
I'm just a normal Doctor (Completed)

When a young man was prepared to propose to the love of his life, an unexpected meeting changed his life forever! Also this isnt a translation idk who you know that knows 82694 languages but i dont speak mandarin or any of that lmfao why would i go through the trouble of translating even if i did? What a waste of time if its not my writing then its not on my fucking page you guys are so stupid its a bit worrying…

Monkey_Godking · Filme
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117 Chs

Does YOUR comic shop have a real Iron Man suit?!


[Dracule 'Hawkeye' Mihawk Sword Skills]

[Kikoku- Black Blade Upgrade]

Viktor's eyes widened and soon turned dull.

He recovered immediately and held Kikoku, unsheathing her.

Her new blade was pitch black with the previous orange runes turning into engravings.

Viktor felt the power coming from Kikoku and sheathed her, licking his lips.

Maybe he could fight Thanos?

He didn't know how strong that guy was though. If he creates a barrier with the infinity stones and Viktor can't crack it, he wouldn't even have the time to cry!

Viktor let out a breath and nodded to himself, it's better to let the superheroes handle it.

Sit at home and live off a woman like a good boy.

Viktor patched up Tony and woke him up with a shock.

Tony sat up and felt his chest, breathing heavily.

Viktor looked at him funnily and asked "Buddy, did you have a bad dream?" Tony smiled wryly and said "You know, that's the best sleep I've had in months." Viktor smiled and said "Saving the world has consequences, eh?"

Tony smiled and shook his head, changing the subject as he asked "That's it?" pointing to the Arc Reactor on the table.

Viktor picked it up and tossed it in his hand, replying "Yep. This little baby didn't make a peep the entire time, she was very obedient." Tony looked at it and sighed in relief, saying "Good. Keep it as a souvenir."

Viktor paused and said "Hey, hey, hey. This is your thing, not mine!" Tony said "Alright give it to me, I'll throw it away." Viktor kept it, saying "On second thought, I'll keep your heart, don't worry."

Tony chuckled and said "Oh, by the way…" as he took out a USB key.

Viktor jumped up and said "Is this?!" Tony rolled his eyes and nodded. Viktor took the USB as though it was a priceless treasure, giggling "So awesome! Hahaha!" Tony patted his chest and said "Show me your lab, Dr. Jekyll."

Viktor cackled and said "Right this way, Mr. Stark~" as he walked away with an excited expression.

Viktor brought him to the secret basement and showed him his lab.

Tony looked around in awe saying "Don't tell me this is your parents'." Viktor said "Everone has secrets. Okay, come on, let's see this baby's power!"

He plugged the USB in and all the screens lit up with information.

It was as though the lab was coming to life!

Not to mention Tony, even Viktor was shocked.

He blessed Emma 4 million times in his heart! His wife was simply a gift to him from god!

Tony and Viktor quickly got into the research and started rifling through data, equations, and research materials.

Viktor pulled out a tube of Steve's blood, coughing as he said that it was a coincidence that he had this. Tony looked at him with a sneer but still took the blood and Viktor coughed again…

Banner's blood was here too…

Tony was shocked and accused him of trying to create a super soldier.

Viktor complained and told him seriously that he just had them, he wasn't using it for anything, nor could he.

He swiped the dust on the desk and said "I've never been in here to do anything or there wouldn't be dust, right? I'm not crazy, yet…"

Tony believed him, not for anything else but because Viktor was his good friend and Tony believed that Viktor didn't care too much.

Or else he would be harassed for a suit every day!

Even the one he gave him, Viktor butchered it and left it in the comic shop just as he said he would!

To be honest, when Tony saw that, he was a bit suspicious of life…

At any rate, Tony and Viktor immersed themselves in researching Extremis everyday. Sometimes Tony didn't even go home.

Though most of the time he did. It wasn't too far, he lived in the newly renamed Avenger Tower in New York.

Tony also found out that Viktor bought a ton of land suspiciously close to Avengers tower… Then he found out it was for the future school!

He was stunned, though it made sense, unfortunately NYU was destroyed in the attack.

Though, Viktor didn't start construction, simply because he didn't have enough money!

Nor did he have a blueprint or idea for the lay out and structures…

Although he really did want to build it.

He was more preoccupied with 'making magic happen' in the bedroom with Emma.

Finally, 6 months later…

Emma threw a pregnancy test in Viktor's face, shouting happily "I'm pregnant!" Viktor was stunned and rushed up, hugging her tightly, laughing his head off, extremely happy.

Tony heard it and was stunned, so fast?

Though he didn't know Emma and Viktor were an old couple, it had been roughly a decade since they've been together!

At any rate, they celebrated and Viktor spent less time at the lab and more time with Emma.


That didn't mean research went nowhere!

They successfully developed a non super powered form of Extremis! It basically induced the cells to heal themselves extremely fast, giving the person super regeneration on par with Wolverine for a short period of time.

After the limb was regenerated, the Extremis would basically have nowhere to regenerate and die like a normal cell.

It was very sci-fi and scientific, you just wouldn't understand…

But, this was just the beginning!

Viktor continued researching it when he had free time, eventually developing another branch into a new direction.

After settling the heat based problems and creating a 'Perfected Version' Viktor removed several effects, such as fire breathing which was simply impractical.

When are you even going to need to breathe fire?

Even people who can breathe fire aren't happy with themselves.

Viktor slowly experimented with Steve's blood, without Tony's help, and went in the direction of Super Soldiers.

Not for anything else but for his own safety!

Viktor realized the very real possibility of being snapped in the future and since he wasn't a superhero, nor was he going to fight Thanos, he figured out a new direction!

Wasn't strengthening other Superheroes a good choice?

And so the experimental research began!

Viktor separated several branches for specific uses.

The first was his best friend, Tony.

He removed the fire effects altogether and kept the rest of the effects while modifying it slightly.

Take out the super strength and strengthen the brain directly.

It was very much like the comic book version.

In the comics, Tony used Extremis on himself and his armor fused with his body, hiding in the hollows of his bones. Though he later upgraded it to nanotechnology which was also in his bones, it created a telepathic connection with his armor, allowing him to form and reshape the armor with only a thought!

Next was Natasha.

He kept it relatively the same as the original perfected version, only taking out the fire breathing and adding flexibility.

With Killian's skill set, if you gave it to a trained assassin, wouldn't she be the best?

Clint's was relatively the same but strengthened his eyes.

Steve's was an all around enhancement. This guy would probably feel troubled with fire powers so Viktor didn't put them in. Cap was an old fashioned guy.

As for Thor and Banner, they didn't need it at all!

This was the best Viktor could do for now and it would take some time, but he was adamant in his research.

He had already done human trials with the harmless Extremis and the results were perfect.

Under Tony and Viktor's supervision, several amputees recovered their missing body parts.

Even crippled legs were healed no problem.

There wasn't even a case of any superhuman capabilities afterwards.

The Extremis was completely controlled!

Little Nancy also got her arm back! Though Tony and Viktor made a special one for her. She was a little superhuman without even knowing it.

In addition, Tony did teach her everything he knew, treating her as his own daughter.

It seemed the little girl also knew that her parents were gone as she tried harder to learn, mistakenly calling Pepper and Tony mom and dad by accident.

She was so embarrassed but it was a rather sad scene instead of happy…

The comic book scene was also bustling with excitement as more and more comics were churred out one after the other.

Sometimes Viktor wished he had shadow clones to help, but knew it was impossible, plus he didn't really want them…

Sounded very tiring…

He doesn't have chakra, wouldn't it use his stamina instead?

He would be exhausted every day!

As for right now, he was managing fine, he didn't need them just yet. Plus he didn't even have them, so he forgot about it quickly.

Funnily enough, the most popular comic wasn't Iron Man…

It wasn't even Captain America, or the Avengers!

It was Black Widow.

As for why…

Well, the comics were very lifelike… Not to mention Natasha was very beautiful already.

She officially had an army of Sim- 'loyal fans'...

When Natasha heard this, she didn't even know how to feel. She was 30% shocked, 50% happy, and 20% disgusted…

But who cares about her?

Emma was coming along in her pregnancy very nicely, to be fair, if she wasn't then there was an issue. She was treated like a queen at home and Viktor was very irritable during this time. He yelled at Cordelia for eating Emma's craving food, he almost tore down a drone who nearly bumped into Emma…

In short, he was going a bit crazy.

Emma was probably better protected than the President during this time.

Even if a nuke went off in New York city, she would probably be perfectly fine…

And 9 months after she figured out she was pregnant…