
I accidentally became a fortune-teller

One's life, second fate, third feng shui; fourth accumulate merits, fifth study diligently; sixth reputation, seventh physiognomy, eighth respect the divine; ninth make connections with influential people, tenth nurture one's health! Through a fortuitous encounter, I came across the teachings of Zhuge, and embarked on the path of a fortune teller. From then on, I mixed in the city, practicing feng shui, observing the heavens with my fortune-telling skills, confronting the powerful and exposing the wicked. It was only later that I discovered this was a mind-boggling scheme set up thousands of years ago..."

DaoistHTWIgx · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Dragon Seeking Compass

"Mr. He, what is a magical tool?"

As Qin Yu walked away, Mo Yongxin was completely confused. Judging from the man's words and Mr. He's expression, it seemed like this compass was an extraordinary object.

"Miss Mo, a magical tool is a term used by feng shui masters. It's similar to how Buddhists refer to objects blessed by high monks as Buddhist relics. A magical tool also possesses the power to ward off evil spirits and negative energy. It is extremely difficult to create a magical tool. It requires the constant accumulation of mental energy by a master over many years to form a unique aura, thus being recognized as a magical tool," explained Mr. He.

He continued, leaving out a small detail. A feng shui master owning a magical tool would also enhance their abilities. By connecting with the residual mental energy left on the magical tool by the master, the feng shui master could further advance their skills in the field of feng shui.

"But how could such a young man discern that this is a magical tool? It's unbelievable!" Mr. He expressed his doubts. Identifying a magical tool was not an easy task. He himself had only gained a slight understanding of magical tool characteristics through his master's explanations. Even so, he had carefully examined and touched it for a long time before confirming that it was indeed a magical tool.

"Master He, if this magical tool can assist us, wouldn't it greatly increase our chances of success in this matter?"

"If we have this compass magical tool, it will certainly add another layer of assurance!"

Upon hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed in Mo Yongxin's almond-shaped eyes. She made a gesture with her left hand, and two men in black clothing at the corner of the street quickly headed towards the direction where Qin Yu had disappeared.


Back at home, Qin Yu closed the door and placed the partially broken compass on the floor. He then sat cross-legged in front of the compass, with his hands forming peculiar hand seals, and began reciting:

"Hold the Yuan and preserve the One, break illusions and restore reality!"

The actions Qin Yu was currently performing were part of a technique called "Qi Discernment" recorded in the Book of Zhuangzi. Its purpose was to penetrate through illusions and reveal the true nature of objects. As his hand seals changed, the compass on the ground began to buzz and tremble. Soon after, an ethereal dragon with fierce claws and teeth started to coil and soar above the compass. With a roar, the phantom dragon departed from the broken corner and swiftly vanished in a certain direction, not getting too far before dissipating into thin air.

"It's actually the Dragon Seeking Compass!"

Qin Yu's face turned pale, but his expression was filled with excitement. The compass turned out to be a Dragon Seeking Compass, which was a coveted magical tool for feng shui masters. With it, locating dragon veins would become much simpler.

The ethereal dragon formed by the convergence of spiritual energy only traveled a few meters away from the compass before disappearing. This was because Qin Yu's mental energy was insufficient. In other words, a magical tool was like an energy weapon that required enough energy to be activated. This energy was similar to the Buddha's power in Buddhism or the Taoist's magical energy, all of which were cultivated through specific long-term practices.

Apart from these kinds of magical tools, there were also consumable magical tools, such as the talisman Qin Yu had previously drawn or blessed objects in Buddhism. These items were infused with mental energy and did not require additional mental energy to be provided when used.

The Book of Zhuangzi contained specific techniques for cultivating mental energy, and Qin Yu had been practicing them during this period. Otherwise, he would not have been able to activate the Dragon Seeking Compass.

Qin Yu continued to study the Dragon Seeking Compass, unaware that in a quiet villa in the county town, a woman held a document in her hand, which astonishingly contained information about him.

"Qin Yu, 23 years old, a student in the Chinese Department of Nanchang University. His parents are civil servants. Besides excellent academic performance, he is no different from an ordinary person. More than a month ago, he broke the funeral curse for his second uncle's new house, gaining fame in the town. He has also studied feng shui with a Taoist on the mountain."

Mo Yongxin looked at the document, her eyebrows slightly furrowing. This person was so young, yet he was a feng shui master. No wonder he could recognize the magical tool. Obtaining a magical tool from a feng shui master would not be an easy task.

In fact, if she used her family's influence to oppress him, Mo Yongxin could easily make him hand over the magical tool obediently. However, although she was cold towards people, she was not one to bully others. But she was determined to acquire this magical tool, as it concerned the foundation of her family. Mo Yongxin would never give up on it. Moreover, it was the first time in her life that she had been humbled in front of a boy, and she couldn't swallow that pride.

The morning sun gently bathed the slightly chilly March air as Qin Yu ran along a country path. Frost and dew could still be seen on either side, and not far away was a river, a tributary of the Xin River that flowed through the entire county town.

The fields in March were idle, with rice stubble from the previous winter harvest covering the entire expanse. It was an empty sight. Qin Yu stopped by the riverside, gasping for breath.

Since entering university, it had been a while since he had exercised his body. Running for just an hour, Qin Yu already felt that his body couldn't handle it. His physique had indeed become more delicate.

Once his breathing had calmed down, Qin Yu began his daily practice. He focused his mind, held the Yuan and preserved the One, and absorbed the spiritual energy of the heavens and earth. The saying "the plan of a day lies in the morning" held true. At the moment of the rising sun, when the spiritual energy was at its strongest and purest, Qin Yu diligently absorbed it.

Inhaling and exhaling, Qin Yu circulated the technique, and his whole being instantly became solemn and dignified, like a high monk in meditation. A ray of divine radiance reflected on his body, enveloped in a mist of pure qi.

"Time to take a good shower!"

After finishing his practice, Qin Yu looked at the sticky substances on his body. These were impurities expelled during the practice. The more advanced one's cultivation, the fewer impurities there would be. The essence of cultivation was to eliminate the impure and retain the pure, to return to the original and clear the source.

His parents had already prepared rice porridge on the dining table before leaving for work. Qin Yu had just taken off his outer clothes, preparing to take a shower when the phone rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

The phone displayed an unfamiliar number, and Qin Yu picked it up, asking, "Hello, is this Qin Yu?"

"Yeah, Qin Yu, it's Ah Long!"

"Ah Long, you've changed your phone number again."

"In our line of work, changing numbers is common. You've been back for over a month, and you didn't bother contacting your brother. What's going on? Now that you're a university student, an intellectual, are you trying to distance yourself from me, a hoodlum?"

Ah Long's voice was as loud as ever, and Qin Yu chuckled, cursing, "Get lost."

"Not going into much detail, you have one hour to come to my place, or else we're cutting ties."

Putting down the phone, Qin Yu shook his head with a smile. Since meeting Meng Fang, the older brother of Meng Yao, Qin Yu had maintained a seemingly unchanged appearance but had a taut string in his heart. He had been engrossed in studying the Zhu Ge Nei Jing and neglected socializing during this period.

Ah Long's real name was Ji Ah Long, and he was Qin Yu's high school classmate. They had been desk mates since the first year of high school. At that time, Qin Yu's academic performance was not good enough to enter a top high school, and Ah Long was in the same situation, barely meeting the cutoff to enter.

Qin Yu had a quiet and introverted personality, what Ah Long would call "reserved and mysterious." On the other hand, Ah Long was easygoing and laid-back. Two people with different personalities found a connection and got along better than anyone else.

Back then, both of them had average grades and sat in the last row. Ah Long, who was not interested in studying, would often rent a thick novel from outside the bookstore. It was the time when online novels were just becoming popular. The two brothers would take turns reading, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, never tiring of it.

However, besides their lack of interest in studying, they also got into trouble. Ah Long's straightforward personality led him to openly express his disapproval of certain people or things, often resulting in physical altercations. With his tall stature, he gained a fearsome reputation in school within one semester, gathering a group of student followers.

However, while everyone knows that Alon is skilled in fighting, few are aware that Qin Yu also played a part. The two had clear roles, with Qin Yu strategizing and acting as a military advisor from behind the scenes. There were several major fights on campus where Qin Yu's influence could be seen. However, only a few people knew about this, apart from the two brothers and a few students who initially followed Alon.

By the time they reached their sophomore year, Alon had become a dominant figure in the school. He would roam around with his friends, skipping classes and getting into fights, while Qin Yu chose to focus on his studies. Their interactions became less frequent, but it didn't hinder their deep bond and brotherhood.

After graduation, Qin Yu went to Nanchang University to pursue his studies, while Alon dropped out of high school during his senior year and started managing a nightclub in the county town. With his penchant for fighting and loyalty, he quickly gained quite a reputation. Last year, he even bought the nightclub and became the owner. Qin Yu had attended the opening ceremony back then.

After taking a shower, Qin Yu changed into clean clothes and hailed a taxi to head towards the county town.

The nightclub Alon managed was called "Dreamy Nightclub," which had been a well-established venue in the county town. However, Alon made some renovations after taking over, ensuring it didn't appear outdated.

"Hey, when did a nightclub open across the street?"

Qin Yu stood at the entrance of Dreamy Nightclub, observing the nightclub opposite. They say rivals in the same industry are the most bitter enemies, and this holds true for nightclubs, especially when they are located so close to each other. It's inevitable that there would be competition for customers, especially in the entertainment industry, which often involves underworld forces and conflicts.

"This nightclub seems quite influential!"

Every industry has its unwritten rules, especially in the entertainment industry. Normally, establishments would not open so close to each other unless they were deliberately provoking each other. Alon's tolerance for the opening of this nightclub opposite his own suggests that he must have some concerns about them.

It was daytime, and the nightclub had no customers. There was only one receptionist, a bored lady leaning against the counter, wearing heavy makeup and playing with her phone.

On the side of the dance floor sat several muscular and tall men with a rough appearance. When they saw Qin Yu enter, one of them's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked over and shouted, "Brother Yu, you're here! Dragon Brother is on the second floor!"

"Who are you?"

Qin Yu examined the man in front of him. They were of similar age, and he had a scar on his left cheek, a crew cut, and prominent facial muscles. He seemed familiar, but Qin Yu couldn't recall who he was.

"I'm Zhao Bing. I used to be with Dragon Brother back in school!"

Zhao Bing explained, as he belonged to the first group of people who followed Alon. He had some knowledge about Qin Yu as well. When Alon first established his influence, there weren't many people, just a few of them, but they managed to defeat the gangs in their sophomore and senior years. Qin Yu's strategies played a significant role, and Zhao Bing greatly admired him.

"Oh, it's you! You've changed a lot in these years. I couldn't recognize you at first."

"Brother Yu, Dragon Brother is waiting for you upstairs!"

"Alright, I'll go up first. We'll catch up later."

Qin Yu exchanged pleasantries and made his way towards the second floor. Honestly, he wasn't interested in violence and fights. If it weren't for Alon, he probably wouldn't have any connection with these hooligans.

The second floor was not open to the public; it was Alon's headquarters. Qin Yu had been there before, so he headed directly towards a room at the far end. He pushed open the door, and a man sitting on the sofa greeted him with a smiling face.

"You little brat, have you forgotten about your brother? You've been back for over a month, but you haven't come to see me."