
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime und Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 26: The Crusher Force is Eating Well.

"Captain Turles, I have successfully subjugated the planet with as little bloodshed as possible!" Appule's back was straight with pride. Turles felt he needed to shield his eyes from the blinding joy of the soldier.

Turles looked at the shivering, crying, and huddled figures of the Tech-Tech people. Child-sized with varying shades of blue skin, oval heads, and surprisingly lacking in tech. Turles tapped his scouter to report the subjugated planet. The strength of its planet's inhabitants, technology level, approximate population number, and location. This isn't how it's normally done, but Turles was going to change that for himself and the Frieza Force.

"Let's head out. Good work, Appule." Turles commended the soldier. His voice tinged with authority and approval.

Mepple, in her usual teasing manner, harshly poked Appule on his side, interjecting, "Don't forget you only succeeded because you saw what I did."

Appule, smirking and clutching his side, responded, "Thank you for your failure, Mepple."

Bonyu, walking alongside Turles slightly ahead of the others, posed a question, "Is it my turn next?" Knowing Bonyu's experience and intelligence surpassed theirs, Turles assured her, "You're smarter and more experienced than all of us. After what you've seen so far, I'm sure you know the expectations I have for us. It would be demeaning of me to ask you to do so."

Bonyu, taken aback by the level of trust and confidence Turles placed in her, played with her long ponytail and stated, "Haven't you ever wondered if I was a spy for the Ginyu Force? I could be secretly gathering information about you to share with them." Bonyu's body lightened at the fact that he had so much trust in her.

Turles shook his head with a light laugh, a hint of amusement in his voice. "If you said Lord Frieza, I would have been more likely to believe you. The Ginyu Force might have been the strongest team in the universe before I created the Crusher Force, but they're just mercenaries at Lord Frieza's beck and call. They have no ambitions, desires, or goals in life except to accomplish Lord Frieza's wishes."

Intrigued, Bonyu looked directly into Turles' eyes and asked, "What are some of your ambitions then?"

A smile played on Turles' lips as he contemplated his end goal. "The Planet Trade Organization will control the entire universe. I will ensure that it runs efficiently and without any waste."

Bonyu gently bit her lower lip as she gazed at Turles. Control over the whole universe… A man with the drive, the brilliance, and the potential to actually accomplish such an impossible dream. Bonyu, captivated by Turles' drive and potential to achieve the impossible, thought back to her time in the Frieza Force and regretted the years it took for her to meet such a capable colleague…

"It would be my greatest desire to aid you in your dream, Turles," she declared, standing in front of him.

Turles returned her gaze with a smile, acknowledging her loyalty. "I'm pleased to have a reliable person like you by my side."

Suddenly, Sai appeared in front of Turles, pointing at himself and exclaiming, "Gyuk Gi!?"

Chuckling, Turles playfully rolled his eyes. "Yes, I couldn't do without you either."

Sai was an experiment he would ensure would be successful. A saibaman capable of scrapping with gods. Even if he had to use a wish on some magic dragons, he would make sure that Sai stays with him till he reaches that benchmark. It was too hilarious thinking of the world Toriyama made and trying to change it in unexpected ways. Instead of solely focusing on the Saiyans, he believed that every race had the potential to be useful with some friendly guidance from an ambitious Saiyan or the power of the magical Dragon Balls.

The Crusher Force traveled all over Universe 7, taking over planets, devouring fruits from the Tree of Might, and destroying any and all evidence of their journey unrelated to conquering planets. During their travels over the years, Turles used the opportunity to shape up and train the squad. What kind of leader could he call himself if he didn't take care of the people under him? Although, he had to be a bit more gentle than he would have liked. None of them could heal or recover in medical machines. If he went with his usual methods of training, it would be too inefficient.

Turles would be forced to wait for them to recover after every training session. So, he trained them like he trained Sai those years when searching for the Seed of Might. The knowledgeable Saiyan trained them in the art of ki. Tempering, controlling, and exploring their ki. It was an essential part of people that 99% of the universe took for granted. Ki was their lifeline as warriors. It made zero sense to Turles why few, if any, don't explore the potential of the life energy of the universe deeper.

"You all grew too quickly and still have no idea how to utilize your newfound power to its greatest capabilities. Yes, that includes you, Sai."

"Ghiyi…" Sai hung his head in disappointment.

"What do you mean, Captain Turles?" Mepple asked, raising her hand.

"The way you use your ki is the same way an infant would use it. You throw it around without much thought. I'm going to teach you how to use it like a logical, thinking, and feeling being. Watch this." Turles held out his hand.

The Crusher Force watched as a purple ball of energy floated above Turles's palm. One second later, it shifted into a three-dimensional triangle. After that, it rapidly shifted forms multiple times over. But changing shapes wasn't the only thing Turles showcased to them. He showed them how concentrating his ki to one point increased the power of his attack multiple times over. Manipulating his ki into shifting into different forms like fire and lightning. How to share ki with others, temporarily empowering his crew and even changing his energy sphere into a humanoid avatar that formed over his body.

"This is just a small show of the potential of ki," Turles grinned, observing the astonished faces of his crew.

Naba, standing over Turles, demanded, "Teach me now."

Perplexed, Turles scratched his head and replied, "I'm sure I already said I was going to teach you all..."

Undeterred, Naba lifted Turles off the ground, her voice filled with determination. "Teach me. Teach me. Teach me."

Slightly taken aback, Turles chuckled, "Okay, Sis! Jeez. Why do you even want to learn so badly? Everyone else is excited, but you don't see them lifting me up by my armor."

Naba complained, "I need tools! I can't build, repair, or dismantle anything without my tools, and I'm tired of using my bare hands like some sort of savage caveman!"

"Ah, using ki-alteration techniques to make tools is certainly an idea. Good thinking, Sis." Turles complimented her. "I never would have thought of using ki to fix things."

Bonyu helped Turles back down to the ground, brushing off his armor as she said, "I'm sure our space pods are in need of maintenance as well after traveling for so long."

"Then we might as well start now. This planet isn't going anywhere anytime soon," Turles concluded, using the opportunity to improve his team's skills.

The Crusher Force was currently surrounded on all sides by the planet's inhabitants. Multiple large long-ranged weapons were aimed directly at them as they stood around talking in a circle. It wasn't decided who would conquer this planet yet. The race living on the planet didn't seem to like their space pods crash landing here either. They were surprisingly advanced for such a cautious bunch. Those huge gun-like turrets were pretty impressive looking. Turles wondered why there weren't any space battles in the dragon ball universe. Then he remembered barely anyone traveled in space often enough for there to be fights in space. Plus, the Frieza Force controlled 70% of the known universe. Who the hell would be warring with an empire like the Planet Trade Organization around?

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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