
HTTYD Modern

Follow the journey of Hiccup, his family, and friends as they are constantly getting into trouble, being betrayed, and more. Hiccups family consists of Him, His father Stoick, and his Younger sister Hannah. Jake is Hiccup's best Friend. They have one Older brother Hunter and one Younger Sister Emma. The other characters are Astrid, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and a few others from HTTYD. My own characters like Jake and family are also in here. Note that once they become old enough in the story, this will turn into R18 and become 18 and up. Note that this will update to 17 and up when the first R-18 event appears. This setting was inspired by "In The Archipelago's Secret Service" by Harrypanther, Rest In Peace, but do not in any way think that R-18 events happened in that because they did not. If anyone does I will completely remove this section when I first see it. Note that Harrypanther is not someone I knew, I found out about them after their death and is not the one I am currently mourning. Note that I enjoy HTTYD and will create other Fanfics when I have time.

Night_Survivors · Filme
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62 Chs

Chapter 56

Chapter 56


Hiccup Pov:


 "What if the police shot them down? What if they need our help?," Astrid complains to the group.


 "Astrid is right, I am not going to ask you all to follow us. You might just get yourselves in trouble," I add on.


 "Wait, wait, wait, but Jake said," Snotlout tries saying.


 "Doesn't matter if they are in Jail. Emma, let us out anywhere and we will go back and check on them," I inform her.


 "Alright," Emma says and when we are at a suitable location they let us out. From there we proceed to walk into town, sticking away from the roads.


 "How do you want to do this?," I ask Astrid.


 "I can get in close and inspect the scene, just need to be wary of the police. Can you watch from afar and let me know if there is anything wrong?," Astrid asks me.


 "Sure, I'll head to one of my dads properties and keep an eye from the top. They are safehouse so he doesn't monitor the use, but does watch who goes in and out. Worse case scenario is he finds out i'm alive," I respond.


 With that, we head our separate ways.






Narrator Pov:


 "Gobber, Eret, who are the guests?," Phlegma asks from her desk.


 "Don't know, don't care, but they used a code I couldn't deny. So here I am following out the one wish before putting them back in jail for shooting in a public place," Eret replies, defeated.


 "I see, give me a second. Stoick, you have guests," Phlegma says over the intercom.


 "Send them in," Stoick says. In the room he did not look up from what he was doing. Someday it might be his downfall. Jake and Hunter walk into the room with Eret and Gobber. Inside Gobber goes over to Stoick. "What is it?," Stoick asks, still working.


 "No rest for the weary," Jake comments as she and Hunter take a seat.


 "What in the world are you doing here, Gobber, Eret," Stoick asks.


 "I just followed them, wanting to hear their conversation," Gobber replies.


 "I got a code from them, 1 of the 45 in existence, and brought them here," Eret answers.


 "Ok, what exactly do you want?," Stoick asks.


 "Nothing really, just one thing. You need to do a scrub on your police officers. I mean, last night, earlier today, I mean, really? If you are wondering about earlier today, we were arrested for defending out shop and products that were being stolen, and not a word about our multiple traffic violations," Hunter answers.


 "I think I can guess who you are, Jake and Emma, right?," Stoick asks. With that Jake and Hunter start laughing. "What's so funny?," Stoick asks.


 "I thought you would have gotten it yesterday night, but I guess you didn't. This is Hunter, and the names Jake," Jake says, laughing at Stoick.


 "I did not see that coming. But according to records you all are dead. Lets see, you jumped into the ocean and were shot dead to where the ocean was blood red. Snotlout, Mia, and the Twins escaped into the forest, you, my daughter, and your sister skydived into an impenetrable canopy after shooting down helicopters as well," Stoick responds.


 "Wait, you mean you can't tell his red food coloring from blood? Hahahaha, now that is funny," Hunter laughs.


 "That and you don't even know how to get through that Canopy, what are you, an Idiot. You just have to learn the right angle and it is like it doesn't even exist. I may have broken a limb or two and a couple of ribs since I was off from shooting out the helicopters, but still," Jake laughs as well.


 "STOP LAUGHING!!!," Stoick yelled, getting impatient. They quieted down slowly after that. "I am not even going to bother on how you guys survived. You need a new code, then be on your way," Stoick replied.


 "Ok, but I will give it to you in a mroe secure location. You never know when someone is watching or listening to y—," Jake is saying, but then there is an explosion. They all run over to the window and look out into the town.


 "Jake," Hunter says.


 "I know, we need to go now, I'll call the truck," Jake responds and sends out a call.


 "What was that?," Gobber asks.


 "My shop, if Fish is there still, he will be fine. What is the ETA?," Hunter asks Jake.


 "The second we arrive down in the bay if we start walking now," Jake says, going to the door. Hunter follows.


 "I need to finish up work, but if you need help, just grab some guns and take Eret with you, go Eret," Stoick says and with that they all head to the Elevator. But as they do that there is an explosion at the window knocking everyone down. A helicopter had open fired on the window. Stoick and Gobber manage to grab onto the ledge and pull themselves up, but their guns fell. Eret didn't bring any.


 Just as the Helicopter is about to open fire, a pistol goes off, shooting the pilot dead. All look back at Jake, who somehow has a gun. "Where did you get that, I thought you put everything on the tray!," Eret says, surprised.


 "I did, but I kept this piece in my bossom," Jake replies, making Eret go slightly red from what Jake talked about.


 "Stoick, take this, i'll send the code to you on that. No need worry about the passcode it will recognize you. Don't let anyone get it either, it is experimental still," Jake says, going to the elevator with everyone and enters, throwing something to Stoick. as the elevator door close in front of them. He had thrown Stoick a box. Inside the box was a phone and a set of contacts, along with a note.


 "Don't read aloud, don't let anyone check them out, the contacts are experimental and work like the phone. They also are set to make vision perfect," The note reads.


 "Phlegma, find who sent that helicopter, and why it wasn't shot down when it came into our airspace," Stoick says to Phlegma who was standing at the door.


 "Of course," Phlegma replies.