
Hybrid journey in Marvel

In the beginning, the vast universe was bare and without form. Yet it was not so lifeless, The Celestials, the oldest race in the universe were present long before the dawn of creation, and were responsible for the Big Bang and for bringing planets and lifeforms into existence throughout the cosmos. Still as all living beings, they must reproduce but unlike something as simple as continuing their race, they had a much grander purpose for being born. To stop the universe from becoming endless black once more, or so the stories go, the prime celestial, Arishem the Judge. Arishem the Judge is the Prime Celestial, who is credited for creating the first Sun and bringing light to the universe. Millions of years ago, Arishem created the Deviants in order to aid in Celestial births, a celestial seed was placed deep within planets, and nurtured by the sentient life giving birth by the celestial. The Deviants were meant to help rid the world's they inhabited of predators, helping the sentient life grow without fear of becoming prey. Yet the deviants soon outgrew their programing, and turned, killing the very beings they were meant to protect. Arishem seeing the mistake in his plan, made another life form, synthetically made up of cosmic energy. The eternals, nigh-immortal beings with great power that shepherded beings in the right direction. They could not evolve like the Deviants, that's how it was supposed to be, but Arishem in all his power looked over many things. Still in order to understand all this, we have to go back, back before the eternals, before the Deviants, back to when the universe had sat for billions of years, the celestials were born far and few between. Each one gave life to galaxies, when Arishem had found a world unlike the others, unlike the world's slow in progress. A world that held beings of great power and great technology, a world black with thick fire. Arishem would watch them grow, picking not to plant a seed, but to wait as these beings made more advancements, they did not work off emotions and killed their kind with purpose to and end. Thousands of years went by in a blink for Arishem, watching them wage war, until only one remained. The planet was still, but for one being, who traveled world's, conquering, and transforming life into something else. Arishem had seen enough, with how the world's fell, and how the being did not care for the creatures left behind, celestials were born without problems in this cold conquering of world's. This would mark the being, his world changed as he was brought to Arishem, and tasked with a job to convert planets in the cycle of destruction and rebirth. Yet not all things last forever, and one day when another way was found. To allow world's to grow beon mindless beings, becoming mindless monsters, Arishem had watched the conquest of 450,000 world's but Arishem stopped his call, sending the being and his planet to the far reaches of the universe, but he could never find the technology used to change planets. Thus the age of great darkness ended, and the Harold of Arishem had been lost to time, or so Arishem thought, until a planet ripe with a seed would see it's fate changed -----------------------‐----------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing. #3loveinterest #Drama #growth #strongtostronger #greymc #action #Undecidedpairing If you don't like drama and will just comment stupid shit about the mc not being a stone wall, just don't read. Need ideas for love interest, and the mc will have a human form albeit tall, so I need ideas for how he will look.

KnowPain1 · Filme
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Arishem

The ship's massive command was silent, no chattering of parademons, no shockwaves from the celestial emerging from the planet, everything seemed to be at peace, but for the whimpering of the broken Thena who laid unblinkingly on the metal floor.

Her eyes seemed to be glassed over as she watched the world be ripped apart, looking at the molten lava erupt from the planet's core, falling from the sky like hell fire as it crashed into the sea. Her body rolling on to its side as her fingers traced a circle along the floor.

"What was the point in all this, what was the point of protecting them? So that they would not have to suffer in a world full of Deviants." Thena's words were as if questioning, yet with no response it was clear she was asking herself. "To shepherd them to the end of their world, an end to everything we tried to protect." she continued as flashes of images flicked within her eyes.

The guilt compounding with her memory she had no recollection of, of world's and beings she could only see fragments of in a broken past. Her skin glowed as she closed her eyes, being trapped within her mind, as hands ran across her body, each place in the memory she saw, her skin in reality would glow.

"Constantly repeating the same process, to no end, of Worlds I can't remember, and of lives, I don't even know I lived." Her eyes opened as they became low, her eyes looking out at nothing but the void of space, as if it would give an answer back to her questions.

"Was this your great plan Arishem.." Her words became lower as nothing but the echoing silence answered. Her eyes closing again as Doomsday stood slowly next to her, he said nothing only allowing events to take there course as they have done so many times before.

"Take her to the overview, and bring the ship online. Were done with this planet." Doomsday's body started to change as he pointed to Thena, the service bots coming from the metal walls as they reached out, and gently lifted Thena, who at this point did not struggle, she only laid within their embrace, her body drained and limp as she was taken away.

"Bring the phantom drive online, and take us beon the third moon of the broken fragments of Centuri-Six's. Make sure to allow the gravity links to be open for her arrival." Doomsday watched as she was taken away, looking at the giant sphere at the center of the ship, that glowed with brilliant white light and oppressive dark.

The phantom drive arced with electricity, the air humming as it distorted space around its sphere slightly. The Parademons moving around as they brought the ship online fully, using the liquid geo for its purpose, the technology used for its ability to form solid constructs almost instantaneously. The black liquid pulled from the console as it formed into a planet, or rather the moon doomsday had spoken about.

The Parademons started to press their hands within the liquid geo, the ship moving as the phantom drive fluctuated faster and faster, outside the ship space seemed to distort even faster as the ship started to move. Leaving a blue streak across the void as thousands of ships moved away from what was left of the planet's atmosphere.

Doomsdays steps were not hurried, watching the space outside the ship change, his eyes roaming over the thousands of ships in toe. His head shook as he looked out watching the fragments of the planet colliding into one another, the faint shadow of the planet still could be seen as a celestial stood within its place.

The command was quiet as Doomsday stood, turning is head down as he looked through the transparent floor he stood on, his eyes roaming over Thena's body as she lay on a metal bed of some kind.

The space soon became shadowed as the transparent floor turned back to metal, the moon's dark side covering part of the command as the ship moved closer into its orbit. Still as he looked on he could see an object approaching, its body different from the ships he knew, it was a green ship that had gold carvings beautifully placed throughout its body. Its shape was triangular in nature, but its points were flat on each side.

"I have come.." Doomsday walked towards the liquid geo, it was in a large half shaped sphere, its black liquid floated up, creating a face within in as a voice spoke out to him.

"I know, there is no need for pleasantries you may bored, Ajak's." Doomsday gave a look towards the construct for a moment before speaking, his hand waving as the geo fell back into place.

The center of the ship opened as the triangular spacecraft moved underneath the three legs that anchor themselves on each side of the command center. His eyes watched as golden lines of light formed within the air, writing as if art as a woman's body appeared in the same place Thena once laid.

"Zod." The woman spoke, her words carrying no feeling as she looked at Doomsdays step forward, her black hair falling over the shoulders of her perfect body as she nodded her head to him.

"Ajak, it has been a long time." Doomsday spoke, his eyes never roaming as he looked into the woman's eyes.

"You and I know that is not why I am here. The emergence is complete, even with your interference in the process." Ajak followed as she spoke, looking at Doomsday turn his back to her as he walked to a door.

"It was never my intention to interfere, I no longer can speak to Arishem, I did not know this world had a seed. And the Parademons were here long before your family came to this planet." Doomsday replied as they walked the long hallway, his words uncaring that their plans did not work out.

"Your Parademons are no longer needed, turning worlds into nothing but mindless creatures is something from the past. They shouldn't be here, or on any other planet. The time for you to conquer world's is over, planet after planet, life after life changed as emergencies fail across the universe because of you." Ajak stopped, her voice changing into one of authority, speaking as if her words were true and right.

"Ajak, I understand your care, your worry, but of all beings, you should know better than to speak of conquest, whether passively or aggressively, subjugating a world is what we both do, the Deviants were defective, but you had a choice, being the only eternal within this group to have knowledge of what is actually going on. Do not speak to me as if you haven't killed thousands of world's with your own hands." Doomsday stopped, his foot resting in front of ajak as they stood on a ever-changing staircase.

"Destruction and rebirth, that is the way of the universe Zod, Arishem no longer wishes for world's to be mindless and it has been so for thousands of years. Yet each time, world after world has fallen into ruin because of your anger." Ajak's was taken back momentarily by doomsday's words, but she still stuck to her beliefs in her god.

"What I have done I will answer for one day, when they have grown and are ready to face the truth." Ajak continued as they walked down the stairs, her hand rubbing along the railing as she looked out to the moon, it's purple light hypnotizing to the eye as she spoke with a somber tone.

"But the same can not be said for you." Ajak looked at Doomsdays back that had stopped, his hand pressing on a metal wall as it became transparent, making her take a step forward as she looked into the room the held Thena.

"You know nothing of me Ajak, you can continue but one day there will be no understanding left in any of them." Doomsday spoke lowly, his hand moving as a door was formed into the transparent wall.

"Maybe you are right, and maybe I don't know you. But I know you love her.. but you know it can never be." Ajak nodded lightly with her eyes closed for a second, making her way past Doomsday as she left these words within the air.

"And who would have it so? continue as you see fit Ajak's but they will break, and by then, even you can no longer faint what you believe in." Doomsday looked at Thena's face, her eyes looking at them, her ears able to listen but its as if she was a lifeless doll that sat atop the metal table.

"Now take her, and get off my ship." Doomsday finished, his eyes pulling away as he turned his body to leave.

"Zod, Arishem has grown tired." Ajak said, reaching thena who reached out her hands to hug Ajak's, her palm rubbing along her cheek as she spoke with one eye turned to him.

"He wishes to speak to you.."