
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Nihilistic demeanor

The charcoal fire had been changed several times, and the night grew even darker. Most of the girls couldn't hold on and went to sleep. At this moment, Second Uncle and a few carpenters also arrived in the hall.

At midnight, precisely at twelve o'clock, it was the time to raise the ridge beam. The current house no longer had columns; instead, the carpenters hung a red silk peace symbol in the center of the hall, symbolizing the ridge beam ceremony.

A group of young people gathered around the charcoal fire and listened to Qin Yu explaining the customs of raising the ridge beam. They compared the actions of the carpenters and discovered that each movement indeed held meaning.

A new redwood ladder, a necessary item for every new house raising ceremony, was placed. Before the carpenters ascended the ridge beam, no one was allowed to step on this ladder, symbolizing the importance attached to raising the ridge beam.

Qin Yu and Zhang Hua stood aside, watching the carpenters finish reciting the congratulatory words and prepare to climb the ladder. Qin Yu furrowed his brow and muttered to himself, "The purpose of raising the ridge beam is to seek peace and prosperity for the family, but this ominous wind brings financial losses and misfortune. These two are contradictory. It's strange for the red silk peace symbol to hang there."

With one hand holding the peace symbol and the other supporting the ladder, the carpenter ascended step by step. Soon, he reached the top of the hall and raised the peace symbol, intending to hang it on a steel hook specially reserved at the top.


As soon as the peace symbol was hung, the joyful expression on Second Uncle's face had not yet disappeared when a sudden gust of wind blew, making a mournful sound. It blew the peace symbol, causing it to sway and finally fall to the ground.

"What... What's going on!"

The crowd exclaimed in shock, and even the carpenter was stunned for a moment. Immediately, he quickly tried to remedy the situation and said:

"The wind brings blessings!"

Then he descended the ladder and picked up the peace symbol. Facing the four cardinal directions, he performed a ritual, reciting the "Lu Ban's Book of Raising the Ridge Beam" in his mouth. Only after that did he climb the ladder again. This time, after hanging the peace symbol on the hook, the carpenter held it in place for a while, but didn't notice anything unusual, so he let go with both hands.


As soon as the carpenter let go, the peace symbol started shaking again. In full view of everyone, it fell to the ground once more.

"Damn, this is so bizarre!"

Zhang Hua stared intently at the fallen peace symbol and whispered to Qin Yu beside him.

The carpenter became bewildered, as this kind of situation was extremely rare and seemed like a supernatural phenomenon. Second Uncle's expression also turned grim.

"This is an omen of an inauspicious house!"

The older generation, with their wealth of experience, spoke softly. Raising the ridge beam is meant to ensure safety, but now the peace symbol couldn't even be hung properly, indicating an ominous sign for the homeowner.

A gloomy atmosphere hung over the faces of the people. Seeing the situation, Qin Yu knew it was the right time for him to step forward and have a frank conversation with his second uncle. Taking a step forward, he positioned himself in the midst of the crowd.

"This is not an inauspicious omen. It's simply caused by the Feng Shui master's oversight when selecting the site," Qin Yu spoke to the crowd, holding up the fallen peace symbol.

"Xiao Yu, don't talk nonsense!" Second Uncle interrupted Qin Yu, glancing at a middle-aged man beside him, and voiced his objection.

Qin Yu's gaze followed Second Uncle's eyes, landing on the middle-aged man. He wore a felt hat and had a prominent moustache. At the moment, his face wore a displeased expression as he stared at Qin Yu, speaking up:

"A young junior like you, what do you know about Feng Shui? You're just spouting nonsense here. The Li family has assessed the Feng Shui and site selection for countless households in the town, never making a mistake."

"If it were Grandfather Li, naturally there would be no mistakes. But as for Mr. Li, it's hard to say."

Qin Yu glanced at the man, who was a charlatan causing harm to others and himself, with an arrogant demeanor. Qin Yu had no intention of giving him face. Such a Feng Shui master would only bring harm to more households in the town.

"Then, Mr. Li, please tell me why the peace symbol couldn't be hung," Qin Yu challenged.

"Well..." Li Guofang initially wanted to say it was because the homeowner had an inauspicious sign, but he couldn't say it in front of Qin Yu and Second Uncle.

"You want to say it's because my second uncle's family has an inauspicious sign, right?"

Qin Yu sneered, casting a disdainful glance at Li Guofang and said, "Feng Shui theories are profound and complex. They require extreme precision and careful consideration when a Feng Shui master selects a site for someone. But as for you..."

"Blabbering without basis. Since you claim there's an issue with my site selection, then point it out. If you can't, then you should kneel down and apologize in front of all these people."

Li Guofang was infuriated by Qin Yu's words and disdainful expression, his eyes almost spewing fire. As the only Feng Shui master in the town, he was greeted with smiles wherever he went, and every household respectfully invited him for auspicious events. Now, being questioned by a younger generation, he couldn't tolerate it.

"Xiao Yu!" Second Uncle spoke up, his voice tinged with concern. To be honest, he had also doubted the Feng Shui aspect when the peace symbol couldn't be hung. However, the Li family was the only one knowledgeable about Feng Shui in the town, and he was afraid that Qin Yu, being hot-headed and unable to provide a valid reason, would leave him with no way out.

"Second Uncle, don't worry. If I dare to speak up, I am confident!" Qin Yu gave his second uncle an affirmative look and continued to address Li Guofang.

"Mr. Li, you must be well aware of the importance of Feng Shui in house selection."

"Hmph, that's a pointless question. Feng Shui studies have strict rules regarding house selection. A good house must face north and south, symbolizing embracing the sun. It is best to have green water surrounding the front, and there should also be a breeze. A house without wind is the biggest taboo in site selection."

Li Guofang responded with a displeased expression. These were basic knowledge in Feng Shui, and yet this young person dared to ask him about it.

"Mr. Li, when you selected the site for my second uncle, you should have paid attention to these aspects, right?"

"Of course!" Li Guofang's expression became proud as he said, "Although there is no water in front of this house, there are farmland fields nearby, which can symbolize the presence of surrounding green water. Moreover, the main hall is brightly lit and faces the expansive fields, capturing the winds of all seasons, embracing various fortunes and blessings..."

"Such a great capture of energy, but unfortunately, what you captured is the energy of financial loss and the winds of misfortune!" Qin Yu had no favorable impression of someone who pretended to know something they didn't. He interrupted without hesitation.

"You're spouting nonsense..."

Li Guofang's eyebrows raised, his face turning red as he glared at Qin Yu.

"Whether I'm spouting nonsense or not, you'll find out soon enough."

Qin Yu didn't care about Li Guofang's menacing gaze and continued speaking to himself.

"You only know about the wind, but you don't know that the wind can be divided into yin and yang, gentle and fierce, and have emotions or be emotionless. The house of my second uncle directly faces the vast fields, and this wind has no obstacles. It is a fierce wind, a wind without mercy. It blows across the fields, absorbs a bit of vitality and yang energy from the plants, and by the time it reaches my second uncle's house, it becomes a yin wind, a merciless wind."

"I know you'll probably say I'm talking nonsense, but I'll prove it to you!"

Qin Yu walked to the table, grabbed a handful of red rice, and made a mark in each of the eight directions. Then he turned to the stunned Zhang Hua and said,

"Cousin, I've marked the positions of the eight trigrams on the ground. Stand in each position and feel the wind."

"Cousin, what are you up to? Do you really understand Feng Shui?"

Zhang Hua whispered as he walked past Qin Yu. He then stood on the position marked by Qin Yu.

"Cousin, you're currently standing in the Qian position. Tell me how you feel!"

"I don't feel anything special. It feels the same as before."

"Very well. Now try standing in the other positions."

"Playing tricks!" Li Guofang sneered disdainfully. He couldn't believe that a young person like Qin Yu would know more about Feng Shui than him, who had been practicing it for so many years.

"Huh! Why does it feel a bit cold, chilly?"

As Zhang Hua stepped onto another position, he felt a gust of cold wind. This time, there was no need for Qin Yu to speak up again. Zhang Hua turned to another position and stepped on it.

"Damn, why is it so cold!" Zhang Hua exclaimed, shivering and immediately stepping away from that position, as if he had seen a ghost.

Qin Yu could clearly see that Li Hua had just stepped on the Kun position, which symbolized three yin lines and represented the heaviest yin energy. Combined with the influence of this merciless yin wind, this particular position would naturally be extremely cold.

"Alright, cousin, you don't need to try anymore."

"Qin Yu, why did I feel so cold when I stood in that position?"

Zhang Hua stood near the Kun position, still trembling with fear. The sensation of coldness was like being in a freezer, with every hair on his body standing on end and goosebumps all over.

"That's because the position you were in is called the Kun position in the Bagua. It is naturally a gathering place for yin energy. With the continuous blowing of this yin wind, the yin energy condenses and doesn't disperse, resulting in an exceptionally cold feeling. If you don't believe me, you can try it for yourselves."

Qin Yu's explanation caused a stir among the crowd. Everyone went to try it for themselves, and as each person stepped on the Kun position, their bodies trembled and their faces changed drastically, just like Zhang Hua's reaction earlier.

Now, everyone's gaze towards Li Guofang seemed a bit different. They were starting to believe Qin Yu's words, especially since they had all personally experienced that chilling sensation.

Seeing the skeptical looks from the crowd, Li Guofang stubbornly said, "So what if there's more yin energy in the Kun position? It's normal."

"Is this just a bit more yin energy? Haha," Qin Yu sneered and continued, "In a normal house, the Qian position represents the yang energy, the place where yang energy is most abundant. Compared to other areas, it should be slightly warmer. However, standing on the Qian position, there is no warmth at all. Qian and Kun are opposite each other. If the Kun position is unusually cold due to the condensation of yin energy, then the Qian position should be exceptionally warm. The current imbalance between yin and yang is caused by the gathering of yin wind and the absence of yang energy."

"We often talk about feng shui, but it's not just any wind that is considered good. Winds can also be categorized as good or bad. This kind of yin wind, straight wind, and merciless wind will only bring misfortune to the homeowner. If it persists, it will inevitably lead to financial loss and disaster!"

The expression on Qin Yu's second uncle's face had turned unpleasant. He had personally stood on the Kun position and experienced it, so he already believed his nephew's words. The thought of his own family moving into the new house and facing the disaster of financial loss and misfortune made his gaze towards Li Guofang filled with hostility.

"You're just spouting nonsense! Who cares so much about the wind?" Li Guofang's face was red, and he stubbornly denied his mistake. This was related to his reputation, so he couldn't easily admit his error.

"It seems you won't give up until you see the Yellow River. Fine, I'll make you understand!"

Qin Yu took out a talisman from his pocket and said, "This misfortune and disaster is precisely the ominous energy that brings financial loss and misfortune. With it present, it's only natural that the peace symbol cannot be hung. But here, I have a talisman called 'Suppressing House Misfortune,' which is used to suppress the negative energy in a house!"

Qin Yu took the peace symbol in one hand and picked up the rice paste from the table with the other, smearing it on the peace symbol. Then he stuck the "Suppressing House Misfortune" talisman on the back of the peace symbol.

"Master, please try hanging this peace symbol again!" After completing all of this, Qin Yu handed the peace symbol to the carpenter, who, although skeptical, still followed his instructions and ascended the red ladder.

Qin Yu didn't personally hang it because the ceremony of hanging the symbol on the beam had always been performed by the carpenter. It carried a symbolic meaning: "Built by Luban, the house will stand for eternity!"

Everyone held their breath, their gaze fixed on the carpenter, including Li Guofang. In fact, he was more worried than anyone else, but his concern was different from the others. He was worried that if the peace symbol was indeed hung successfully and with Qin Yu's words just now, his reputation as a feng shui master would be shattered.

"It's done! The peace symbol didn't fall again!"

"It really didn't fall anymore. This 'Suppressing House Misfortune' talisman is truly effective!"

The peace symbol hung on the iron hook without any movement. The expressions of everyone were filled with astonishment, but soon their gaze shifted towards Li Guofang. Qin Yu had proven his words with facts, and Li Guofang had nothing to say anymore.

Li Guofang's face turned pale, and his eyes scanned the crowd. From their eyes, he saw doubt, ridicule, and the anger of the Zhang family. He wanted to say something but found himself speechless. After a while, he angrily swept his sleeves and left directly.

"Cousin, let him go!"

Qin Yu intervened and stopped Zhang Hua, who was indignant on the side. He allowed Li Guofang to leave. Tonight's events were witnessed by many residents in the town, and it wouldn't take long for the news to spread throughout the entire town. Feng shui, unlike other industries, doesn't forgive mistakes easily. Li Guofang's reputation would be ruined, and it was unlikely that the townspeople would seek his help with feng shui in the future.

Chinese people have always emphasized the concept of "leaving a way out" and "not cutting off others' financial paths" in their interactions. They believe in preserving harmony and leaving room for future encounters. However, Qin Yu understood that if he didn't point out Li Guofang's mistake in front of everyone, allowing him to continue providing feng shui services to the townspeople, another family might end up in a situation similar to his uncle's. This was something he didn't want to see.

"Xiaoyu, your uncle should be grateful to you this time, otherwise..." Qin Yu's second uncle and third uncle walked over together, and his second uncle patted Qin Yu's shoulder, still shaken by the experience.

"Second uncle, we're family. There's no need to thank me. Just have second aunt stew a braised pig's elbow for me. It's been a long time since I've had second aunt's braised pig's elbow." Qin Yu stuck out his tongue playfully and licked his lips, prompting his second uncle to burst into laughter and say, "No problem with the pig's elbow. How many do you want? I'll have your aunt make as many as you want!"

"Xiaoyu, who did you learn feng shui from? And did you draw the talisman yourself?" Zhang Yuanqiao asked from the side.

"I learned it from a Taoist priest in the mountain before, and he gave me the talisman as well," Qin Yu replied. He had prepared his explanation in advance. There was a mountain in the town with a Taoist temple. Unfortunately, the temple was not thriving, and there was only one Taoist priest. The priest had passed away two years ago, and the temple had fallen into complete decline.

Qin Yu did indeed often visit the Taoist temple in the past. The mountain was not very high, and during his high school years when he was under a lot of academic pressure, Qin Yu would often climb the mountain to relax. Through these visits, he got to know the Taoist priest at the temple.

"I see. So that Taoist priest was a remarkable person. It's a pity that he has passed away," Zhang Yuanqiao commented, not doubting his nephew's words. The explanation seemed credible. Among the crowd, everyone suddenly understood. So there was a master guiding him. No wonder he understood the principles of feng shui at such a young age. Only Zhang Hua's eyes flashed with an indescribable gleam, but he remained silent.

Qin Yu's words could deceive anyone, but they couldn't deceive Zhang Hua. When he saw the talisman, he immediately associated it with the wolf hair brush and cinnabar that Qin Yu had asked him to find. However, since his cousin didn't want to reveal the truth, he wouldn't expose it either.


The sound of firecrackers filled the air as the completion banquet for Qin Yu's uncle's new house was in full swing. Over thirty tables were set up, and the celebration lasted the entire day. After the festivities, everyone dispersed, and Qin Yu went home with his parents.

Qin Yu's parents were civil servants, and their family was considered well-off in the town. However, because his parents had to work, the house often felt empty with only Qin Yu there.

After the incident at his uncle's house, Qin Yu became even more aware of the significance of the Zhuge Neijing. He spent this time at home diligently studying and researching. He also searched for information online and watched renowned Feng Shui classics such as "Ma Yi Xiang Fa" and "Han Long Jing," which complemented the Zhuge Neijing and greatly benefited him.

In order to make a name for himself within two years and be worthy of Meng Yao, Qin Yu knew that he had to rely on the Zhuge Neijing in his mind.

And so, Qin Yu stayed at home for over a month, until he received a phone call.

"Hello, Xiaoyu, it's your eldest uncle. Come over to my place now!"

The deep voice of his eldest uncle, Zhang Yuanhe, came through the phone. Qin Yu agreed, "Oh, sure, I'll come over right away!"

Qin Yu's eldest uncle was the mayor of the town, and he was usually busy with official duties. Qin Yu only saw him a few times a year, so he couldn't figure out what the call was about.

Qin Yu locked the gate of his yard and rode his electric bike to his uncle's house, which was quite a distance away.

Upon reaching his uncle's house, Qin Yu noticed that his uncle was already waiting at the door, accompanied by another middle-aged man.

"Eldest uncle, what's the matter? Why did you call me?" Qin Yu asked as he stopped his electric bike.

"Xiaoyu, this is Mr. Wang," Zhang Yuanhe smiled and introduced the middle-aged man by his side.

"Mr. Wang, he must be a secretary, someone important enough for my uncle to personally introduce. Either the secretary of a high-ranking official or the county mayor," Qin Yu thought to himself, quickly saying, "Hello, Mr. Wang!"

"No need to be polite. This time, your eldest uncle asked you to come because of my suggestion. I have a favor to ask of you," Mr. Wang replied warmly, without any airs or arrogance. Not only was he seeking help from others, but he also held a position no lower than Zhang Yuanhe's. Moreover, both sides were in the same camp, so there was no need to put on a show in front of their own people.

"Let's go inside and talk, Xiaoyu. Mr. Wang has something he wants to trouble you with," Zhang Yuanhe said.

The group entered the main hall, and Qin Yu's aunt served them tea. After taking a sip, Mr. Wang began to explain the situation.

It turned out that Mr. Wang was the secretary of the county mayor. As a secretary, it was his duty to assist and help the leader. Recently, the county mayor's family had been facing troubling incidents. The mayor's wife fell unexpectedly and injured her back while walking, and not long after, the mayor's daughter slipped and fell down the stairs at school. She was still at home, recovering from her injuries, and frequently had nightmares.

When incidents occur in the leader's family, it becomes a matter of concern for the entire county. After a meticulous investigation, the Public Security Bureau ruled out any possibility of foul play, leaving everyone astonished by the sheer coincidence of these accidents.

However, behind the scenes, there were other speculations. Some believed that the county mayor had offended ghosts or deities, and his family was being haunted by evil spirits, which resulted in these incidents. The next potential victim could very well be the county mayor himself.

As the county mayor's personal secretary, Mr. Wang derived all his power and influence from the mayor. No one cared more about the mayor's safety than him. With a mindset of "better to believe it exists than to deny it," he decided to seek the help of a folk expert in exorcism and ghost-catching.

However, such experts were scarce in the county, and many of those claiming to have such abilities were charlatans. After more than a month of fruitless searching, Mr. Wang heard about the incident involving Qin Yu's uncle's family. His eyes lit up, and he diligently inquired about the details from someone who was present at the time.

According to that person, Qin Yu was a disciple of a Taoist priest from the mountain, highly skilled in the art of feng shui. The person even recounted the incident involving the "straight wind" and the "curved wind," vividly describing it.

Upon hearing this account, Mr. Wang found the explanation reasonable. After all, if Qin Yu was a skilled disciple of a Taoist priest, it was likely that he knew how to deal with ghosts. After all, capturing ghosts was one of the main duties of a Taoist priest. This led Mr. Wang to seek a meeting with Qin Yu, as requested by his uncle.

Upon hearing Mr. Wang's words, Qin Yu fell into deep thought. The mention of ghosts and spirits also appeared in the Zhu Ge Inner Canon, but according to the scriptures, the conditions required for ghosts to manifest were extremely difficult to fulfill. The current living environment of humans simply couldn't meet those conditions.

"Mr. Wang, it's hard to say for certain whether it's really a case of being haunted by ghosts or spirits. However, I have a talisman here that you can take to the county mayor. Affix it to the top of the main entrance and burn incense as an offering. If it truly involves ghosts or monsters, it should have an effect!"

Qin Yu took out a talisman from his pocket. The design of this talisman was different from a town-sealing talisman. It was called the "Obstacle-Breaking Talisman" and its purpose was to block impure and negative energies from entering.

Upon seeing the talisman, Mr. Wang didn't find it strange. He was already aware of Qin Yu using a town-sealing talisman to suppress the misfortune brought by the funeral wind. He accepted the talisman without much ado, exchanged pleasantries, and then left.

"Xiaoyu, it's been a while since our uncle and nephew had a chat together. Don't leave just yet. I'll have your aunt prepare some dishes, and we can chat!"

"I'll follow your lead, Uncle."


The matter concerning the county mayor's family soon faded from Qin Yu's mind. The next day, Mr. Wang, who had taken the talisman, called Qin Yu's uncle to express his gratitude, stating that the mayor's daughter had indeed stopped having nightmares.

Qin Yu had an important task at hand now. Since he decided to pursue the field of feng shui, he needed the necessary tools for his work. A compass was a must-have, so he planned to purchase one from the county town.

There was a street in the county town dedicated to selling candles, yellow paper, and feng shui supplies. Every year during the Qingming Festival and Chinese New Year, Qin Yu used to accompany his father to this street to buy yellow paper and candles for ancestral worship.

After taking a bus to the county town, Qin Yu admired the scenery along the way as he made his way towards Feng Shui Street. Located in the old city area, Qin Yu hadn't visited the county town much since he started college. Seeing the changes in the buildings on both sides of the road, he couldn't help but marvel at the rapid development of society.

Passing through the main road and entering a small alley, Qin Yu arrived at the entrance of a wooden building. This was Feng Shui Street. Over the past decade, not much had changed here. The entire street could barely accommodate two or three people walking side by side. However, since it wasn't a peak season, the street appeared relatively quiet, with only a few people strolling around.

Qin Yu headed straight to a shop that sold feng shui tools. Inside, a wide variety of compasses and measuring rulers were on display.

As Qin Yu entered the shop, although it was daytime, the lights were already on. The shopkeeper was a man in his fifties. He glanced at Qin Yu but didn't come forward to greet him. Perhaps in the shopkeeper's eyes, anyone buying feng shui tools was a feng shui master, and the image of a feng shui master was that of an elderly person. Qin Yu, being young, didn't fit that image at all.

Qin Yu didn't mind and occasionally picked up a compass to examine it. However, his expression showed dissatisfaction. Most of these compasses were carved, and a good compass, according to ancient texts, should be handwritten. Only then could it harness the power of the mind and exude a certain aura. Carved compasses felt rigid and lacked that presence.

"Perhaps my expectations are too high. Those handwritten compasses have become artifacts by now. How can they be easily found?" Qin Yu smiled self-mockingly. In the "Bian Qi" section of the Zhuge Neijing, there was a chapter that discussed how to discern whether an object was an artifact. An artifact referred to an object that had been blessed by the mental power of a master for a long time, forming a certain aura. It was similar to consecrated jade pendants and talismans by esteemed Buddhist monks, which often had the effect of warding off evil and ensuring safety.

Feng shui compasses were no different. A compass that had been used by renowned feng shui masters for a long time would also possess a distinct aura, making it more accurate in determining directions and identifying auspicious locations.

"Shopkeeper, do you have any of those old compasses, the ones that are not carved?" Qin Yu voiced his inquiry to the elderly man sitting inside the shop.

"We don't have any. The handwritten compasses are relics from a long time ago. They were destroyed during the period of the Four Olds. There's no way you can find them now," the shopkeeper replied.

The shopkeeper's words made Qin Yu's face show a pained expression. He was well aware of that period in history when many traditional Chinese items were destroyed.

"Forget it, I'll just pick one to use for now," Qin Yu said, reaching out and taking a compass from the wall. He walked back to the shopkeeper and asked, "Shopkeeper, how much does this compass cost?"

"This compass is made of top-quality rosewood, priced at 600 yuan each!" The old man, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth stained by smoke, laughed and quoted the price.

Qin Yu sneered. The shopkeeper was trying to take advantage of his youth. The purpose of a compass is to determine positions based on magnetic fields. Generally, compasses are not made of rosewood because the magnetic field of the compass needle would be affected. The stability of the magnetic needle in rosewood compasses is much lower compared to those made of ordinary wood.

The ideal wood for a compass is typically a combination of strength and flexibility, similar to Xuan paper used for calligraphy. For example, gingko wood and tiger bone wood are standard materials for compasses. When ink is applied to these woods, it permeates up and down. However, for woods like sandalwood, rosewood, and sourwood, the ink permeates horizontally, or sometimes not at all, resulting in a black dot after writing for a long time. What does this demonstrate for a compass? Stability! The closer the wood is to the effect of Xuan paper, the more suitable it is for a compass, without affecting its sensitivity.

"Give me a sincere price, shopkeeper. This is just ordinary pine wood, far from being rosewood!" Qin Yu said.

"460 yuan, that's the lowest price," the shopkeeper replied.

Having accurately identified the wood of the compass, the shopkeeper didn't argue further. Since Qin Yu could mention pine wood, it seemed he had some knowledge about compasses, so the shopkeeper no longer inflated the price.

"300 yuan, that's my final offer. If it's acceptable, I'll buy one. To be honest, I'm only interested in studying ancient feng shui culture. Those metal compasses cost just a few tens of yuan each. If it's not possible, I'll go and buy one of those," Qin Yu explained.

The shopkeeper scrutinized Qin Yu from head to toe, contemplating the authenticity of his words. In the end, he agreed. Mainly because Qin Yu looked too young, not like a feng shui practitioner, but more like a student. If he truly intended to study feng shui culture, it would indeed be reasonable to buy a metal compass.

Compared to the metal compasses that cost only a few tens of yuan, it's natural that the wooden compasses have higher profit margins. Even at 300 yuan, it's still more profitable.

The shopkeeper went to fetch a bag to pack the compass, while Qin Yu casually surveyed the shop. His gaze suddenly froze when he noticed a compass on the table, missing a corner, and with hand-carved characters in ink. Qin Yu's expression flickered with an inexplicable emotion, but quickly returned to normal.

"Shopkeeper, why is this compass missing a corner?" Qin Yu asked, pointing to the compass on the table, which was incomplete.

"Oh, that one. It belonged to a relative of mine in the countryside. Their family used to specialize in feng shui readings. However, during those turbulent ten years, they suffered a lot. The old man passed away, and many things were destroyed. They found this compass when they were moving. I guess it was damaged during that time," the shopkeeper explained.

"Could you let me take a look at it?" Qin Yu requested, receiving the bag handed to him by the shopkeeper.

"Sure, this compass is no longer useful with a missing corner. Take a look," the shopkeeper agreed.

A compass follows the principles of the Tai Chi, where the circle encompasses everything. This compass, with a missing corner, is not something any feng shui practitioner would use.

As soon as Qin Yu held the compass, he felt its weight. He had a feeling that this compass was extraordinary, and the material of the compass had a glossy black color, indicating it was crafted by a master.

"Shopkeeper, although this compass is no longer functional, it holds significance for my research on ancient feng shui culture. I wonder if you're willing to sell it?" Qin Yu asked.

"I actually think this compass is quite good. I'll keep it for myself to play with," the old man replied, his face showing a reluctant expression. However, Qin Yu understood that the old man was just trying to raise the price of the compass. Seeing the compass covered in dust on the table, it was clear that it wasn't regularly touched or cherished.

"Since it's something you treasure, I won't insist on it. After all, it's just a compass, and I'm only interested in studying feng shui culture," Qin Yu said. With the bag in hand, he turned around, ready to leave, believing that the shopkeeper would call him back.

"Wait, young man!" As Qin Yu had anticipated, just as he was about to step out of the shop, the shopkeeper's voice came from behind. He had a pained expression on his face, as if reluctantly parting with something valuable. He said, "Since you're planning to study ancient feng shui culture, it's only natural to use these ancient artifacts. This compass is an old item as well. I haven't had much education, but I greatly admire you educated folks. So, how about I sell this compass to you?"

"Oh, shopkeeper, what you said makes sense. So, how much do you plan to sell it for?" Qin Yu stood at the door, not going back inside, and asked directly. He wanted to give the shopkeeper the impression that he wasn't particularly interested in the compass.

"Five thousand!" The old man put on a pained expression and gently caressed the compass with his hand, as if a mother was caressing her child who was about to embark on a journey.

"Five thousand? Shopkeeper, you should keep it for yourself!" Qin Yu smiled, turned around, and ignored the shopkeeper, preparing to leave.

"Wait, young man, don't be in a hurry. We can negotiate the price for the transaction, as long as it's not too outrageous, I'll sell it to you," the shopkeeper called out.

"One thousand. This compass is at most from the Republican era. That's the highest price I can offer," Qin Yu proposed.

"Oh, young man, you really know how to haggle. But this is indeed a good item. Let me compromise. Four thousand!" The shopkeeper made a concession.

"One thousand is the most I can offer. Shopkeeper, think about it. Besides me, who would buy a compass missing a corner? It's not an antique, and it's not even functional. I'm just buying it to study the feng shui culture of that time," Qin Yu stated firmly.

Qin Yu insisted on the price and didn't budge. He wasn't afraid that the shopkeeper wouldn't sell it. In fact, if he hadn't used the discerning technique described in the Zhuge's Inner Canon and knew that there was something mysterious inside the compass, he wouldn't have bought it in the first place.

"Young man, add a little more, 1,600. This is the lowest price. Any lower, and I'd rather keep it," the old man suggested, trying to negotiate.

Qin Yu scrutinized the shopkeeper's face for a moment, pondered for a while, and thought that this should be the shopkeeper's psychological price. He nodded and agreed.

After paying the money, Qin Yu put the compass into the bag and showed no expression on his face. He bid farewell to the shopkeeper's warm send-off and walked towards the street.

"Excuse me, young man up ahead, could you wait a moment?" Suddenly, a voice came from behind Qin Yu. He quickened his pace, but now he intended to go home and study the compass thoroughly. He turned his head to see a middle-aged man and a beautiful young woman rushing towards him.

"Are you calling me?" Qin Yu looked around the sparsely populated street. He glanced at the two individuals from a distance but didn't recognize them.

Soon, the two caught up to Qin Yu. He observed them closely, and when his gaze fell upon the young woman, he couldn't help but be stunned.

She had delicate willow-leaf eyebrows, clear and bright apricot eyes, a slightly raised nose, rosy and fair skin, and long, lustrous black hair elegantly styled, revealing a seductive and fair collarbone. She exuded an air of nobility, although her expression was slightly aloof. Especially when she noticed Qin Yu staring intently at her, a trace of impatience flashed across her face.

"Sorry to bother you, young man," the middle-aged man said apologetically, but his eyes were fixed firmly on the bag in Qin Yu's hand.

"Do you have something you want from me?" Qin Yu quickly regained his composure. It was normal to be momentarily captivated by the beauty of the young woman. However, it was merely a fleeting admiration. In his eyes, Meng Yao was no less inferior to this woman, and she didn't possess the icy coldness that radiated from this woman.

"I just saw that you bought a compass and it seemed familiar to me. I was wondering if I could take a look," the middle-aged man asked.

So they came for the compass. Qin Yu had only sensed that the compass was unusual, but he was still unclear about its specific purpose. He observed that both individuals were dressed in high-end clothing, indicating that they had a special status. He wasn't afraid of them trying to deceive him.


Taking the compass handed to him by Qin Yu, the middle-aged man's expression became solemn. His hands kept rubbing the surface of the compass, and when he touched the damaged corner, his eyebrows trembled slightly. After a long pause, he reluctantly returned the compass to Qin Yu.

"Young man, how much did you pay for this compass?"


Qin Yu spoke the truth. This price couldn't be concealed from others, as long as they asked the shopkeeper for information.

"I'll offer 10,000. I wonder if you would be willing to transfer the compass to me."

The middle-aged man stared intently at Qin Yu. This compass was of immense significance to a Feng Shui practitioner.

"I'm sorry, I also quite like this compass and don't intend to sell it."

Qin Yu declined with a shake of his head. 10,000 was nearly six times the price he paid. If it weren't for Qin Yu using the discerning technique and knowing that it was a valuable item, he might have actually sold it.


A crisp voice rang out, and it was the woman who spoke.

"No matter how much you offer, I won't sell it."

Mo Yongxin's eyebrows slightly furrowed. In her eyes, the man in front of her was dressed plainly and didn't seem like a wealthy heir. The price offered had already increased tenfold, yet he still refused. Moreover, she had never been rejected by a boy before.


Mo Yongxin was persistent and made another offer.

"I said I'm not selling. If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way."

Qin Yu was genuinely worried that the woman would continue to raise the price. 50,000, in the context of an ordinary household's annual income in the small town, was almost the same amount of money. He feared that he might not be able to resist the temptation, so it was better to ignore her.

"Don't be too greedy in life. 50,000 is enough for you to earn."

Mo Yongxin was truly annoyed. To buy something for 1,600 and sell it for 50,000, yet this man still refused to sell. In her eyes, Qin Yu was a greedy person.

"Thinking you can buy a compass artifact for 50,000? Where in the world does such a good deal exist!"

Qin Yu was also infuriated. He had clearly stated that he wasn't selling, so what did his greed have to do with it? Besides, it was her offered price, not his requested price. After saying those words, he turned around and intended to leave. This woman appeared to come from an extraordinary background and was probably used to having things go her way.

Qin Yu's words reached Mo Yongxin's ears, causing her already cold expression to become even colder. However, the middle-aged man beside her had a drastic change in expression and sighed.

"So, young man, you've also recognized that this is an artifact. I apologize for my presumption. How about this? I invite you to have tea as compensation for the disturbance just now."

"No need. I have things to do, and it's not a matter of whether it's a disturbance or not."

One must be cautious of others. Although these two individuals didn't seem deceitful, Qin Yu still didn't want to continue dealing with them. Moreover, his current priority was to understand the origin and purpose of this compass.