
I'm Lord Farquaad....Damn it!

"Some of you may die...but that's a sacrifice I'm not willing to make!" After somehow getting his soul trapped in the body of the infamous Lord Farquaad, Joseph must do whatever it takes to survive. See how he fights in this World that is a mixture of various Worlds with various Princesses from various Fairy Tales, while trying to prevent his horrible fate. "I will not accept dying for a Dragon! If I die, let me be laid in a bed and die peacefully!" Joseph declared with conviction in his voice.

PowerMan579 · Filme
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31 Chs

Chapter 6: Grimhilde

3rd pov

In Duloc, things were as peaceful as ever, people walking the streets minding their own business, with the newly created Police patrolling the streets in earnest, doing their job.

With Duloc City completely rebuilt, the citizens always had a smile on their faces, as the lands under their dear Lord Farquaad's domain were developing non-stop, no longer being in misery.

Many young men from Duloc City and the Villages also joined the Dulocian Army, with them being trained in the Prussian fashion, to be what Joseph considers the Pillar of an Army: Discipline...and that the Prussians had in spades.

Now in Joseph's "Palace" room, we can see him with a glass bottle in his hand, inside was a bright pink liquid.

"Oliver...is this what I'm thinking?" Joseph asked as he looked seriously at Oliver, who nodded.

"Mi'lord, you've been working non-stop in your office, and now you've been called to a Royal Ball, so myself and several others have pooled money to order this...this is our way of saying thank you for the hard work you've done for the Lordship " Oliver said as he scratched the back of his head.

"..." Joseph was surprised by this, he wasn't expecting to receive such a gift, but it also caused a smile to appear on his face.

"I really appreciate it, Oliver." Said Joseph while before drinking the whole bottle.

After he finishes drinking the entire bottle, he puts it on a nearby table in his room, he then goes to Oliver and gives him a hug of thanks.

Oliver is a little embarrassed, but then he decides to pat Joseph on the back, who soon recovers his composure.

"Gather everyone here who was also involved in this, I want to thank them" Joseph said seriously, with Oliver nodding as he left Joseph's room.

Joseph was happy with this gift, he will even give everyone a raise for doing this for him.

When everyone who helped with that arrived, Joseph couldn't stop thanking them for what they did for him, he would now stop being just a Half-Dwarf.

Timeskip 24 Hours/Joseph Pov.

I wake up in my bed, I unwind and go to the corner of the bed to get up, but then I noticed something, the bed that used to be high when I got out of it, suddenly I already feel my feet on the floor.

I then look down and see my legs, they've gotten bigger! I successfully increased my size!

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I scream with happiness, I don't care if I made noise, I was just happy that I was a normal size!

"Mi'lord! What's going on?!" Asked a "Palace" Guard while breaking down the door, behind him, there were 2 others already with drawn sabers.

It was then that they looked at me and saw my size, they were no longer looking down to see me, now they were looking up.

Good thing I always sleep in pajamas that I had ordered from a tailor, because if I were wearing the medieval clothes used to sleep, half of my body would already be exposed.

"It's okay men, I'm just overjoyed with my new situation" I say as I look at the Guards, who have bowed to me, apologizing for bothering me.

After dismissing the Guards, I started to see myself in the mirror I had in my room, I couldn't help but be impressed, I am now 1 meter 89 centimeters.

I then touch the ridiculous hair I still have on my head, I just needed to change it so I would be totally changed, which I'm going to do ASAP.

'All I need now is to change my hair and prepare a Royal Prussian Uniform, along with some medals and that's it, I'll be ready for the Royal Ball in 2 months.' I think as a smirk spreads across my face, I would make sure I was the main focus other than Queen Grimhilde.

It was then that I remembered that I needed to prepare those who would be my Personal Guard, to be very presentable.

3rd pov

Joseph would then be preparing everything so that when the time came for him to go to the Kingdom of Heart, he would arrive in style.

Oliver and Thelonious would be ensuring Duloc's safety while he was away, with the Police staying alert to secure the Order of the Lordship while Oliver would be preparing the Dulocian Army in case it has serious problems that need the Bayonets.

When the time came, Joseph was in front of the carriage he ordered, which was very similar to the Austrian Imperialwagen.

"Gentlemen, I leave Duloc in your hands" Joseph said to Oliver and Thelonious, who bowed to him.

"Don't worry, Mi'lord, we'll make sure Duloc works perfectly" Said Oliver seriously while still bowing to Joseph.

Capital of the Kingdom of Heart, Royal Palace.

Inside the Royal Palace, more specifically in the chambers of the Queen's Royal Bedroom of the Kingdom of Heart, one could see a woman in royal robes looking into a mirror.

The woman's royal robes caused her hair to be hidden, while she had a crown on her head, she had red lips, healthy and beautiful white skin, green eyes, and rosy cheeks, in addition to having a necklace that had a ruby.

That woman was none other than Queen Grimhilde, Queen of the Kingdom of Heart, also known as The Evil Queen from the Story of Snow White.

"Slave in the Magic Mirror, come from the farthest space, through wind and darkness. I summon thee. Speak!" Said Queen Grimhilde facing the Magic Mirror, the mirror then shows fire.

"Let me see thy face" continued the Queen before she finally emerged from the Magic Mirror a white face without eyes.

"What wouldst thou know, my Queen?" She asked the Magic Mirror seriously as she looked at Queen Grimhilde.

"Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" asked the Queen as she looked into the mirror with a smile on her face.

"Famed is thy beauty, Majesty....Nothing compares to thy beauty." The Magic Mirror responds to Queen Grimhilde, taking a short pause at the end as if thinking about something but deciding not to say it, not that it was noticed. by Grimhilde, who had a bigger smile.

"I knew it" Said Grimhilde satisfied, she then asked the Magic Mirror another question.

"Show me the people who will attend my Royal Ball" Ordered Grimhilde to the Magic Mirror, to which he nodded.

"As you wish, my Majesty" A nswered the Magic Mirror before the image of the first Noble Family that was arriving in the Capital of the Kingdom of Heart, the Royal Sichfrit Family of the Gresal Kingdom, appeared first.

After that comes the image of the Conrad Royal Family from Stay Kingdom.

After that came other Royal Families and various Lords and Ladies, but then it showed the image of a certain Entourage that caught Queen Grimhilde's attention, both because of the Chariot and the Guards that were protecting that carriage.

The Chariot was beautiful, showing various ornaments and extremely incredible beauty, this made Queen Grimhilde want to know who the brilliant mind was that designed such a Chariot.

But then she focused on what the Guards protecting the carriage were wearing, White Uniforms that were normally only worn by the Nobility of Kingdoms from far away lands, with a small touch of gold, on their waist was a saber and an iron stick that she didn't understand why.

On top of their heads, there was a helmet with a point at the top, their helmet was made of iron, with the symbol of a Two-Headed Eagle, which had a crown on each of them.

She then received the image from inside the carriage, there she saw someone who made her cheeks look a little more rosy than usual.

A handsome man wearing a black uniform, with several beautiful medals, was sitting inside the seat of one of the carriages as he looked out the window, with the sun's rays making the medals on his uniform shine a little.

Well-defined chin, blue eyes, short black hair, healthy white skin, a calm and at the same time thoughtful look, but she could see something that is not normally seen in current Kings and Nobles (from the Kingdoms and Lordships of the Region): Desire for Power and Glory.

She was looking at none other than our dear Joseph.

"Who is this person?" Queen Grimhilde asked as she looked curiously at Joseph's image.

"He is Lord Farquaad, of the Lordship of Duloc, my Queen" Answered the Magic Mirror to the Queen.

"Lord Farquaad....interesting" Queen Grimhilde said as she stared at the image of Joseph, with a sinister smile appearing on her face.