
I'm made of rubber and I want to be the pirate king, but will I?

One Piece That HITS DIFFERENT Taking the weekend off, will put out an extra chapter next week

homosapien · Anime und Comics
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Why is this guy stuck in a box?

On our way to Syrup village, We landed on this island, where we met this dude who had a tree growing from his head, and he was in a chest, nothing much happened on that island. We arrive in Syrup Village, where we meet this piece of shit liar named Usopp, who acts like a clown by commanding the Usopp Pirates. The Usopp Pirates , like Usopp, LIE. Usopp's wealthy friend Kaya had cancer or some shit, but had 2 butlers, Sheep head and Cat man. BUT, Cat Man surprisingly is actually the evil captain of the Shit Cat Pirates. Now being a sigma male myself, I, Luffy respect his grindset, my man worked for years, trying to inherit the girl's money, sure he tried to kill her, BUT, RESPEC TO THE GRINDSET. Usopp is creaming his pants to see real pirates arrived, like he would know what real pirates are. This motherfucker, tries to make us believe that he is a captain of a huge pirate ship, being the LOW iq genius that I am, I believed him at the time, but Nami, found out that this piece of shit was lying. Apparently he is also the son of one of the side characters who had NO actual dialogue, from Shanks' crew. Then, Bootleg Michael Jackson hypnotizer dude arrives.

Long chapter, almost 2000 reads on this book, will be more consistent with this soon, today only one chapter for you guys, but I made it longer than usual for compensation

Low Iq Genius

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