shining brightly, radiance fills the house, Gold and jade abound, and all matters flourish.

Upon finishing the chant, the accompanying guests, the host, and the villagers who have come to catch the tossed beam buns all shout in unison, "Good!" The resounding chorus echoes through the sky, blending with the crackling sound of firecrackers, creating a jubilant and festive atmosphere for the beam-raising ceremony.

At this moment, the mason recites:

"This beam, this beam, extraordinary indeed, Grown on the mountainside, placed today as a beam. Today, raising the beam, fortunate celestial alignment, Great prosperity and auspicious beginnings, Ziwei shining high. Enhancing the brilliance of the structure, treasures from the heavens. Increasing longevity for the elders, offering peaches of immortality. Bringing joy to the youth, with a full moon and beautiful flowers. Advancing knowledge for the readers, leaping over the Dragon Gate. Granting promotions to officials, rising step by step. Abundant harvests for farmers, granaries full to the brim. Thriving family business, ever-increasing wealth."

While chanting, the carpenter and mason pull the tree beam to the top of the main pillar and stabilize it. Then they lower the ropes and hoist buns, peanuts, candies, and coins onto the beam. For the sake of amusement, they deliberately ask, "There are so many people below, please don't throw the axe recklessly!" Then they shout loudly, "The beam is secure, attracting wealth and treasures. May every day be auspicious, generation after generation. We invite the masters to quickly toss the beam buns!" So the carpenter and mason sit on the beam, tossing the buns while chanting and cheering for the beam-raising ceremony...

As Qin Yu's words finally conclude, the crowd is still immersed in their thoughts. After a while, someone expresses their admiration:

"I never realized that to become a skilled carpenter, one not only needs to excel in craftsmanship but also understand all these things!"

"In the past, apprentices learned the trade by working under the guidance of a carpenter. The timing of their graduation depended on whether the master taught them these things. Mastering them was essential for a proper graduation."

The uncle chimes in at the right moment, and Qin Yu nods in agreement. Indeed, in ancient times, the requirements to become a skilled craftsman were strict, and it was not a simple matter to graduate as a qualified artisan.

"Oh! Wait a minute, Xiao Yu. While what you said is excellent, there are some differences in our local customs. It seems that the accompanying beam ceremony you mentioned doesn't exist here, and there is also no exorcism ceremony!" After pondering for a while, Zhang Hua notices some discrepancies.

"You fool, don't you think about the times we're living in? We have reinforced concrete houses now. Where would we get beams from? Xiao Yu is talking about old customs!" Zhang Yuanqiao finds his son increasingly disagreeable. Back then, he dropped out of school and ventured outside, causing Zhang Yuanqiao great distress.

Qin Yu gives a sympathetic look to his cousin Zhang Hua. Whenever he gets a chance, Xiao Jiu, his uncle, never hesitates to strike a blow at Zhang Hua. It has become a familiar sight for everyone.

Zhang Hua blinks his eyes at Qin Yu, signaling him to help defuse the situation. Otherwise, their grandfather will seize the opportunity to lecture him for half a day.

"In reality, even though we no longer use beams in houses nowadays, these rituals still exist. They have simply transformed. Take the exorcism ceremony, for example. Nowadays, the carpenter will take a rooster and let it wander around the entire house. Bamboo sticks are placed in every corner and doorway. Whenever the rooster passes by, someone will use the bamboo sticks to strike the walls. This is called dispelling evil spirits!"

Qin Yu, being asked for help by his cousin, naturally won't leave him hanging. He proceeds to explain:

"In folklore, roosters possess the ability to dispel evil and summon the sun. Wherever the rooster goes, negative and impure energy dare not linger. When they hear the sound of bamboo sticks being struck, they hide within the bamboo. After the carpenter finishes touring the entire house, someone will collect all the bamboo sticks. Then, one person holds a pole with firecrackers tied to it, leading the way. Those holding bamboo sticks will follow and run outside. This is called sending away the evil spirits!"

"Well, my education wasn't in vain. We mustn't lose these traditions passed down by our ancestors!"