
Huh? Where did all the stars go? [The Last Stars]

Aidan has always been fascinated by the stars, but when they vanish, he's plunged into a life-changing mystery. As he travels through the universe, searching for answers, from a world of science to a world of magic accompanied by a System that shouldn’t be scientifically possible, he comes to learn that perhaps there is more at risk than he had ever expected.  Through his journey, Aidan discovers hidden truths about himself, and the world around him, that he could never have imagined. The Last Stars is a story of adventure, action, magic, romance, sci-fi, mystery, tragedy, and thriller all rolled into one. With each twist and turn, the stakes get higher and the danger more real. As Aidan struggles to understand the truth with a shifted perspective of the world he thought he knew, he must confront his own fears, doubts, and weaknesses and learn to accept and let go. What to expect - Emphasis on world building - A mix of science into magic - Mysteries  - Romance - Logical explanations for things New chapter released every weekday.

BuffMonkey · sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: It's Just a Magic Missile

"Hey Liam, how about you just watch today?" Said Ethel as they made their way to Aidan's house. "You both can play later another day."

"It just sounds like I'm only here to third-wheel you both" Liam mutters silently with indignation.

Aidan gives him a glare. He blamed Liam for the situation they were in now. He just loved to always cause drama and watch on the sidelines.

"Ugh. She could've logged on from her own home you know... Why did you agree to bring her here." Aidan whispered to Liam. Liam was enjoying this too much from the look on his face. He snickered, expectantly looking forward to what was about to come.

As soon as Aidan's house came into sight, Ethel quickly made her way to the doors and opened them wide open as if it was her own house.

"Mom! Dad! Your lovely daughter-in-law is home!"

"Hahaha!" Liam could no longer hold back his laughter as he clutched his stomach watching the scene play out in front of him.

Aidan covered his face with his hand while shaking his head. He's been helpless against her for years. He knew she had good intentions and understood and appreciated her feelings. He knew she didn't give up despite countless times he rejected her but no matter how far she went, she had her limits and respected his decision and didn't force anything...Kinda. Well, at least she's happy.

It was just impossible for Aidan to accept her feelings. He knew it would only hurt her in the end. She deserved much better than what he'd end up putting her through.

'I'm not going to be here for much longer. Maybe we won't even see each other again after graduation this Thursday.' Aidan grimaced as he thought to himself. He shook off the thoughts before they dragged him down.

"My parent's aren't usually home at this time, I thought you guys would at least know that much by now." Aidan was speechless at how shameless she could be. "Also no, they're not your mom and dad yet."

The three of them sat down and made themselves comfortable in the spacious living room.

"Ohohoho, did I just hear him say 'yet'?" Liam was quick to pick into his words. There was no way he would let go of any such golden opportunities. This was what he lived for! Watching the world burn would be at the top of his list of interests.

"Hehe, he sure did say that." Ethel started acting like she was shy. "Aah, maybe tonight's the night... His parents aren't even home. Oh my... I'm not sure if I'm ready yet Aidan. We should slow down and take things step by st-"

"Step by step your head" Her train of thought that led to nowhere good was interrupted by the wristband that came flying at her face.

"Hey! I don't need this, I have mine." She took off her wristband with confusion as she looked back at Aidan.

"Just stop talking, nothing's gonna happen. Let's meet on the arena."

"God, you're no fun." Ethel continued. "Liam why do you even hang out with this guy? I say you find someone else to be friends with, there are much better options."

"I've recently been reconsidering my life decisions as well.." Liam played along, his face showing he was in deep consideration. However, inwardly his thoughts weren't the same. ' You say that but you're the one that's obsessed with him, that's more strange.'

Aidan rolled his eyes at both of them. The combination of them was tougher to deal with than even the person highest on Aestra rankings.

-Welcome to Palaestra-

Aidan was greeted with the welcome screen of the game as logged on without wasting time. He created a private Arena for them to fight on and invited Ethel. When he was about to invite Liam to the Arena as a spectator, he changed his mind and instead opened the match to the public so anyone could freely join.

'It's time I came back anyways.'

He calmly entered the Arena to find himself on the familiar grassy field he always picked for his battles, and found Ethel waiting for him.

The zone chat went wild again as soon as they noticed he was online in a match.

"Wow, he's in a public match this time!"

"Does that mean he's finally making a comeback?"

"Let's all join!"

"It's Mockingbird! He's back!"

"Damn, I can't believe it!"

"We haven't seen him in over 3 months now."

"I wonder if he can still keep up with the new rankers. After all each and every one of them are magicians."

"We'll find out in this match, I wonder who he's up against today."

'It's already been 3 months huh? After that last match, he hadn't fought against anyone and continued training by himself.'

"God, has anyone told you, you look hot with that mask on and sword by your side? Ahhh, is this a tactic of yours to distract me so you can win? Well, it just might work."


Aidan felt like he might lose before the match even began if he continued listening to her. He ignored her words as he prepared himself for the fight seriously. After all, he knew this would not be anything like the 'fight' with Liam.

"So serious. Fine fine."

Her eyes focused and it showed that she was prepared for the match as well. "Let's see how this rematch goes. After all, it's been 3 months, hasn't it? Mr. No.1 of rankings. Oops, I guess it's the ex-No.1 after I took that spot."

It was then someone noticed the person who was fighting against the mockingbird.


She got back to the game after magic was added and wiped the floor of the old rankings.

"Are they having a rematch? Is this the reason why Mockingbird disappeared 3 months ago?"

Aidan felt a headache. 3 months ago after the magic update, they had fought a private match. He used to be the highest-ranked player previously in the whole zone but he was beaten by someone who just started playing that very same day.

'She's a monster. A crazy psychopath as well. Having fought someone like her, it's natural I would be surprised at how badly Liam was affected by the fight. This monster would keep fighting like it was nothing even if her limbs were cut off.' Aidan thought. It was good Ethel couldn't hear his thoughts or it was sure she'd make him regret it, just further proving his point.

She seemed to have been just made for magic more so than any of her other talents. It all seemed like it was natural to her. Using the word genius was an understatement. He knew no one even in other zones could compare to her. Life was never fair. And it was due to the existence of terrible existences like her.

'But... This time it will be different.' Aidan was still confident in winning against her. It wasn't that he was more talented than her, no not by a long shot. Even his sense of combat wasn't as good as hers. 'However, it doesn't matter how much her magic improved today. Because..'

Aidan looked at Ethel in front of him. She was also wearing a mask, albeit a completely black one. The elegance of the design wasn't wasted on her and it fit her perfectly. Her bright glittering pink pupils shined through the mask giving her face an unrealistic contrast. Her long black hair flowed down her back like a waterfall and wearing the combat suit Aidan couldn't help but be distracted by her beauty.

He shook his thoughts away.

"Well, maybe it's time for me to take my place back on top tonight." Aidan unsheathed his sword slowly and prepared for the coming battle. 'I should end this as soon as I can.'

"Oh my~ you're gonna be on top tonight Aidan? Saying such things out here in front of everyone, you're making me shy" Ethel blushed and acted shy.


"Let's just fight" Aidan knew it was best he just stopped talking.


Ethel stopped her antics and prepared to start fighting. Her pink eyes suddenly had a tint of red as if a fire was lit up inside of her soul.

"Let's see if anything changed then shall we?"

She spun and raised her staff as she cast.

"Magic Missile!"

The magic that was supposed to be the most basic out of all, a spell that was learned by beginners trying to learn to control mana, looked nothing like what the audience or Aidan had in mind when Ethel cast the spell.

What looked like a spinning ball of flames that was over a meter wide formed on top of Ethel's head. Soon they split into hundreds of bombarding magic flaming missiles that flew directly toward Aidan.

A raging fire spread outwards from all around her as if they were obedient wisps of flames dancing around their queen. The picture it painted was one to admire, however, Aidan could only react...

"What the f*ck??"