

The longer Jasmine spends in the crew, the more she finds Yu Yang strange. While filming, he appears normal, but off-camera, his expressions are quite rich, hinting at something unsaid.


Everyone in the crew feels that Yu Yang doesn't seem to like Jasmine as much as he portrays on social media. They suspect it might just be a tactic to gain attention, not genuine.


Initially, Jasmine also thought he was just following the trend when the TV drama was popular. But if it's that simple, why is he so conflicted?


This series has about fifty to sixty episodes, with a filming time of at least four months. If any issues arise, the filming period could extend further. With such a long collaboration, wouldn't it be reasonable to clarify any doubts? Finally, Jasmine added Yu Yang to the group chat of the cast and crew, asking him: "[I hope I haven't deceived you for money or love before?]"


Yuyang: […]


Jasmine: [?]


Yuyang: [Why are you asking this?]


Jasmine: [Was it me who wanted to ask? My friend, why do you keep looking at me like that in the mirror every day? I even suspect that I have lost my memory. Did I deceive your fragile young heart before losing my memory?]


Yuyang: […]


Jasmine: [Tell me, do you have any opinions about me?]




Yuyang was sitting on a single sofa in the hotel room playing with his phone. When he saw this message, he immediately forgot everything that happened on set during the day and imagined a beautiful white cat feeling wronged, pretending to be fierce and meowing at him...


I can't take it anymore, my blood sugar is low.


Yuyang held his fragile heart and hesitated before weakly responding: [I didn't...]


Jasmine: [You didn't???]


Well, if you have to say, there is.


Yuyang cautiously told her: [I don't really like your current performance.]


Jasmine was initially as confused as he was, just trying to ask, but she didn't expect it to turn into such a situation! Changing her casual attitude, she earnestly asked Yuyang what was wrong with her performance. Was it the acting itself or the lack of grasp on the character's inner self?


The response was negative.


Jasmine: [Then what is it that you're saying?]


Yuyang: [The cat-like feeling you had... it's gone. I like a younger sister who is like a cat, why isn't she a cat?]






Jasmine didn't expect that.


The answer she got after earnestly seeking advice was this.


Yuyang asked her why she wasn't a cat.


She also wanted to ask, after filming three movies, why can't she just act like a human being when giving out magic gift?


From Jasmine cat to Jasmine peach to Jasmine dog, what will be next?!

Jasmine dragged her cheek and saw Yuyang send a cat-like expression: [Can't you turn back into a cat?]


Jasmine: [...]


Jasmine: [You can't, this role is set for a dog.]


The assistant came to bring Yuyang some fruits, only to find someone sitting on the sofa with a face of despair.


He felt a thud in his heart.


"What's wrong, bro?"


Yuyang slowly turned his head to look at him: "Put the stuff down, you can leave."


Leave? Who dares to leave now?


The assistant quickly showed concern and asked Yuyang what's wrong? What happened again?


Yuyang waved his hand for him to leave.


What else is there to say?


Even if said, it wouldn't solve anything.



Jasmine probably knew what was going on with him, while others hadn't thought in that direction. After all, Yuyang had never publicly stated that he hated dogs, he wouldn't dare.


After filming for some time, the whole crew thought he was a fake fan. At this time, "Girls" passed the review and got the distribution permit, then announced a joint broadcast with Blue Platform and Tomato Platform, set for June 20th.


From early June, the "Girls" crew called back several core actors to start promoting the show, and even Jasmine took a leave.


Most of the variety shows for promotion were interviews combined with small games.


During the interview, Jasmine was easily prompted.


For example, on a program on the Tomato Platform, the director designed a segment called "Truth or Dare," Jasmine's "luck" wasn't very good and she was hit with several tough questions.


Someone asked her if the media reports were true that if she didn't become famous she would have to go back to inherit a billion-dollar fortune?


"False, where in China is there a billionaire surnamed Lee?"


Another round, she still chose truth, and was asked: "Are you the kind of girl like Sweet in private? How do you view your boyfriend, roughly where does he rank in your heart?"


Jasmine: "...Can we do this? This is already the third question."


The host immediately mobilized the audience, asking if they wanted to hear more?


Do they even need to say?


Even if they weren't interested before, when you come to record a program, you have to cooperate, right?


So, the whole audience shouted in unison.


Jasmine: ...




"If you want to ask where my boyfriend ranks in my heart, I really can't say, because I've never had a boyfriend."


The people around her were surprised, all saying it couldn't be true.


Jasmine told them very seriously, "Really, I didn't feel like it was something I had to experience, nor have I ever felt a strong connection with anyone. When you ask if Sweet and I are similar, maybe it's because we lack that connection that we want to experience this role. After experiencing it, I feel it's better to stay calm, it seems like we're more likely to encounter scumbags than true soulmates."


Several other female stars from the same drama also shared their experiences.


They concluded that everything and everyone in the entertainment industry presented to the audience is packaged. Many times, people may seem likable at first, and you might impulsively agree to date them, only to realize later that it's not what you thought.


In this industry, everyone has a persona. It seems like establishing a persona makes it easier to become famous. Many people's interests and hobbies that they mention publicly are fake, all planned before their debut.


Taking risks and following your feelings in love in this industry is challenging; if you do, you might find yourself in multiple breakups in a year.


The game continued for two more rounds, and Jasmine safely passed through them.


She relaxed a bit before getting picked again.


"Is it still Truth?"


"Of course."


"Then don't blame me for being harsh; I have a question that many viewers want to know: It's no secret that Yu Yang likes you, what do you think of him?"


Why are top stars called top stars? It's because they have massive popularity and a huge fan base among the younger audience.


Previously, when discussing other topics, the live audience would cheer along, but when this question was asked, the studio almost exploded. The girls in the front row covered their faces and squealed. Everyone was waiting for Jasmine's answer.


Jasmine blinked.


How should she answer this?


The people next to her stared at her as if she were hooked up to a lie detector, urging her to speak: "Speak up, be direct, don't overthink."


"You're causing trouble; this question isn't even valid. Yu Yang doesn't like me; he likes cats. Everyone knows he's a cat lover with five cats at home, right?"


Jasmine cleverly corrected the misconception in the question, but she was booed for being too cunning.


"Please, answer our question directly, what do you think of Yu Yang as a boyfriend?"


... ???


It turned into a question about being a boyfriend again?


She had never dated, so how would she know?


"Why don't you just punish me..."



"Think it over; if you hesitate like this, after the show airs, the media will report: When asked about her feelings towards Yu Yang, the female star hesitated and dodged the question. Then, you two will be rumored to be in a relationship."


Jasmine sighed, "A romantic relationship is impossible. What kind of love is there between siblings?"


The studio burst into laughter, and the issue was finally resolved.


After this episode aired, Jasmine and Yu Yang indeed became a hot topic. Jasmine responded by saying that Yu Yang likes cats, not her. This statement was highlighted and accepted by their fan base. They believed Yu Yang fell for Jasmine because her character in the show was like a cute cat, which cat lovers found irresistible.


Even when she said siblings can't be in love, Yu Yang's fans found it amusing.


They thought she was witty and humorous, being the big sister who expanded her friend circle to include wealthy individuals.




Sometimes, being witty and humorous as a woman isn't enough; Jasmine could handle rumors with grace, but she couldn't control Yu Yang's actions.


On June 20th, "Girls" aired simultaneously on two channels.


With well-placed advertising and effective promotion, along with the cast's popularity, the show attracted a large audience from the start.


In the second episode, Jasmine's character, Sweet, had a romantic scene with the main antagonist. Even though they were still in the honeymoon phase, in just a few minutes of screen time, viewers felt like they were immersed in a cool, refreshing peach soda


– sweet, refreshing, and delightful.


During this ongoing plot, not only were the sisters engrossed, but even the aunts were all too busy laughing foolishly. The boys spontaneously immersed themselves in the experience of being a scumbag number one with a girlfriend as sweet and soft as a peach.


When this segment of the plot concluded, all of these people grabbed their phones simultaneously, hopping onto Facebook and WeChat, making a commotion.


- "Mom, I'm in love again!"


- "It's this woman, I love her!"


- "Waaah, I'm truly fickle-minded. Sorry Gu Pan wife, we're temporarily divorcing for a month. I'm going to marry Sweetie for the second time."


- "Whoever pees yellow, I'll slap him in the face! Wake up, Sweetie isn't yours!"


- "This is the real peach of the human world, watching it feels like a peach come to life."


- "Just placed an order for a box of peaches, but after payment, it was already sold out upon refreshing."


- "Couldn't get peaches, so I snatched a box of white peach soda!"


- "It's time to share my privately stored peach pie, peach oolong tea, peach ice cream, and peach jam with you all."


- "Using this peach-scented fragrance and mouthwash in daily routine is awesome."





This group of people is really something.


Whenever there's a storyline with Sweet, they put down their phones and focus on watching the drama, but once Sweets part is over and the plot shifts to the other three sisters, they just casually listen with an ear, occasionally glance over, and keep busy chatting in groups and forums on social media.


The era of Kitty Pan is over, and now the new favorite is Sweetie. She is the beloved of both male and female audiences, after all, it's summer, who wouldn't love the soft and sweet water peach that is Sweetie?


Even more exaggerated than the audience is the top streamer Yu Yang, who is said to only like cats.


On the day of the premiere, he efficiently finished filming his scenes, hurried back to the hotel to watch the premiere of "Girls." He initially thought of supporting the new show for the sake of Pan Pan, in case it's addictive, he'd retreat immediately, no more watching.


But when he saw Sweet acting cute with the scum number one, as an audience, Yu Yang's ears turned red.


After this segment aired, he took out their phones, found their assistants on WeChat and requested: ["Are you there? Please bring me a cup of peach milk tea."]


The assistant just replied with an "OK."


Yu Yang added: ["Also, get me a white peach jelly."]


The assistant responded with three dots... and then an "OK."


Yu Yang then continued: ["Go to the fruit market and buy two fresh water peaches."]


The assistant:["... anything else Bro?"]


Yu Yang, after careful consideration, replied: ["Tomorrow, after I go to the set, have someone come and rearrange my room."]


If the assistant had known Yu Yang would say that, The assistant would never have said anything more. Buying milk tea, jelly, and peaches is one thing, but rearranging the hotel room?


The assistant suddenly had an ominous feeling and asked what kind of feeling Yu Yang wanted.


["I want the feeling of sweet water peach feelings."]






What's he going crazy about this time?




Top-star: Working with others is like cat or peach. Examine your conscience, can you justify yourself to me...?