
Re-upload (sorry guys and gals)

So hi I'm A-Ari I love hugs... like a lot.... and I love my best friend in the whole wide world! Her name is Mina and she has the prettiest hair I have ever seen. And have bootiful eyes too their a very pretty violet? Purple? I uh I think? Well I thought they were they are very dark sometimes when she's angry or hungry hehe.... she only gets angry if I'm hurt or if I forget about something... whoops.... speaking of forgetting things I Forgot where I put that Valentines gift I got for her! Shhhh it's a secret you can't tell her! Oh wait can you? Uh.. huh don't tell her okay? I got her some chocolates and I have hugs And kisses(chocolates)to give her and maybe even real ones! But don't tell her it is a secret between you and me okay? Okay I'm gonna head out to her!

"Mina?" I said

"What it's Ari, did you hurt yourself or anything?"she replied on the swings and looked like she was going jump off woah she did! She's so cool....

"N-no I'm okay I just wanted to give you something Mina!"

"Oh what is it?" She ran to me

"I have this to give you" and I gave her awwlll the chocolates I hope she likes them..... and then I gave her a kiss and a hug cause she's the best friend ever!

"Thanks Ari!" She said blushing a bit

"No problem Mina your the best!" I was blushing a lot too....

~ end of Ari's and Mina's first valentine~<3

~Arrow and Acro first valentines!~

So today is valentine and the brothers wanted to do a date with all three of us? Ehhehe.... oh well that's their choice, so anyways we're going to the mall and going to pick our outfits and maybe even get candy!(yas) and uh movies after? I think that's what Acro said.... anyways back to our conversation

"Hey um Arrow?" I said

"Yeah sweet thing?" He smirked I swear he's the devil in disguise

"Uh I can I get some candy?.."

"What are you a kid?" he said and then I pouted then walked away to Acro

"Hey Acro can you come with me to go to a candy store?"

"Sure I don't mind one bit" he laughed a bit then smiled awe he's ripping my heart aahHh then we both walked together leaving Arrow behind to the candy store yay!

"Oh seems like someone's excited to go to a candy store" he smirked

"Well a certain someone hasn't been to one in so long okay?" I huffed turning my head sassily

"Okay okay sheesh calm down" he laughed and then coughed cause he's laughing too many times at me hmph

"Well I hope you had a fun time Ari cause I certainly did" then he kissed my cheek then smirked at his brother that's still trying to catch up with us hahah....uh whoops... heheheh...

"I did... thanks Acro haha.... funny thing Acro have you ever searched your name on safari?" i said laughing so hard I fell to my knees I couldn't breathe hahahah... oh man...

~End of Arrow and Acros first Valentine~