
Chapter 11

The two-on-two fight continued, and it was not until half an hour later that Ives and Biscuit managed to corner them both.


"Howl!" The second Wolf howled in pain as its opponent plunged its own claws into its stomach. After a few minutes of struggling, it finally took its last breath and died by its own weapon.

"Biscuit!" Ives threw his machete at the first Wolf, and it pierced right into its arm.

"Eat this!" Biscuit did a horizontal slash, targeting its neck.

"Gr- gr- gr-" The Monster held its neck, making a broken, hoarse sound. In front of it was the young girl who had slit its throat. Never in its life did it think that its so-called prey would kill it. Its eyes became increasingly blurry, and as it lost its vision, its cold body hit the ground with a loud thud.

Watching the Monster die, Biscuit leaned her back against a tree. She was sweaty and exhausted.

"Biscuit, Biscuit, are you okay?" Ives approached, wiping the blood that stained the girl's face.

"I-I'm fine." Biscuit stuttered a little. She was fine, but why was she stuttering? This was because Ives suddenly took his shirt off to wipe the blood stains on her. Seeing his athletic and pleasing body certainly made her heart pump.

"Thank goodness." Ives sighs in relief. After wiping the blood off, he goes to the middle of the road and looks up. It was still daytime and soon to be down; there were plenty of times before midnight.

"Biscuit, let's take a break to restore our energy."

"I don't mind, but I'm worried other monsters will attack."

"I've been watching for a while; these monsters seem to not go near the secret door area. We can rest there." Ives said, pointing to the back. It just happened that the area he was referring to was only a few hundred meters from where they were now.

"Okay." Biscuit nodded and wanted to stand up. Seeing him extend his hand, she smiled and took it wholeheartedly.

"Before that, let's take another of those wolf claws, just in case." Ives threw the broken machete and walked toward the Wolf's corpse. He then severed it with the wolf claws Biscuit lent him. With this set of claws, he could now play like a real Wolverine.

A few minutes later, he laid Biscuit down and made a campfire. Although it took a few minutes, he could finally burn the dry twigs he had collected.

"Wait here, I'll get some wild boar meat for us to eat."

"Unn." Biscuit sat down while hugging her knees. From behind, she could see the scratches on his back. It must have been the result of the fight.

Opening her bag, she prepared water, ointment, and bandage to treat his wound later.

'Ives...' She muttered while holding back a smile.


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