
HP: work in progress

This is work that just popped into my mind after reading unknown number of fanfics. The story will start at end triwizard tournament when harry is fighting voldemort. obviously the copyrights for harry potter and related characters belongs to J. K. Rowling. Cover art doesn't belong to me. If it's yours and want me to take it down contact me.

Blaze_98 · Bücher und Literatur
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9 Chs

Another Reunion

In the following week James and Lily moved to Sirius' place. Weasley's were already there. It was quite a shock for Arthur and Molly as for the kids they didn't recognize them (because Matt cast a little illusion spell on them) but felt they were familiar. 

30 July 1995

Sirius and Remus were already on their way to pick up Harry from his aunt's house.

Matt apparated in front of 12 grimauld place with someone else. As they knocked on door, Mrs. Weasley came to open it. As soon as she saw Matt she gave him a warm hug and said 

"You must be Matt my dear. Come in children are on the upper floor waiting for Harry, you can join them and your guest is?" she asked as she noticed person behind Matt but couldn't make out his face.

"Guest shall do for now. I already got permission from Dumbledore to invite him." said Matt.

seeing that Dumbledore had allowed it Molly welcomed them in. She told them to go upstairs and returned to the kitchen.

"This place has went downhill in last 15 years. What is creature doing not looking after the house?" said Regulus as they walked up not towards Ron, Hermione but towards Regulus' old bedroom.

"I think he's gotten quite old and bit senile after living alone for a long time" said Matt.

As they entered Regulus' room they were surprised because it was not dirty at all. In fact it was cleanest room in the house.

"I guess Kreacher still takes care of your room." said Matt taking the illusion magic off Regulus.

As Regulus was looking at his room his back was towards the door, Kreacher entered the room.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my master's room?" snarled Kreacher.

"Hello Kreacher, don't you recognize me anymore?" asked Regulus turning to look at him.

Kreacher looked carefully at his face and a look of recognition spread on his face. Knowing that expression Matt quickly cast a muffliato spell. 

"m-master Regulus, You're back." Kreacher started balling "I couldn't finish the final task by master eve after all those years"

Regulus hugged him to calm him down. "I am back now we'll take care of it."

"It's great that master is back now we can kick that blood traitor, Ungrateful of a brother of yours as mistress did all those years ago." Kreacher sounded very happy.

"No Kreacher, Sirius is my Brother and we are on the same side this time, so be a little nice and help my idiotic older brother okay?" said Regulus.

"As you wish master" replied Kreacher still in jovial mood.

"Don't tell anyone other than Sirius about my identity or I'll be in trouble." said Regulus to which Kreacher nodded." This is Matt Blaze, He is my godson you remember my friend Matthew right he is his son. So listen to his orders too."

Kreacher nodded and turned to look at Matt "Mister Matthew was always nice to me, I apologize for my rude behavior earlier."

"It's okay Kreacher, It was nice meeting you." said matt and turned to Regulus "Uncle Regi I'll go and introduce myself to other kids. You should catch up with Kreacher." 

As he entered the room where Ron and Harry would be staying Hermione almost hugged him thinking he was Harry but stopped at last moment.

"You're not Harry." said Hermione. Ron got up and stood next to her as he saw someone he wasn't expecting.

"No, I'm not. He's not arrived yet. Sirius and Remus have a lot to talk with his aunt and uncle. I'm Matt Blaze by the way." extending his hand.

"I remember you are always second in our year. You are amazing. Hermione" said Hermione shaking his hand.

"Ron. What was that 'have a lot to talk to his uncle and aunt' all about?" Ron introduced himself.

"Oh, I guess they haven't told you guys yet. Harry won't be going back to them again." said Matt.

"We know that we'll be going to hogwarts straight from here" said Hermione.

"No you misunderstood me, He won't be going back ever. That chapter of his life will be closed after today." said Matt.

"What?" said both Ron and Hermione.

"How is that possible? Dumbledore would never let that happen, We tried for Three straight years." Said Ron not believing.

"Well I showed him it can be done." said Matt.

"How? and why are you even here? This place is supposed to be a secret." asked Hermione.

"how I did that you will find out tomorrow. As for why I am here it's because I was invited" said Matt

"Invited by whom and for what?" asked Ron

"Obviously by Sirius for Harry's birthday and celebration tomorrow." said Matt

Before Ron could ask any more questions Mrs. Weasley shouted "BOYS! HERMIONE! GINNY! MATT! Harry's here come down. I am setting up dinner."

Three of them went downstairs saw Harry, Sirius and Remus sitting at dining table. As Harry was not as at them as he was in books or movies due to not being depressed because of death of Cedric and not being attacked by dementors, He was happy to see his friends. As they got chatting between themselves, Sirius looked at Matt and said "Brat you are finally here. How do you like my house?" asked Sirius taking a swig of his firewhiskey.

"It could do with a little cleaning, but I got you a house warming gift" said Matt.

"Ooh, where is it? " asked Sirius.

"I'll show you after dinner." said Matt. 

At the moment they were joined by Mr. Weasley, the twins and Tonks. After serving everyone Mrs. Weasley was about to go deliver dinner to James and Lily in their room, Matt stopped her and said

"Mrs. Weasley you should join us too, I'll take the plates for the guests as soon as I am done, I also have something to talk with them too."

Molly accepted his request. As they started dinner Matt introduced himself to the rest of the members. After he was done he excused himself and told Sirius to meet in guest room when he was done. When he was leaving Hermione and Ron were giving him curious glances as even they hadn't interacted with the couple that's been living here for past few weeks.

Matt first delivered Regulus' dinner first and walked to the guest room. When he opened the door Lily was frantically pacing through the room and James was sitting on the bed. As Lily saw Matt come in she stopped.

"Have some dinner you too." said Matt

"When did you arrive? Is he also here?" asked Lily.

"I arrived two hours ago, I was introducing myself to Harry's friend and yes he arrived almost an hour ago. He's having his dinner. you just have to wait couple of hours Lily" said Matt.

then they were talking about happenings in the past couple weeks, when door opened and Sirius walked in.

"Damn brat, you got everyone curious down there. Harry even wanted to join me and find out who the guests were. It took a lot of effort to calm them down. but I don't think twins would stay there for much as I could see them planning as soon as said gift." as Sirius was about to continue a ear slipped in through door crack no one but Matt noticed. He instantly motioned Sirius to stop taking and pointed to extendable ear. Sirius smiled and chuckled.

"Is it ready? We have to complete it tonight? We cannot keep it hidden any longer." said Matt in a sinister voice.

"Yes. All the preparations are done no one suspects anything, But those twins are a issue if they are wandering around tonight also then what?" asked Sirius in low tone. Lily and James were trying hard to control their laughter.

"He has waited 14 years for this we cannot let anyone ruin this. We might have to take them out if they wander in while we are executing the plan. Muhahaha." said matt while he gestured to James and Lily that he and Sirius would be leaving now. he picked up the ear and screamed in a very high pitched voice. He could hear people people falling on the ground from near the stairs. He and Sirius walked out and saw that it wasn't just the twins but also the trio and ginny. They all fallen on each other trying to get up. They still had a scared look on their faces. Matt and Sirius burst out laughing seeing them like that confused everyone.

"Did you really think that you could eavesdrop on our conversation with that extendable ear of yours. I was a marauder in my school days known as biggest pranksters and menace." said Sirius still laughing.

everyone's faces relaxed a little except The twins. 

"You were one of the marauders. THE marauders who made the map." asked twins in unison.

"Yes, I am Padfoot, Remus is Moony an James is Prongs. These guys know already." said Sirius pointing at the trio. 

After that twins started questioning Ron and Harry 'why they didn't tell them, because without them he wouldn't even have the map' as they walked off towards Harry and Ron's room.

"It's time for your surprise. Let's go" said Matt as he started climbing the stairs.

"Hey upper floors have not been checked yet. They are not safe." said Sirius trying to stop Matt.

"Yeah Yeah I know. Just follow me." said Matt still walking up.

As they reached fourth floor Sirius thought they were going to his old room but Matt entered his brother's room confused Sirius walked in. As he walked in he heard a voice that shook him to the core.

"Hey big bro, you've lost weight?" said Regulus who was laying on the bed reading a book.

"You.... what? how? since when?" stuttered Sirius.

"Yes I am alive, get over it. You've already seen a miracle once." said Regulus "I am standing here because of my friend."

Sirius didn't say anything just hugged Regulus. After couple of minute Regulus was the one to speak.

"I heard you've been giving Matt here a hard time and been calling him brat or boy instead of his name."

"He is a brat. What else am I supposed to call him?" scoffed Sirius.

"He is also my godson and that makes him family. I want you to treat him like one. HIs father is the one who saved me when I was at death's door." said Regulus.

Sirius looked at Matt who just shrugged. Sirius was about to say something to Matt but Matt interrupted him.

" I'll be downstairs find me when you are done. Uncle Regi, Goodnight." Matt took his leave.

The brothers who were always at odds with each other, were happiest to see each other after all these years.