
HP: work in progress

This is work that just popped into my mind after reading unknown number of fanfics. The story will start at end triwizard tournament when harry is fighting voldemort. obviously the copyrights for harry potter and related characters belongs to J. K. Rowling. Cover art doesn't belong to me. If it's yours and want me to take it down contact me.

Blaze_98 · Bücher und Literatur
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9 Chs

Third task, Sirius and Snape

After Disapparating from the home he didn't come to dormitory instead told Sweety to take him into the center of the maze. He had already cast Disillusionment charm on himself and Sweety. At the center cup wasn't placed yet, but that wasn't the goal he was here to save Cedric. So he enchanted nearby vines to pull and hold Cedric when he tried to grab the cup. As he finished his work he was quite relaxed. He told Sweety to take him to dormitory and then go home. Since It was still early and there were no lectures today he went to sleep after what felt like a years. 

  He woke up two hours before the start of the task. People were already gathering in the stands. Before heading to the grounds he went to kitchens to get some food. After he came to the grounds he saw that it was already packed. He managed to find a seat towards the back. As he looked around he saw Luna Lovegood sitting in the center and seats around her were all empty. He had helped her against bullies few times now. Now as it seems they were ostracizing her. He just walked over and sat next to her. "Hi Luna" he greeted her. She looked at him and said " Hi Matt, you shouldn't sit here, nargles are pushing away anyone who sits near me. See" she pointed at empty sits. Matt chuckled and said " Don't worry Luna didn't I tell you nargles don't affect me." When she heard that she looked around and said airily "Yeah they seem scared of you" now there was a smile on Luna's face. But she didn't continue to converse with Matt as she knew he didn't like to talk much unless necessary.

At dusk the task Started and after all of the champions went in some time passed by and first red sparks came into sky. Fleur was out of the running. After that next person to lose was Victor Krum. One thing was decided that the champion would be from Hogwarts. Matt thought triwizard tournament is quite boring for the spectators.

  After nearly one and half hour of Krum's exit. Harry appeared on the ground in a really bad condition holding the cup. there was loud cheering from all around. Matt was relieved to see his plan worked. After Harry appeared a ministry official instantly went into maze to get the final entrant. He found Cedric bound by vines in front central pavilion, otherwise in perfect health.

  Outside Harry was still panting trying to take in his surroundings. As he saw Dumbledore and Moody approaching he only managed to get two words out of his mouth 'He's back'. As soon as that was said both Moody and Dumbledore's faces changed. Dumbledore instantly tried getting the crowd under control so he can talk with Harry in private. While he was doing that Moody took Harry out of grounds. Seeing that Matt let out a sigh. Rest of the events went according to book with missteps.

Matt was waiting outside Infirmary corridor for Sirius to leave. Minister had just stormed out of there few minutes ago. The only difference in the events told by Harry was that except for phantoms of Lily and James potter and Cedric bunch of phantoms of people he didn't know appeared, but they still helped him get out of there. At that moment big Black Dog walked out of the infirmary doors. Matt intercepted him in one of the empty corridors and called out "Padfoot I'd like a word."

Sirius turned and looked at Matt suspiciously.

"I would prefer to talk to your human form" Matt continued.

Sirius turned into his human form. He instantly pinned Matt to the wall.

"How do you know that name? and What do you want?"

"I know a lot of things Mr. Black and I also heard everything in the Infirmary. Let me suggest you to put me down or you won't like the consequences." said Matt calmly

Sirius looked like he was examining him after a momen he let him down and said "You've got hell of mouth brat. Now tell me why did you came to me after listening to all that?"

"Oh no no no, I didn't find you because of all that. I was already looking for you because I have an invitation for you" said Matt.

Sirius was intrigued " Invitation you say? What for? And from whom?"

" well let's say it's for dinner and as for hosts I am not at Liberty to say due to safety reasons. But I will say this you won't regret accepting this invitation, so what do you think?" Matt said.

Sirius pondered for a second and accepted the invitation.

" Thank you Mr. Black, here's the address date is one day after start of summer break time 6 in evening.matt said passing the parchment with his address "Since you are contacting your old comrades do you mind bringing Professor Lupin along with you? Also keep this to yourself we don't want any mishaps like 13 years ago" said Matt.

Sirius was about to accept the request to bring Lupin along when he heard Matt's last remark and he turned and left without saying anything.

Matt turned and walked towards Snape's office in the dungeons. As he walked he was sifting through mattias' memories with snape as it turned out those were just normal teacher-student interaction. Snape didn't seem to realize Mattias' is Matthew's son. Either way he arrived at the snape's office. As he knocked snape's voice sounded from within " Come in." Matt walked in and saw Snape getting ready to leave and in a hurry.

"What do you want Blaze? Coming here at such late hour you better have reason" said Snape looking at Matt.

" I need your help professor "

" Is it related to the potion"


"Then what does it have to do with me? Go back to your dorms"

Matt laughed before saying " Father was so wrong about you you didn't only forget help you received from him, you probably don't even remember his name anymore"

" What are you talking about brat?" Snape said getting angry.

"Matthew Blaze " Matt just mentioned the name.

That seemed to Snap him out of his thoughts and in the moment. As he once again looked at Matt he realized it seemed to fit. Same last name, same personality, even similar first names why hadn't he made the connection before. His facial expressions became little softer

" It's been years since I heard that name. What does he want from me now? He never replied to my letters. Where in the hell is he anyway?"

Matt was happy to see glimpse of old Snape but he controlled his expressions and replied "He isn't in this world anymore. As for what he wanted he just left letter for me saying he wanted to give reply to your final letter to him, but what that means I don't know, he just added I should invite you for dinner on the day after summer break starts. So here's my address I'll be expecting you at 6. Thank you" Matt handed the note to Snape and left without waiting for a response.

Snape still processing death of his friend didn't seem to notice Matt leaving. When he came to Matt was long gone. He also had more pressing matters such as reporting to Voldy. So he emptied his mind usual scowl appearing on his and he also left.

Remaining days went peacefully. Matt had informed about the set date for the meeting and also about resurrection Voldy and it had taken Sweety incapacitating them to calm down when they heard Harry was in danger. After that there were no issues Dumbledore announced Voldemort's return at end of term feast. It seemed like biggest change was cho was now Cedric's girlfriend, So I guess there will be no more cho love angle thrown into the midst of all the chaos of OOTP.