
Turns out, Doctors also know about Nanotechnology!

Ultron went on many training missions before finally heading to Lagos, Nigeria with the rest.

Steve was beyond surprised at Ultron. He was really great! He never made a fuss and always completed the mission efficiently. Though if Steve had to complain about one thing, it would be Ultron's constant emotionless face. Even if someone blew up in front of him, he wouldn't even blink…

Steve was a bit unsettled but understood. God knows how long it would take Ultron to show emotions…

Natasha was also surprised and talked with Ultron more than most people. Actually other than Vision and Steve, she was the only one who talked to him. The rest ignored him after he never answered their anger.

She talked to him more than Steve but not as much as Vision, if she had to label it, she would say a 'friend'.

Steve touched his ear and said "Ultron, I got 14 hostiles in an infection center." Ultron replied simply "I can see that. I'm going in."

They started fighting and the rest of the new Avengers chased after the terrorists before one of them blew himself up.

Wanda threw him up in the air and Ultron flew up, standing in between the explosion and a building.

The explosion went off and blasted Ultron flying into the building as well as damaging the building itself.

Wanda was dumbfounded at the explosion and fell to the ground.

Steve touched his ear and shouted "Ultron? Ultron!" Ultron replied "I'm fine. Although, 4 people are now ashes. The other 7 flew away as I hit them. I'm in the building now, but unless you can resurrect the dead…"

Ultron paused before saying indifferently "We got the payload and the terrorists are dead. It was a success, no?" Steve looked at the building and sighed "It's not that simple, Ultron… Sam, get me Fire and Rescue. Ultron, clear the building, Pietro will help you."

Before he sighed to himself, muttering "Oh boy…"

Across the globe~

Viktor clapped as Tony gave a presentation at MIT introducing the September Foundation Grant.

He added "I invited a guest for you all today, my friend and personal physician, Dr. Viktor Gardens." as he sat on one of the chairs on stage.

Viktor was startled and Tony waved at him. He walked out and the audience applauded. Viktor pursed his lips and waved at them.

Tony handed him a little clip and joked "They didn't prep you? It's almost as if I just thought about it." the audience laughed and Viktor clipped on the tiny microphone, looking at Tony helplessly, saying "Yeah, what a coincidence…"

Tony chuckled and Viktor turned to the audience, clearing his throat and joking, "Well hello, everyone. I obviously was already introduced… A personal physician, Thank you, Tony. I wonder when I'm going to receive my first paycheck?"

The audience laughed and Tony said "It's only been a decade, don't get antsy." Viktor chuckled and turned back to the audience, saying "I didn't expect to make a speech, so forgive me for running on the spot. To be quite honest, I'm simply a doctor, who has no business making a speech at MIT, although I would like to say on the record that I got more laughs than Justin Hammer."

Tony laughed and coughed, patting his chest.

Viktor chuckled and got serious, saying "If you wanted to invite a tech genius, you should've called my wife, but you'll have to make do with me…" he took out his phone and flicked it at the air, shooting out a hologram.

Viktor smiled and said "This is actually Frost technology, can you believe it? And I'm still not Iron Man…" They laughed and Viktor coughed, explaining "Although Medicine and Technology aren't the same thing, they can sometimes go hand in hand. This is a little project I've been working on together with my wife… Medical Nano-bots…"

He explained how the Nano-bots worked and how they would be used in treating illnesses and a ton of other things, explaining the science behind it simply.

The audience was stunned, this guy is a doctor?

Are you sure?

Even Tony was startled and listened carefully to the presentation.

A while later

Viktor finished with a smile, "Hopefully, you're inspired… Uhh, I don't have a grant for you guys, but there's water at the back! Thank you." The audience stood up and clapped.

Tony clapped and walked over, saying "Would've been helpful like a 100 years ago." Viktor walked with Tony backstage, saying "Yeah? I still solved your problem without them, right?" Tony grinned and didn't reply.

Viktor and Tony ditched the people, going to an elevator as Viktor asked "Pepper didn't come?" Tony looked upset and sighed "We're… taking a break." Viktor rubbed his nose and patted Tony's shoulder silently.

Tony's lips twitched into a smile before falling back down.

A woman next to them said "That was nice what you did for those young people." Viktor frowned at her and Tony replied "Ah, they deserve it. Plus, it helps ease my conscience." the woman replied "They say there's a correlation between generosity and guilt. But if you've got money… break as many eggs as you like."

Viktor looked at her and said "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you, but it seemed like WE were talking, right?" Tony patted his shoulder and the woman looked at Viktor silently. Tony pressed the elevator button asking strangely "You goin' up?"

The woman replied "I'm right where I want to be." as she reached in her bag and Viktor grabbed her hand and neck, pinning her to the wall.

Tony was startled and looked at the woman warily.

After all, who just reaches into their bag violently like that?

Probably crazy people right?