
First contact

2 July 1995

Alley near Matt's house

Two consecutive pops were heard and three people appeared. As soon as they sensed someone else they drew their wands. After taking a look at each other it was clear that they knew each other, but they didn't lower their wands.

"Snivellus" sneered Sirius.

"Black, Lupin" growled Snape. "What are you doing here?"

"Here for a dinner, what about you?" said Lupin trying to diffuse the tension.

"Checking up on a student?" replied Snape.

"Hmph, likely story" barked Sirius, but all three of them lowered their wands cautiously and started walking in same direction. By now all three knew they were going to same place, they just couldn't think of a place where all three would ever be present except for Order meetings. As they arrived at the door, Lupin knocked and the door was was opened by a house elf. 

"Welcome sir, please come in. Young master is waiting in living room" as she said she looked at their faces when saw Snape. She approached him and shook his hand "you must be Mr. Snapey master used to tell me stories about you all those years ago about your failed potion experiments and mishaps while creating spells and likes. He also said you were a good friend to him. It is an honor to finally meet you sir. I'll prepare the best dinner for you sir" with that she vanished from the spot. Leaving them flustered at the doorstep. After a minute they walked into the Living room. 

Matt was sitting on single person sofa got up and greeted them "Good Evening Professors and Mr. Black please have a seat" Matt gestured at the three person sofa. Sirius and Lupin took their seats but Snape remained standing.

"Brat, now tell us who invited us here and why? I don't have whole night to waste on you" said Sirius.

"Blaze, give me whatever reply your old man had prepared, I don't have much time to spare" added Snape.

"Really Padfoot I thought we'll be able to talk throughout the night"

"That's too bad Sev, I thought you would have a lot to share with me since it's been such a long time" 

As these voices fell on three's ears they turned to look at source of voices as they recognized both voices. Sirius and Lupin were already back on their feet. As they saw faces of the two people standing near the door. Just as they remembered, no sign of aging after 13 years they were shocked out of their minds. No one said anything, no one even moved for about a minute. Then

"Hah!" exclaimed Sirius and ran to hug his best friend after 13 years.

with that sound Snape also gave in and fell to his knees sobbing and muttering something.

Remus just Stood there and laughed loudly for thirty seconds before joining James and Sirius.

Lily was shocked to see Snape sobbing she had never seen him so vulnerable well no one had. She walked over to him and embraced him as she heard her mutterings clearly. ' It's all my fault. I'm sorry I'm sorry.'

After about two minutes Sirius and Remus calmed down enough to talk but even though Snape's mutterings stopped he was still sobbing in Lily's embrace, same way he cried when he found her dead body in the wreckage all those years ago.

Matt Suggested James to take guest room to give them the explanation about situation. They headed towards the guestroom and Matt also walked out of the living room leaving Snape and Lily there. 

When James, Sirius and Remus reached the guest room, Sirius and Remus started bombarding James with questions and James started answering them slowly one by one. In the living room Snape had composed himself enough to speak, but there was a smile on his face that might seem unnatural who knew the 'Professor Snape' but for lily it was a familiar sight. Snape didn't ask the the questions like How? Why? When? He was just happy to see Lily alive again. it was except him telling her how it was his fault that Voldemort was after them. How he is working with Dumbledore now. He knew if he didn't do it now he will never be able to do it. On the other hand Lily went through series of emotions while listening him talk. She Still decided to forgive him and started telling him how she survived Voldemort.

It took a little more than two hours for both groups to finish their talk. Matt called them all to the dining room for dinner. Dinner was a pleasant affair even Snape and Sirius weren't giving each other a hard time. A scene which shall never be repeated. After everyone one was done with their dinner, Matt got to the reason they were here 'Publicly announce return of potters or play it close to heart and only inform who needs to know.'

"So everyone as you are all caught up on the situation let's hear your thoughts." said Matt

Everyone turned their heads towards Matt.

" What are you talking about? This is good news hell it's a miracle we're gonna let the whole world know." Said Sirius a bit overenthusiastically.

"Now I know why you wanted me here? This idiot has no idea how to understand a situation, no survival instinct, just a rowdy Gryffindor smashing into a pillar head first." Said Snape contemptuously.

The three marauders and even Lily glared at him.

"What? it's true. If it was a week ago I wouldn't have said anything, but dark lord is back now and publicising your return would only put a target on your back" said Snape.

" Yeah he's right." Said Lupin.

" Well we still have to inform Dumledore and the order, even Harry doesn't know yet, it's already been more than a week." Said Sirius.

"Do you think we don't want to see our son who we haven't seen since he was of just a year old babe? How he's grown up? No one else can understand the emotional turmoil we went through. There is no one who wants to tell Harry about our return more than me." said Lily she started with yelling and ended with a light sob.

James immediately put his hands around her, trying to console her. Snape was glaring at Sirius. Remus whispered into Sirius' ear "You shouldn't have mentioned harry" Sirius also seemed to have realized his mistake. Before he could apologize James spoke up.

" We wanted to meet harry the very next day, but we found out that our bodies were still weakened by whatever brought us here and we couldn't completely control our magic, so we decided to wait instead of putting Harry and you guys in danger because it will be best time to kill us just by sending some goons at us and you guys would have to fight on our behalf. We'll still need almost a month to adjust our bodies." 

After Sirius and Snape heard that they understood why they were invited here in such a roundabout way.

"And we still have date fixed when to meet Harry. So putting that aside Let's talk about whom to inform from the Order" continued James.

"Dumbledore is obvious. I don't think we should let Mundungus know before you have your mangic back" said Snape.

"I hate to say it, but I agree. Even though I don't think he will betray us he is still a low life." said Sirius.

"Arthur and Molly should know. They had always been great friends and I heard their children are friends with harry. Last time I saw them Bill was about 10 years old and Charlie 8 I think." said Lily remembering the past.

"Yes, I agree. but I don't think their children should be informed. If the news spread within school it would be bad." said James cautiously.

"That's not gonna work, Prongs. Youngest Weasley boy is Harry's best friend. He and that girl will know the day after Harry finds out. I know this because when I tried to get Harry alone so I could talk to him, they both stood in front of him and did the whole ' you have to go through me shtick'." said Sirius laughing.

"What GIRL?" said Lily completely forgetting topic at hand. 

"His other best friend. She comes from muggle household like you and is top of her class. Her name is Hermione." said Remus but seeing how Lily looked worried he added "Don't worry too much she seems to like the Weasley boy"

Lily nodded and said getting back to the topic "We should inform Figg to she was always so caring. and we can't forget Longbottoms."

"Figg won't be a problem, but I am afraid we can't invite Longbottoms" said Sirius solemnly.

Remus continued to tell about the fate of Neville's parents. After few minutes they were done with deciding who to tell. Then three of them decided to take their leave as they had their duties as members of Order. Before leaving Snape said that he will inform Dumbledore right away.

The next day Dumbledore showed up at Matt's house early morning. Looked at them with his piercing gaze said 'Peculiar'. After confirming they weren't some ploy by dark lord, he told James and Lily about Location of Order Headquarters aka Sirius' house and as Matt was invited by James and Lily to be there for there meeting with Harry and the celebrations he also found out about the location and then Dumbledore turned to leave. Before Dumbledore could Disapparate Matt stopped him thinking of something.

"Headmaster there is someone I want to invite to that meeting if possible, as I think there someone who would want to meet him." said Matt.

James and Lily looked confused.

"and who would that person be?" asked Dumbledore as he looked at him curiously.

"Now that would ruin the surprise, won't it?" said Matt

Dumbledore chuckled. "You really do take after your father never revealing all the card in your hands. very well" he said conjuring a paper and quill, writing a note he gave it to Matt as he left.