

Every New Year, Jasmine is always busy. At this time in previous years, she would be experiencing a surge in work, always contacting under people even when there's no reason to. At this moment, even those she usually doesn't contact would be on her mind, including loved ones.


Due to the busy schedule, Jasmine won't be available for house calls at this time. She usually sets aside a few days to inform others when she will be free, encouraging those in need to make appointments in advance, specifying the time down to the hour and asking them to come on time on the appointed day.


This year, she set aside the five days from the third day of the lunar new year to the seventh.


That period coincided with the gap between two jobs, "Girls" finished filming, and "Seeking Immortality" was about to start, so she had some free time.


As a result, sharp-eyed netizens noticed that wealthy individuals from all over the country were flying to a small city in the south, almost all of them bringing their families.


For example, the shoe industry giant from Guangdong Province brought his wife and two sons; the coal boss from Jin city had a similar entourage; a pharmaceutical tycoon from the northeast was seen with his whole family at the airport; not to mention the department store magnate, seafood king, and e-commerce platform owner, luxury goods tycoon, and so on. These people are usually shuttling between big cities, so it was quite strange for them to suddenly arrive in a small town, and what's more surprising is they came one after another with their families in tow.


Before the news reporters could figure out why they were there, the wives and daughters of these families started sharing photos on their own Facebook or Instagram accounts.


Most of the photos were taken at the dining table, basically a few bosses who happened to run into each other on the same day at different times deciding to have a meal together and chat. And then they organized a dinner and invited Jasmine to join them.


Taking photos and posting them on social media while dining is a basic operation for these young ladies.


Misses with lots of money are tossing out photos one after another. The sharp-eyed netizens noticed that each of these wealthy young ladies had taken a photo with Jasmine, and whenever three to five sisters were in a group photo, Jasmine was always in the middle, firmly in the spotlight.


-- "You see, not all these rich young ladies took group photos together, but they all took photos with Jasmine. What does this mean??"


--"Wow, that's an interesting perspective. Could it be that they all went to visit Jasmine's house one by one?"


-- "Jasmine said in a video that she's just an ordinary person."


--"Do you believe that?"




--"Well, I did at first, but now I'm starting to doubt it. I went back and checked, and it's true. Each of these daughters not only posted photos with Jasmine in the center but also had individual photos with her. They said stuff like how difficult it is to meet with her, the actress works really hard, and they are looking forward to her new drama airing and will definitely watch every episode!"


--"The world of bootlickers is a family, it's just like leaving comments on the class beauty's moments."


-- "Just an ordinary Gu Panpan, a unremarkable Jasmine - the banner reads: I don't believe you."


Caught up in the hustle, when Jasmine finished her New Year's business and wanted to find out what fresh gossip was circulating in the circle, she logged onto her app and found her own news popping up.


People say she comes from a hidden wealthy family, which is why she can outshine others in group photos. What others call plain and unremarkable is just her modesty.


Checking on Facebook...


Well, last time she managed to dispel the rumors, but this recent group photo has brought back the same doubts.


Jasmine felt she could still struggle a little to try to explain, so she posted an update.


Jasmine's V:


"What if I told you I'm really just plain and unremarkable, and they only lined up for photos because they like the character I play as Gu Panpan, do you believe that?"


-- "I believe it/doge"


-- "Believe it, believe it/doge"


--"Since you said that, women, I'll believe it too!/doge"


-- "Bold move, daring to tease our Jasmine sister."


-- "Jasmine, rest assured, we don't believe the nonsense written by those reporters, we don't believe that you're the daughter of a hidden wealthy family about to inherit a billion-dollar fortune in the entertainment industry. Trust me, I don't believe a single word of that. /doge"


-- "I'm not as hypocritical as you guys. I just want to say to sister Jasmine: I don't want to strive anymore, sister, think about it."


"I'm a man, 1.8 meters tall, weighing 180 pounds, just looking for a plain and unremarkable wife like sister. I can't stand someone too outstanding."






What kind of fans are these?


What kind of worldly suffering is this?


Feeling wronged, Jasmine posted again: "I'm not joking with you guys."


-- "I'm not joking with you either./doge"


In a WeChat group, Ben and his friends burst into laughter like pigs before strutting over to leave a message for Jasmine, their words neatly arranged.


-- "That's right, it's true./doge"


According to a complaint from a well-known actress, Facebook employees received a direct complaint protesting that the platform's default emojis were unfriendly to her.


With this exposure, Jasmine trended again, and many people flocked to her page to leave supportive comments.


Only Ben knows that Jasmine is genuinely interacting with her online friends. The bosses of major talent agencies in the entertainment industry just finished celebrating the Lunar New Year and then held a meeting for their staff, where they vented about Jasmine, making the marketing planners below take a look and learn from her.


They pointed out how despite being in a quiet period, she manages to maintain popularity, not just by spending money to buy publicity.


You emphasized that with the star power like hers, their company has no problem promoting her.


Luckily, Jasmine didn't hear these remarks in person; otherwise, she would have been so embarrassed that she might have dug a hole right there at the event.




A few days later, director Gao Teng added her to a group chat and informed everyone that the filming for the drama "Seeking Immortality" would start soon. All actors were asked to prepare to join the production, cooperate with the filming schedule as much as possible, and strive to make a high-quality fantasy drama.


This drama is planned to have 56 episodes, with plenty of action scenes, so the shooting period will be longer compared to previous projects like "My All-Round Girlfriend" and "Girls." Actors won't be filming every day, and Yu Yang and others might need to take leave for other commitments. According to the director's plan, if they can finish filming within six months, considering the production and approval time, they can still premiere the drama as a New Year special in January next year.


The actors have a positive attitude, knowing this is a high-budget top-tier project, especially with the leading actor being a top star like Yu Yang.


The leading actress Chen Xi has also starred in popular ancient dramas, and having the second female lead Jasmine onboard is like a pleasant surprise.


Skipping Jasmine's achievements from her last drama "My All-Round Girlfriend," let's focus on her recent completion of filming the modern urban emotional drama "Girls," which is currently in post-production.


Even though the drama is not finished yet, some TV stations seem to be showing interest in acquiring it from the production company. With a successful modern urban drama lineup, and high anticipation surrounding it, the competition among TV stations to air it will be fierce.


"The calculation has been made for 'Seeking Immortality', the show 'Girls' is expected to officially air in June after being completed and approved for review in March and April. If this show becomes a hit as well, the audience's anticipation for Jasmine's third work will be very high, which is advantageous for them.


With such a solid foundation, it is essential to produce a high-quality TV drama.


Jasmine entered the martial arts drama crew under the weight of curiosity and high expectations from all directions, and then had her first close encounter with the A-list star Yu Yang, who is said to be her fan.


Before coming, Sister Chen mentioned several times that Yu Yang, who plays the male lead, seems to have been her fan since the drama 'My All-Round Girlfriend,' often secretly liking Jasmine's Facebook posts Like. After learning this, she took more notice of Jasmine on set, only to find that the other party was not very friendly and seemed rather indifferent.


She took time to send a WeChat message to Sister Chen: [You said that Yu Yang loves me, it's a scam!].


Sister Chen: [?]


Jasmine: [He definitely sees me as a tool for enhancing his fashion value. Otherwise, why would he be all smiles with someone else, but when he turns around and sees me, his face looks like he's had a cramp. Am I that scary???]




While Jasmine was venting to Sister Chen, Yu Yang was sprawled in his dressing room looking like all his martial arts skills had been abolished, scaring the assistant bro to death.


Assistant: "What's wrong, bro?"

Yu Yang remained silent at first, then spoke in a despondent tone, "I just saw Jasmine earlier."


Assistant: "That's great, isn't it?"


Yu Yang sighed, "It's good, but I got nervous and ended up being expressionless. I just nodded at her and didn't even greet her properly. She must think I'm fake..."


Assistant: ...


You are too sensitive...


Considering he was the big boss who supported the whole team. Despite the assistant's attempts to comfort him. 


Yu Yang was reluctant to listen.


Assistant: "How about I go on your behalf, bring a small gift, and explain the situation to her?"


Yu Yang, who was initially slouched, suddenly showed remarkable agility and did a sit-up, "That's a good idea. You can subtly and tactfully speak on my behalf, let her know my feelings are genuine."


The assistant...


What are some examples of tactful and reserved compliments?


I really feel like I've done something wrong.


No matter how tangled it is, the assistant still went, and I explained to his ancestors: "This is a gift specially prepared by Yang brother. Yang brother really likes the drama you acted in. When 'All-Round Girlfriend' premiered, he was in another drama crew and had to make time every day to watch the playback."


Jasmine raised her eyebrows, "Is that so?"


"Yes. Our brother deliberately keeps a distance from you outside, mainly because some fans of his are a bit crazy. It's difficult for us to restrain them, and if he gets too close to sister, it wouldn't be good for you due to possible misunderstandings."


Jasmine is a good girl who is willing to trust others. So, she readily accepted the explanation from Yu Yang's assistant and even wanted to tell Sister Chen that she seemed to have misunderstood others' intentions.

Speaking of top stars.


After eagerly anticipating the start of filming for "Seeking Immortality," he finally gets to work with an actress he particularly likes and wants to do well.


But the subsequent development is completely different from what he expected!


Everyone knows that Jasmine has a skill called [Special Charm], which means that when portraying some unconventional roles, she can bring out a stunning charm that enhances the character.


This skill was effective in the "All-Round Girlfriend" crew, where she exuded a cat-like charm.


Later in the crew of " Girls," she became a peach-like beauty.


Now, in the crew of "Seeking Immortality," will this skill be activated?


Of course, it was activated.


As mentioned earlier, she plays the little sister of the male lead, who is a naive character always centered around the male lead. She believes others when they deceive and play tricks on her brother, and she goes out to find things that can benefit her brother's cultivation, often getting herself hurt in the process. She doesn't complain and innocently brings the items back to her brother...


In the series, the female lead is a well-known goddess in the cultivation world, high above everyone else.


This supporting female role cannot compare to her; she is just a naive fool who wholeheartedly cares for her brother. She is also a tragic character who dies in the penultimate episode to save her brother.


Director Gao incorporated various experiences to make the script like this, with a male lead, intense plot, a poignant ending that leaves a lasting impression on the audience, and a late emotional climax that doesn't risk losing viewers, overall, perfect!


At this point, he never imagined that fans of the top star would perfectly interpret the character of the self-sacrificing fool sister for her brother, firmly standing against the female lead throughout more than fifty episodes and even insulting Chen Xi.


Leaving aside the distant future, let's focus on the character of the little sister herself.


Doesn't she have a unique personality?


Activating her special charm is not an issue; the problem is in this time, her special charm is a dog, a loyal dog who often sacrifices herself to protect her owner.


The dog sister immediately won over the entire cast with its every move, except for her brother who she faithfully guarded.


Yu Yang is a cat lover; he dislikes dogs.


Initially, Yu Yang didn't realize where the problem lay; he just felt that something was off about the filming.


After shooting several scenes, he checked the results and was stunned.




Top Star: Where is my cat goddess...???