
Chapter 90: Blame!

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"Ah Mr Black, good you're here, we're almost ready to begin," Professor Flitwick said as they came up to the pair.

"Professor Flitwick, Senior Auror Moody." Magnus greeted them respectfully.

Moody's gaze settled on him firmly, "you know me lad?" he asked looking at Magnus with a penetrating gaze.

"Only by reputation sir, your appearance doesn't really leave much room for speculation." Magnus replied smoothly facing the old Aurors' gaze unflinchingly.

"My cousin Nymphadora speaks highly of you," he said before giving a small smirk, "she also says your hard as they come and ten times as times as dangerous as a Cerberus who's lost his favourite chew toy."

He said with his hair flashing through three different colours and back to black, remembering the time during the summer he and Tonks had discussed the old Auror who was her instructor.

Moody gave a harsh bark of a laugh and a rather hard grin when he heard that, "Tonk's said that did she, well I'll have to be sure to thank her for the compliment the next time I see her."

He said with a look in his eye that said the thanks would be anything but pleasant before he held his hand out to Magnus who took it with a grin of his own.

"Do us a favour and trounce that little Malfoy shit. If he's anything like his father, he likely deserves it." Moody said with a grin.

"Count on it," Magnus replied and got a sharp nod from Moody in return before he and Flitwick turned and started back up the hall.

"I'm curious," Andromeda said when the two were out of earshot, "what did Nymphadora do that was so bad you had to set Moody on her, she's family after all."

Magnus smirked, "why Aunt Andy," he said putting his hand on his chest, "you wound me, it's because she is family that I did it, if cousin Nymphadora can survive a vindictive Moody then she can survive anything, it will do her some good to be challenged so early in her training to be an Auror." He said with a smirk.

Andromeda scoffed amused at his tone, "somehow I don't think she will thank you, and may magic help you if she finds out."

It was then that the door to the professor's exit opened and Professor Snape came into the hall, followed by Draco and Lucius Malfoy who was just as pompous looking as Magnus had suspected.

Severus went to join the other professors after a parting word to the Malfoy pair as they continued on down the hall.

Andromeda and Magnus started forward and met them in the middle of the hall and in the centre of where the four pillars had been set up in a square.

The entire hall went silent as the four-faced each other, the tension was felt by all as Lucius was the first one to speak.

"Andromeda, what a surprise to see you here. I had hoped that the rumours of your reinstatement into the House of Black were just that, but it appears my hopes are for not. Your sister will be disappointed in this latest travesty to have befallen her ancestral House." Lucius sneered at her.

"Somehow I would think she would be used to disappointment, given all she's had to suffer through the years. What with marrying you and having such a pathetic excuse for a son," Magnus spoke up in defence of his aunt, his scowl matching Lucius' sneer that turned on him at his insults.

"Mind your tongue boy," Lucius hissed as he gripped the head of his cane hard restraining himself from drawing his wand and cursing Magnus for the insults, "you have already insulted my House with this travesty of a duel."

"If anyone is to be blamed for this duel it is you, Lord Malfoy," Magnus shot back, "or did you really think that I and House Black were just going to sit idly by as a lesser House dared to slander it and it's Heir so publicly, such as you did."

"Those are some bold words especially from someone as your former status, you're barely recognised as a pureblood, hardly fitting to be an Heir of such a prestigious House," Lucius sneered, "that position rightfully belongs to my son. Until you stole it from him."

"Watch how you speak Lucius," Andromeda growled as she spoke, "calling the rightful Heir of House Black a thief is even lower than the insults you have already passed."

Lucius scoffed, "I was only stating the truth, he is not worthy of the position, you are proof enough of that," he said with a cold tone, "he was barely Heir for what, a week before he began bringing back blood-traitors like you into the House of Black, undoing the decrees of past lords on a whim, something no proper Heir would ever do."

Magnus's fists clenched so tightly his knuckles turned white as his eyes turned red as his anger grew with every word Lucius spoke.

How dare he speak like that about Andromeda and Nymphadora like that, they were his family, his blood.

Who did he think he was questioning what he did concerning his family and House, it was his choice, his decision, and he had decided that the past lords were wrong to cast them out.

Every word out of Lucius' mouth made him want to slug that smug grin off his face.

"You have no right," Andromeda snapped, "to criticize the decisions made by an heir, when he has been accepted by the previous lord of his House, the decisions are his to make."

"The boy is ignorant of the ways and traditions, clearly if he thinks bringing blood traitors like you back into the House of Black is the right thing to do," Lucius said primly and cooly.

Professor Flitwick and Moody began to make their way over to the group seeing as the talks were going nowhere, but Lucius last words had proved too much for Magnus' control and he snapped.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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