
Chapter 85: Enough!

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"That does not matter Headmaster." Andromeda cut him off, "your hopes do not change the fact that the issue is between the House of Black and Malfoy and have nothing to do with you, as such you have absolutely no say in the matter."

"I am Headmaster if this school," Dumbledore spoke a bit more forceful irritated at being cut off and talked over, "As such the actions of my student are my concern especially when they seek to do battle on Hogwarts grounds, which I will not allow."

"You have no power to disallow it," Magnus spoke up after a moment of being silent to listen, "this is a matter between two magical Houses, an honour duel has been called for and agreed upon by both parties. Magic has accepted our agreement, you have no standing to interfere with matters that do not concern you...headmaster."

The twinkling in Dumbledore's eyes had gone out as his anger boiled inside him at being denied and he was about to reprimand Magnus when Flitwick spoke up.

"He is right Albus, the forces of magic have accepted the terms of the duel as well as the location agreed upon" Flitwick stated.

"You have no power to try to deny them the chance to defend their Houses honour. The only way this duel can be stopped now would be for one of the two parties to forfeit and concede the matter to the other."

"Then that is what must happen," Albus said with an air of finality to his voice, "this duel will not happen, so young Magnus will just have to withdraw as he was the one to start all of this."

"I will not," Magnus states firmly before Andromeda spoke in outrage.

"How dare you," Andromeda snapped in anger her eyes blazing in furry, "first you speak of matters that are no concern of yours, then you make demands of the Heir of a Most Ancient and Most Noble House and you even insinuate that these events were caused by my nephew." She scowled her anger growing.

"If anyone started these events in motion it was Lucius Malfoy when he slandered the rightful Heir to the House of Black, my nephew was well within his rights to claim satisfaction for House Malfoy's insult as you know full right and well."

"If you truly do not wish for this duel to take place then I suggest you approach Draco and have him withdraw as it is House Malfoy in the wrong."

"Be that as it may," Albus replied, his tone tight with annoyance, "Magnus was the one to escalate matters when there was no need, and so must face the consequences of his actions."

"Enough!" Andromeda growled, "we are not going to stand here and listen to this tripe a moment longer, you have no power on this matter, headmaster, and this entire meeting was a complete waste of time, come along Magnus, we're leaving," she said with a gesture to Magnus.

Magnus got up with a nod and made to leave with andromeda scowling himself as he did so, only to pause at the door when Andromeda put her hand on his shoulder to halt him.

"And another thing Headmaster, should I hear of my nephew being punished for this with detentions or point losses I will immediately be contacting the board of governors, on which House Black still has a seat if I remember correctly, and there will be consequences," Andromeda said firmly not turning to face the office before guiding Magnus out of the office.

Once those two had left the office Flitwick shook his head where he stood, "I don't know what you hoped to gain by this meeting Ablus, but clearly you didn't think it through," he said as he moved to the front of the desk.

"Andromeda is fiercely protective of Magnus it would seem, and they were both well within their rights to refuse you as they did, I would suggest you drop this matter, it's not a fight you can win." he said before turning to the door before pausing as another thought crossed his mind.

"And I agree with Andromeda's last statement wholeheartedly, if I hear the same the board will also be getting a letter from myself on this meeting, good day gentlemen." He said before continuing onward and out of the office.

Albus sat in his chair seething with anger at how he had been spoken to, how dare they deny him, him Albus Dumbledore, he was the headmaster of this school and he decided what happened within its grounds.

Snape chose that moment to speak after remaining silent for the meeting, "that went as well as I expected," he said with a tight frown as he moved to the front of the desk, "the Blacks were always a stubborn bunch is memory serves."

"Yes it would seem so," Albus stated as he got his anger under control, "it would seem also if we wish to stop this from happening Draco will have to be the one to withdraw."

Snape shook his head, "that will not be possible Headmaster, Lucius was quite incensed with the challenge and Draco's acceptance of it without talking with him first, and given the stakes he has expressly forbid Draco from withdrawing, I believe he intends to come to the castle to witness the duel himself."

Albus clenched his wrinkled fists as he heard that, foiled yet again, he truly was left with no other options but to let the duel play out.

"Very well Severus you may go," he said in a tight tone as he turned in his chair to face away from the Potions professor.

Snape gave a tight bow before turning on his heels and gliding from the office not saying a word, he hadn't exactly expected much of this meeting, not after how Black had so efficiently cut him off in the great hall when he was making the challenge.

There was something different about that boy that Snape just found to be too out of the ordinary, he didn't know what it was, or what the boy was hiding, but he would find out.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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