
C70 Training Start

This is the bonus chapter for last week. Only 200 stones?! I've seen you do better guys. I'm sure you could do triple that! Hope to see better results this week.

Bonus Chapters!

200 power stones for an extra chapter. This can be availed at the end of this week! Don't forget to vote and support me on p@treon.com/BrownAmerican

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Currently in Chapter 89 in p@treon


Flamel Manor | 19th September 1988 | 10 AM

"Of course you didn't know Charlus. You are unfamiliar with yourself. You are still new to the wizarding world. I want to fix that. I want to make sure you can control your powers and learn how to defend yourself in this world. I want to pass in my life learned skills to you. I want you to be my one and only protégé."

Charlus was taken aback.

"Protege? But... you are Nicholas Flamel and I am... well me."

Nicholas Flamel chuckled.

"I only need you boy. You are well qualified, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I chose you for a reason. Don't worry about letting me down. I know you won't."

Charlus was slightly reassured by Nicholas' words but was still doubtful about himself. He wanted to divert himself from the topic on hand.

"Could I meet your wife Mr Flamel? I wish to thank her for telling you to save me."

Nicholas Flamel's expression changed slightly. Charlus didn't catch that change.

"She is resting now. We have grown very old. Sometimes we need some sleep."

Charlus sensed the shift in mood and didn't try to push further. So he decided to go to the main topic.

"I am supposed to learn alchemy from you right? That's why you want me here, so I can learn your life's work."

Nicholas suddenly laughed.

"Do you know how old I am? 658 years. If the only accomplishment I have in my life is the philosopher's stone, I have failed in life. When you live as old as me, you wouldn't stay with one field of interest. When I say that you will be my protege, I mean that I will teach everything I know to you."

Charlus thought for a while and then raised the immediate and obvious problem.

"But you took those many years to get that knowledge. How will I learn all that in the 3 months I am here?"

Nicholas Flamel smiled.

"Tonky! Show Charlus to his room. Help him freshen up and then take him around the Manor. Then prepare lunch once Charlus finds something engaging. Make sure Lunch is ready at 1 PM. I will be taking a short nap."

Nicholas left a curious Charlus with Tonky. He left and went back to his room.

Tonky first took Charlus to his room. It was on the first floor. It was as big as the one he had at the Black Manor. The room was very simple though, just like the entire Manor. There was a bed and a bedside table. The walls were plain white and the curtains were cream. Nothing hinted towards lavishness other than the generous size of the room.

Charlus put all his luggage to a side and changed from his uniform to a pair of casuals. He donned the t-shirt and pants and followed Tonky as the house-elf showed the Manor to Charlus.

The Manor was not close to a Manor at all. It would be more apt to call it a villa. There was a kitchen, a hall, a dining room, and a bedroom on the ground floor. On the first floor, there was Charlus' room and two other rooms to the side that were as big as Charlus'. The entire third floor was empty, though the floor was covered in drawings.

The only reason the place was called a Manor was the huge garden. It would be more apt to call it a forest. The villa was surrounded by miles and miles of forest. Around a one kilometre radius of the forest came under the property of the manor.

After showing the manor, Tonky guided Charlus to the outside.

"Magic creatures in this forest Master. Master can play with them as Tonky cooks lunch."

Charlus nodded and Tonky disappeared. Charlus went around to see if he could find anything, but he didn't find any creatures. He decided that he would find them if he went deeper into the forest. He ventured into the forest in hopes of finding creatures.

Dining room | Flamel Manor | 19th September 1988 | 1 PM

Charlus was sitting at the dining table with a glum expression. He was waiting for Nicholas Flamel to come so he could start eating. Nicholas Flamel came just a minute later, along with an extra person.

"Charlus. Meet my wife, Perenelle Flamel."

Charlus stood up and faced the old lady.

"Pleased to meet you."

He took the hand of Perenelled and kissed it by bending low.

"I would like to thank you for telling Mr Flamel to save me."

Perenelle smiled lightly. She brought her hand towards Charlus' cheek and touched it lightly.

"You are welcome. Have a seat. We can discuss after lunch."

They sat down and had a very quiet lunch. Suddenly, Charlus remembered that Nicholas left one of his questions unanswered.

"Mr Flamel. You didn't answer the question I asked you earlier."

Nicholas Flamel smiled.

"All in due time my boy. I am planning on starting right after lunch. I hope you will be able to wait till then."

Charlus suddenly sat erect and said, "Yes sir."

Perenelle simple listened to the conversation and didn't add anything to it. Lunch finished fairly quick. Nicholas stood up and called to Tonky.

"Charlus, please come to the second floor. Tonky, take me there."

Charlus immediately rushed up the stairs and got to the second floor in a few seconds. When he got there, he found that Nicholas had changed into a more comfortable robe.

"Charlus. We will now start your training. Today, we will not be doing alchemy. We will first and foremost focus on controlling your power. Only then will we proceed. Take off your bracelet. We will start immediately."