
humble beginnings

An old man finding himself inside a young body in jjk, namely the younger brother of Miguel, he will act according to his age and the circumstances, what entails is that he ofcourse will have a certain amount of wisdom and will be able to adapt fast, he has to familiarize himself with the world first though, since he read jjk 30 years ago till the start of the culling games. English is my third language and I‘m just 16 so bare with me if I make any mistakes, pointing them out would be appreciated though :)

ammonium_chloride · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Not japan, but Kenya

Rays of sunshine caressing his face and tickling his nose was the first sensation Gabriel felt in his new life, suddenly sitting up on his bed, he felt slight vertigo.

To combat that feeling he slowly brought the palm of both his hands to his face and slapped himself on his cheeks, having underestimated his strength or maybe overestimated his durability, he winced the face.

Finding himself in another unfamiliar room, he looked around and saw a Mahagoni brown table-plate with metal legs, little metal poles that looked like long U's, with both the ends of the U's connecting to the table and the rounded bottom of the U on the ground, a silver lamp resembling the Pixar lamp, a wooden wardrobe with little ornaments carved into the wood, about five photos inside of brown wooden frames with metal edges.

The camera taking these pictures captured a male teenager and a kid grinning into the camera, in another picture the same teen and kid are displayed, the kid sitting atop the teens shoulders pulling at his ear.

Tearing eyes away from the pictures he resumed scanning the room, trying to satisfy his curiosity.

Two windows, one slightly opened were spotted by him, outside the sun shining bright in a blue sky, but he didn't want to get distracted so he looked away.

A grey sleeping couch was spotted, the kind where you could pull down the ends and create a bed out of it.

Returning to the table with his eyes, he spotted a little cactus in a pot on it and a laptop, aswell as a half empty glass of water.

[author note: the tense it's written in will change now]

Under his feet are a pair of used socks, {SpongeBob socks, always wanted some} he couldn't hide the little grin forming on his face.

Standing up, he approaches the door and opens it, on the right side of the corridor is a bath, opening the door with his left hand he enters it.

{so I'm left handed in this life, I guess some things are bound to change}

Looking into the mirror above the white sink he looks at his image monetarily stunned, his skintone a bit darker than milk-chocolate his hair is kept as a short mess of thick green locs reaching the top of his eyes. The size of his nose is slightly on the smaller side and is turned upwards, not enough to make his nostrils appear on the front, but enough to notice the slight upwards curve of his nasal bone. A strong jawline, the eyebrows over his pecan brown eyes describing an arc over them.

[Author:Reference picture in the comments]

{so I didn't change my skintone, well I'm a bit lighter than in my last life but that doesn't really matter, but where am I at, because this doesn't look like Japan, well the quick look out the window told me that}

Exiting the bath after quickly washing his face and armpits, spraying deodorant onto them, since he is too curious to take a real bath.

Standing in the corridor again he makes his way down the left side arriving at a staircase, walking down he finds himself in another little corridor, another bath a few steps to the left of the staircase.

A few meters away another door manages to catch his attention and he approaches it, entering through it a living room greets him.

Two plates, two cups, some orange juice, milk and a lot of food stands on a glass table, awaiting to be eaten.

Mandazi, which is deep fried rice, Vibibi, which are coconut pancakes, sweet potato and Uji(porridge) and some other dishes create an indescribable smell. Inhaling the heavenly smell Gabriel approaches the table and sits down.

{I should probably wait till the person who made the meal arrives, but this just looks too delicious}

Beeing used to years of solitude, only accompanied by his dog, table rules aren't held in high regard by Gabriel.

Raising his fork to stab it into a Vibbi, it's slapped away in the next second.

„not even waiting for me before digging in bwana(boss)? I'm shocked, I prepared this meal while your ass was sleeping"

Looking up Gabriel stares into the eyes of a maybe 1,80m or six feet tall man of kenian decent, he's wearing an apron with the image of a flaming chili on his muscular frame and a pair of red crocks.

{This is probably my brother, he looks like the teen from the photos in my room, he talked to me in Swahili, which means we are in kenia or Tanzania or something, since I wished for a good foundation and there are only a handful of sorcerers outside of Japan I guess I'm in one of the families who wove the rope Miguel used}

„Why should I wait for you when all this food is begging to be eaten"

Taking his fork again, Gabriel lunges at a Vibbi again, stabbing his fork inside, all while trying dodging the hand of his brother, trying to trap his hand or redirect his fork again, sadly his brother succeeded.

Under the table Gabriel clutches another fork, feinting with his left hand at the sweet potato across the table, he sees his brother falling for it, reaching across the table to take the plate the sweet potato is laying on, into his evil grasp. His brother momentarily distracted doesn't see the right hand of Gabriel emerging from under the table and securing the Vibbi, only moments before it's entering Gabriel's mouth, does his brother realize the trick he has fallen for, but it's too late.

„thou lothtth"(you lost)", exclaims Gabriel while stuffing his face full with the sweet pastry

„Not so fast you little shit" exclaims his brother and takes him into a headlock.

*cough cough cough* „fuck you" shrieks Gabriel with a smile on his reddened face.

{while I may act like a little kid rightnow, I will enjoy and cherish these moments, my brother died when I was three years old and I always wished I had a brother, even in my last moments, I loved Luis, but a brotherly bond would have helped me in life}

Glaring through teary eyes he sees his brother on the ground, rolling around with laughter and clutching his stomach. „re *hahaha* remember I'm your *hahahaha* older brother, the great Miguel, I always win" after that he resumes his laughing fit on the floor.

{oh ok, so that immature fuck rolling around on the ground is Miguel and I'm his brother, good to know}

After getting his laughter under control and wiping away the pieces of Vibbi on the floor with a cloth, he too takes a seat and they start to converse.

„Have I ever told you the story of how we found you in a watermelon?" Miguel asks with a grin that betrayed the bad lie he just told

„Yes, we went down the riverbank and then saw a melon swimming with the current and because I was craving melon I took it out the water and home, there we cut it open and you were laying inside, covered in watermelon seeds, so you are in fact adopted"

Gabriel just roles his eyes at that and stares at his brother, greedily taking in all the bullshit he was saying, not wanting to miss anything.

Enjoying the atmosphere and occasional laughter he takes a bite out of a sweet potato and also lies through his teeth „Miguel you're a shitty chef, the sweet potato is undercooked, it's so hard it's almost raw, should I teach you how to use an oven?"

dear readers I have to admit, even though my grandpa is from Kenya, I know next to nothing about the country, since the rest of my family is Moroccan, so I gotta use my little knowledge and a lot of research, so if I get things wrong or forget smth tell me, I‘d love to correct it

ammonium_chloridecreators' thoughts